BEAUTIFLOE, the Cryostasis Pokegirl
Type: Near Human - Inhumanoid (Mosasaur/Ichthyosaur Metamorph)
Element: Water/Ice
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Omnivore (Fish staple)
Role: Cold-water rescue, Cryostasis, Combat
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Dragon, Flying, Ground, Water
Weak Vs: Electric, Fighting, Steel
Attacks: Bubblebeam, Rush Splash, Water Barrier, Water Strike, Water Spear, Heat Drain, Ice Beam, Ice Strike, Icicles, Ice Armor, Rime, Tail Smash
Enhancements: Metamorph (Alternate Form), Water Breathing, Natural Weapons (Tail), Underwater Vision, Enhanced Agility (x3), Enhanced Speed (x4), Weather Tolerance (Heat/Cold), Hydrokinesis, Enhanced Senses (Vision, Hearing)(x2), Enhanced Strength (x3), Recovery, Affinity (Magic)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None
Like many pokegirl breeds that were introduced to the world during the Revenge War, the Beautifloe was used first on the side of pokegirls to capture humans or rescue comrades before being utilized by humans to perform much of the same roles in addition to battling pokegirl foes. In modern times, the breed is seen largely in the role of cold-water rescue, their swimming ability and unique form of freezing has allowed them to pull humans and pokegirls alike from arctic waters and deposit them in the arms of medical professionals.
The breed is metamorphic, shifting between a more human taming form and a completely inhuman battle form; and is separated into two subtypes of appearances, those based on Mosasaurs and those based on Icthyosaurs. The difference between the two is simple to determine by looking at an individual's battle form. The Ichthyosaur subtype looks very much like a dolphin, though the tail is arranged in an up-down orientation like a fish. The Mosasaur subtype is much more lizard-like, having a large snout filled with teeth, paddle-like limbs, and a long tail flattened to aid in a serpentine swimming motion. Both types are generally 13 - 20 feet (4 - 6 meters) long and coloration is usually aquatic tones.
The breed's taming forms fall into the two categories as well, and follow the general bell curve of Near Human into the Not Very Near Human category. Hair typically falls into darker colors, with a blue-grey being the lightest, height ranges within the human norm, while skin tones may be in the human spectrum or a variety of aquatic colors including counter coloration. All members of Ichthyosaur subtype have at least a tail and a fleshy dorsal fin beginning at the back of the neck and extending downwards to just past the shoulder blades. This fin only projects a few centimeters (~ 2 inches) and seems to be a place-holder for the subtype's dorsal fin in their battle form. The tail of this subtype is very similar to the tail in their battle form, though the length is elongated and slender when compared between battle and taming forms. More anthromorphic members are often mistaken for Boobfin, though a check on the orientation of the tail fins helps to identify the breed as a Beautifloe subtype from a distance, and closer inspection reveals scaling.
While the Ichythosaur subtype can be mistaken for a Boobfin, their Mosasaurus based sisters have no such trouble. Typically this subtype is only seen with webbed feet and a long tail as an accessory to their most human looking forms. Anthromorpic members have almost crocadilian snouts in addition to smooth-scaled skin. It should be noted that the configuration of the tails varies between serpentine and finned depending on the actual species of Mosasaur represented.
Regardless of the looks of the pokegirl, most Beautifloes are consistently described as active or energetic, though the forms this attribute takes vary from bubbly or carefree to athletic or serious. A protective streak to their tamers and harem sisters is also well noted in many individuals. This protective nature aids the breed in their main modern day roles as cold-water rescuers. Using their enhanced vision under the water, members of the breed spot humans and pokegirls in trouble and proceed to assist them. The breed's special ability to place those they freeze into a type of cryogenic stasis aids in rescue, as even humans can be brought to trained medics in order to be properly stabilized and treated. Any freezing done by a Beautifloe puts the recipient into a cryogenic stasis state, researchers have determined this quirk of the breed is due to an inherent magical affinity for ice. The stasis last for as long as the subject remains frozen, though long term freezing is only a major problem in colder climates.
Due to breed's battle forms being entirely water based, Beautifloes often battle in their taming forms on land, where their speed and agility often surprise opponents. Many individuals remain mostly offensive in their battle styles, unless trained otherwise, because they are strong enough to do serious damage with their various physical attacks. In particular, the 'friendly freezing' inherent to the breed can give the Beautifloe the upper hand, as a full stasis freeze will often allow a win without much bloodshed. Some tamers in particular swear by the breed as an incredible tool in catching ferals, though more powerful or speedy ferals able to dodge or otherwise get away from the Ice techniques are harder to catch and require other methods of capture.
Due to the often present protective streak, underwater tamings aren't attempted unless proper safety measures are in place, but this taming preference does seem to be a commonality within the subtype. At odds with typical ice-types is the subtype's overall normal temperature body, allowing for easy tamings. Tamers should be wary of angering this primeval pokegirl, as the use of Rime during taming can lead to very painful situations. Most members of the breed conform very easily to their tamer's preferences.
It is believed that the feral state of the Beautifloe represents the actual natures of their fossilized animal counterparts, with the addition of a pokegirl's elemental powers. Typically Ichthyosaur subtypes are fast predators that actively hunt fish and other aquatic life, while Mosasaur subtypes prefer to ambush prey from hiding places. Beautifloes inhabit any temperature of water, though often prefer large bodies of water and oceans as their habitat. Drying the pokegirl's skin over 50% transforms the pokegirl into their taming form until their skin is once again wet, though the breed can also take to their taming forms at will when feral. Tamers are advised that there is no power difference between the two forms for either of the subtypes.
Threshold directly into a Beautifloe is very rare. It typically happens quickly after a week's worth of fever and general aches and chills. Once the thresholder becomes wet, they automatically transform into their battle form. This often comes as a painful surprise in the bathroom, alleviated once the thresholder becomes dry and takes on their new taming form. The thresholder's taming form may also be a surprise, as thresholders also run the typical bell curve. The new Beautifloes are often sold or placed in the Ranch system.
BEAUTIFLOE, the Cryostasis Pokegirl
- Details
- Written by: CMDRZero
- Category: PokeDex
- Hits: 3077