DIRE WOLF, the Queen of the Battlefield Pokégirl
Type: Near Human- Not Very Near Human (Anthropomorphic lupine)
Element: Psychic/Magic/Ghost (Celestial)
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: Human Norm, higher protein content
Role: Battle Commander, personal bodyguard
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Psychic, Poison, Fighting, Rock, Infernal
Weak Vs: Dragon
Attacks: Energy Blade, Power Bolt, Magic Fist, Shield, Teleport, Tectonic Slam, Fissure, Bestow Luck, Thunderbolt, Energy Drain, Phase, Lure, Invis 3, Imitate, Absorb, Agility, Telekinesis, Dream Time, Hypnotize
With Experience: Spell use
Enhancements: Defense, Enhanced Endurance (x8), Enhanced Strength (x19), Enhanced Speed (x4), Enhanced Senses (x5), Wingless flight, Extremely high psychic and magical abilities, eidetic memory, precognitive abilities, telepathy
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None

First recorded in 272 AS, the Dire Wolf is a blend of Megami-sama, Neo Iczel and Esper. The first one was created by Sukebe in the final stages of the Revenge War when he realized that Pokégirls led by a Tamer were far more efficient than Pokégirls who led themselves. The Dire Wolf was created to be his general's bodyguards and advisers. However, this pokegirl breed has been shown to exist since the beginning of the war, since after the breed was officially recorded, many tamers came forward with pokegirls of the same breed. According to interviews with these pokegirls, their ancestors were harvested as ova and run as a preliminary mass production batch from the original Dire Wolf. They have since existed and passed themselves off as Foxxseas, convincing their tamers not to report their existence. Once the first portable pokedexes were implemented, the breed's true nature was revealed. When questioned as to why the breed passed themselves off as more common pokegirls, tactical advantage was their main reasoning.

Due to their highly variable nature, Dire Wolves stand between 1.5 and 2.1 meters tall (5ft to 7ft). While they normally have anywhere from a C to an E cup, occasionally larger specimens have been documented. With their blue fur and bushy tail, from a distance they look like a type of fox Pokégirl, however closer examination shows they are actually derived from wolves. Most are strong animorphs with a distinctly lupine skull, much heavier and broader than their vulpine cousins and capable of a powerful bite. They are digitigrade and have heavy claws on their hands and feet. Their tail is heavily furred and quite powerful, capable of knocking a human off his feet with a casual swipe. A few members of the breed are distinctly more human, having only lupine ears and their powerful tails to denote them as pokegirls, though due to their enhanced strength, their bite is still quite dangerous despite their human looks.

Sukebe designed the Dire Wolf to be able to use their precognitive abilities to determine where the points of greatest threat existed, often before they become viable threats. Then they would use their other powers to determine what resources were necessary to defeat the threat, assemble these resources and turn their general loose to win the battle. Because they were intended to be teamed only with powerful mages, they can only function like this if their Tamer is a powerful mage or if they are in the presence of an Ocelolita, Cheshire, or Shadowcat. They claim that in the presence of any of these Pokégirls they have access to chaos magic that allows them to see further into the future, often to the detriment of their Tamers. If you have one, your circumstances are dire indeed.

If a Tamer doesn't have one of the above mentioned Pokégirls and isn't a powerful mage, the Dire Wolf becomes an outstanding tactician and strategist, capable of orchestrating fantastic battles under almost any condition and in any environment. They make the best use of the surrounding resources, including the other Pokégirls in a Tamer's harem, blending their knowledge of their harem sister's strengths and weaknesses to get the most out of them in combat or in training. They've even been known to impress DragonQueens with their ability to motivate the other members of their harem.

With a powerful array of techniques available, the Dire Wolf should be a very popular Pokégirl. However, the truth is that Tamers are wary of them for the simple reason that they have a singular issue: extreme loyalty.

The Dire Wolf is a celestial Pokégirl and because of this is almost never found in an oppressive harem and is never found in one for long. They don't care for Infernal Pokégirls and while usually unwilling to confront them directly unless they become a threat to their Tamer, tend to put them into situations where they get used up quickly, often to the point of death. However, the Dire Wolf will not needlessly squander them; instead she will ensure their sacrifice benefits the harem in some fashion.

They can make good Alpha's for their Tamer, but tend to be a little hard on the harem members because she knows they could be just that little bit better if they tried. And she wants them to.

A Dire Wolf that alpha bonds to a Tamer exhibits loyalty levels comparable to a delta bonded Growltit or Samurai. If a Tamer manages to delta bond one, he's got her for life. She'll escape from anyone else and return unerringly to her bonded partner. Leagues tend to take a dim view of this behavior when she's lost to a salvage battle and for some reason tend to blame the Tamer. In circumstances such as this the Dire Wolf is usually never blamed for what has transpired. This has had a negative effect on their popularity in addition to their breed wide misleading on their existence. Dire Wolves still don't make corrections to Tamers who don't use their pokedexes before battle either, which gives them great tactical advantage when their master is challenged to pokebattles.

Dire Wolves are quite flexible in the bedroom, adapting to the situation as their Tamers explore sexually. While they have noted a liking for doggy style, this is practical instead of being a personal prefrence, since their tails are the only limb that possibly needs restrained in this scenario. The breed as a whole is highly disiciplined, and lothe to loose control of their strength. To this end, initial tamings require restraints for the breed, and it is best to take the breed's ability to control themselves on an individual basis.

No one has ever had more than one Dire Wolf in their harem. The few Tamers that tried were stopped by the one already present in their harem. In one instance, the Dire Wolf released her newly captured relative and covered her escape. Afterward her behavior indicated no remorse and she immediately reverted to obeying her Tamer's orders.

While Dire Wolves have been proven to exist since the Revenge War, there have been no instances of feralborn members of the breed, and it is assumed that their precognitive abilities allow these lupine pokegirls to assure that they will not become feral under any circumstances. It is speculated however, that they have a very light feral state, similar to that of most Very Near Humans. Another factor in this is that the numbers of the breed remain relatively low, as none of the breed throughout history have been known to have many pokekits or go through breeding cycles. Threshold is likewise unheard of, though this is due to not many of these Celestials being in a single human's ancestry. Researchers speculate that this was controlled much like knowledge of the breed itself.