GLACE, the Cold Comfort Pokegirl

Type: Near Human - Not Very Near Human (Fox-Squirrel Animorph)
Element: Ice
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Omnivore
Role: Combat, Arctic Scout
Libido: Low
Strong Vs: Dragon, Ice, Plant, Ground, Flying
Weak Vs: Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel
Attacks: Ice Beam, Quick Attack, Slash, Hail Storm, Faint Attack, Ice Armor, Ice Strike, Icicle Claw, Chilled Arousal, Rime, Aura of Cute, Pounce, Love 'N' Affection
Enhancements: Weather Tolerance (Cold), Enhanced Agility (x4), Enhanced Speed (x5), Enhanced Durability (x5), Enhanced Senses (Vision, Hearing, Olfactory)(x4), Camouflage (Snow/Ice)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Eva (Ice Crystal)
Revised: February 2014

Used in many different applications, Glaces were originally created to assist in arctic or cold weather conditions, either by scouting or by fighting. Made popular by the breed's warm bodied nature and without a specific weakness to normal temperatures, Glaces are among the most common ice types to see next to the Caphoochie or Ice Maiden. Occasionally called a 'Glacea' due to the common nomenclature of Eva-evolutions, this breed is known for their icy camouflage.

These icy evas tend to stand between five and five and a half feet (1.5-1.68 meters) tall, with the average being around 5'3'' (1.6m). The breed varies between lithe and stocky builds, and can safely be described as running almost the same gamut of human body forms with a leaning towards athleticism. The least anthromorphic members of the breed only have long ears and tail showing their pokegirl traits, while other individuals can be partially or fully anthromorphic. Tails and ears tend to be light blue to white in coloration and are always furred. Ears are conical, tall, and pointed at the tip, while tails are thin furred closer to the body and more busy farther away, with the tip generally a shade darker than the rest of the tail. Animorphic individuals tend have blue to white body fur, with darker 'socks and gloves' from mid calf to toes and mid-forearm to fingertips. Muzzles on anthromorphic individuals tend to be short and compact and digigrade stature may be present or absent. This light coloration aids the breed in their natural camouflage in snowy areas, especially if they gather their Ice Armor. In cold areas, the Glace’s light coloration aids in blending in with the ice and snow, making them difficult to spot, even for pokegirls with enhanced vision. During Snowstorms, their coloration makes them nearly impossible to see clearly, particularly in battle.

Cuddle-some is the most chosen description of the breed's temperament, as most Glaces enjoy hugging, touching, and cuddling as a way of showing affection. Another notable trait of the breed is an inability to provide empathy verbally. It seems that while these ice type pokegirls are capable of feeling empathy towards others, the breed often has difficulty expressing it verbally. Most individuals simply prefer to hug instead or provide a shoulder to cry on if necessary. This typically means the breed is not well suited to the position of Beta. Alpha position is dependent on the individual.

Glaces tend to have a well rounded natural technique set, though on average the breed instinctively fights defensively. Usually starting fights with Ice Armor, they then can attack at range, close in, or use hit and run tactics, depending on the foe and personal preferences. Usually, if obviously outgunned, the breed will back off and try to wear down opponents or flee outright if allowed (such as requesting to be switched or suggesting another defensive tactic). Use of Ice Armor also allows the breed to function with more camouflage in icy conditions as well as keep warm.

This icy-eva breed is not typically cold, but in fact are usually quite warm to the touch underneath and thus need no special salves to tame. Glaces are fairly passionate when taming, a trait somewhat at odds with their low libido though in-line with their 'show don't tell' style of affection. It is also reported that most have a predilection for temperature play, either by way of giving it through their Chilled Arousal technique, or by receiving it in any inventive way their tamer can come up with. Some also enjoy taming with their Ice Armor on (sans codpiece). This can make quite a mess indoors as the technique slowly melts.

Ferals are typically solitary, only rarely forming small 2-4 packs of a mother an nearly grown pokekits. The breed is notable for being a pure ice type that can live comfortably in almost any climate. Glace have been found in forests, jungles, mountains, and other areas with the exception of hot deserts. It is theorized that the breed is unable to survive in such arid and hot conditions, as ferals tend to utilize their Ice Armor to cool themselves down in extreme heat. Wild Glace will hunt small animals and forage for edible plants, fruits, and nuts. When near human habitations, the breed can become a dangerous pest as they learn to raid refuse piles. Capturing feral Glace requires using one or more types the breed is weak to, cornering the pokegirl were she has little room to maneuver or run.

Direct threshold into a Glace usually requires heavy Eva and Ice type ancestry. Symptoms include mild aches and pains as the tail grows and ears migrate which then ends the process for some. Fully anthromorphic thresholders follow the first symptoms with fur growth, minor jaw aches as muzzle growth occurs, and then inability to walk as the feet rearrange for individuals becoming digigrade. Thresholders can be sold to industries or tamers.