FROSTWYRM, the Blizzard Dragon Pokégirl

Type: Not Very Near Human (Animorph (draconic))
Element: Dragon/Ice
Frequency: Very Rare (Opal League, Scarlet League), Extremely Rare (elsewhere)
Diet: Omnivorous
Role: Arctic Warfare, Heavy Arctic Assault, Arctic Construction
Libido: Low
Strong Vs: Dragon, Electric, Plant, Water, Flying, Ground
Weak Vs: Fighting, Rock, Steel
Attacks: Quick Attack, Snowball, Mist, Little Cloud, Big Snowball, Twister, Bite, Ice Beam, Aurora Beam, Tail Slap, Wing Buffet, Ice Boulder, Outrage, Bulk Up, Dragonbreath, Heat Drain, Cold Snap, Boulder Snowball, Ice Wall, Ice Armor, Dragon Claw
Advanced Levels: Hyper Beam, Mega Flare
Enhancements: Enhanced Durability (x9), Flight (Wings), Natural Weapons (Claws, Tail), Enhanced Strength (x10), Enhanced Endurance (x5), Enhanced Senses (Vision, Olfactory) (x6)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Frostdrake (normal)

Frostwyrms, the final form of the Frostwhelp line, are dangerous Pokégirls.

During the Revenge War, members of this breed were used as spearheads for assault teams of Frostdrakes. Their tremendous power and durability made them deadly opponents and perfect for use as front-line commanders. Many was the time they would cover themselves in Ice Armor and just flat out charge a line of human opponents, letting the ice be chipped away by their weapons. By the time the armor was completely gone, it was more often than not too late, as the Frostwyrm would be in the midst of the human forces, tearing them apart. Frequently, they would also be used as solo assault units, Snow Queens teamed up with them to cover their arrival, allowing them to fly into a human encampment and tear everything apart, their greater tendency for carnivorous habits as opposed to their previous forms making them a deadly threat.

One particularly notable incident took place in the area formerly known as Siberia. A well-defended human outpost was in a mountainside region, the curvature of the surrounding cliffs and caverns allowing for aerial protection, the frozen ground keeping underground assaults away and limiting land assaults to an easily viewable area, which was defended by tanks and mines. Several Frostwyrms were sent there, just out of range of the human’s weapons. All of them charged up Mega Flare attacks and fired, destroying the outpost entirely and causing an avalanche which destroyed anything and anyone left standing. This left Frostwyrms with a stigma that lasts to this day in many areas of the Ruby League.

After the Revenge War, the entire line was targeted. All Frostwyrms in Sukebe’s active service were wiped out, the possibility of Taming them to turn their abilities to humankind not even considered. For years, Frostwyrms didn’t exist, as in many areas laws were passed making possessing Frostwyrms illegal. These laws were later repealed, although owning a Frostwyrm without a license and identifying yourself to the local authorities in the aforementioned areas is considered to be a criminal offense.

Frostwyrms are best suited to battle situations. The breed is much more aggressive than their previous forms and is more prone to violence, leading them to be popular among military officers in arctic regions. An infamous Ruby League team, Team Darksnow, was known to have two Frostwyrms in their employ, using them to decimate every facility and station they attacked. Both Frostwyrms were captured upon the Team’s destruction and were employed by the League government, although one of them had to be put down due to illness, as both had been mistreated and brutalized by their Tamers in the Team. Clayton Egarushie of the Scarlet League found another use for the breed, taking advantage of their strength and ability to fly through any kind of weather, no matter how strong the wind, using them to aid in construction in the Antarctic snow.

Frostwyrms are massive Pokégirls. They are a foot taller than their previous forms on average, and a great deal larger in width, as their muscle mass increases greatly upon evolution. Their skin turns a darker shade, and their horns turn jagged, their hair changing from a shade of blue to a shade of white. Their faces are more draconic than their previous forms, and their bust size a cup larger. Their wing-muscles are thicker and their tails are longer, making their Tail Whip attack all the more devastating, their talons thicker and sharper as well. The spikes on their backs become sharper, the spikes on the end of their tail forming into a pincer-like talon that the Frostwyrm can open and close at will.

In terms of Taming habits, Frostwyrms tend prefer whatever their previous form enjoyed, although due to their decreased libido, they do not desire Taming as much. Their body temperature lowers as well, becoming similar to that of other ice-types. This plus their enhanced strength makes them difficult to tame, although Titan Taming Incorporated in the Capital League has begun to come out with a new type of adjustable restrained, ranging from Amachamp-class to Damsel-class. They are making the product available for a reasonably low price in many Leagues, which should make it easier for Tamers to find a restraint to aid in safe taming. In addition, nearly every company produces warming pads especially designed to help warm up ice-types for Taming. While Frostwyrms aren’t as affected by heat as other ice-types, it can be used to help warm them up and as such increase their libido. Oral sex is not recommended due to their more draconic heads, although there are at least two known Frostwyrm tamers that have taught their Pokégirls to give head without damage.

Due to their rarity, there are very few instances of Feral Frostwyrms being seen in the wild, as their high value makes them prized by many. But almost every time a Feral Frostwyrm is seen, they are regarded as high level menaces, a bounty being placed on them. Feral Frostwyrms are vicious, savage creatures, prone to attack anything that they feel is in their territory. They are as liberal with their beam attacks as they are with their teeth and claws, a great effort being needed to bring one down. Luckily, there have been no known instances of Feral Frostwyrms being powerful enough to use Hyper Beam and Mega Flare.

There are no known cases of a Threshold result ending in a Frostwyrm. After some research into the matter and studying of the Frostwyrm’s previous forms, it has been determined that it is impossible for someone to Threshold into a Frostwyrm. This is considered a good thing, as most scientists agree that the stress of gaining so much mass in addition to the other physical changes would probably be fatal to some.