[insert name here] ZOMBABE, the Carnivorous [insert title here] Corpse Pokégirl
ANIMA, the Angel of Suffering Pokégirl
ANUBUST, The Legendary Horus Hound Pokégirl
ASTRAL (insert name here), the Spectral (insert title here) Pokégirl
ATEMI, the Disabling Pokégirl
BAKUCHAN, The Dream-Eater Pokégirl
BANDAME, the Mummy Pokégirl
BHOOTY, the Phantom Fighter Pokégirl
BONEMAIDEN, the Death Speaker pokégirl
CHUPACA-BRA (AKA LINGUISTA), the Rosetta Stone Pokegirl
COYSHE (aka SHY MAIDEN), the Armored Introvert Pokegirl
DARK QUEEN, the Queen-Behind-the-Scenes Pokégirl
DIRE WOLF, the Queen of the Battlefield Pokégirl
Drakaina, the Sky Terror Pokegirl
EMPUSA, the Pale Pokegirl
FOXYMAIDEN, the Hot or Cold Vulpine Pokégirl
FRANCINESTEIN, the Grave Guardian Pokégirl
GEL BELLE, the Sticky-Skin Pokégirl
GHOSTLY (aka WILL O’ WISP), the Spook Pokégirl
GHOSTRIDER (aka HONE-ONNA), the Wild Rider Pokégirl
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