(Ch 01) Home and Hearth
ABOMINA (aka SNOWLASS), the Snowwoman Pokégirl
ARTICUNT, the Legendary Freezing Bird Pokégirl
BEAUTIFLOE, the Cryostasis Pokegirl
CAPHOOCHIE, the Freeze or Burn Pokégirl
Chrysalis, the Crystal Bomber Pokegirl
COLDONTA, The White Rhino Pokégirl
CONIFERICE, the Permafrost Plant Pokegirl
EMPRESSLOVE, the Anti-Dragon PokéGirl
FOXYMAIDEN, the Hot or Cold Vulpine Pokégirl
FROSTBITE, the Bestial Ice Pokégirl
FROSTDRAKE, the Ice Dragon Pokégirl
FROSTTITS, the Frozen Sky Pokégirl
FROSTWHELP, the Snow Dragon Pokégirl
FROSTWYRM, the Blizzard Dragon Pokégirl
FROZENARE, the Icy Mare Pokégirl
GARTER, the Seductive Snake Pokégirl
GLACE, the Cold Comfort Pokegirl
GROTITLE, the Sexy Snapper Pokégirl
HOARFOXX, the Ice Fox Pokégirl
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