ATMUFF, The Legendary Warrior Pokégirl
AZHI DAHAKA, the Stoneworker Dragon Pokégirl
BASILISK (aka SEDUCA), the Queen of Snakes Pokégirl
BRAMAGE, the Never-Forgets Pokégirl
BRATINI, The Reclusive small Dragon Pokégirl
CHIMERA, the Mythic Monster Pokegirl
DEOSAURA, the Neo-Dino Pokegirl
DRACARE, the Gentle Rain Pokégirl
DRACASS, the Dragon Guardian Pokégirl
DRACO, The Hunter Dragon Pokégirl
DRACONA, the Gliding Ambush Dragon Pokégirl
DRAGONESS, the Dragon Commander Pokégirl
DRAGONQUEEN, the Disciplined Training Pokégirl
Drakaina, the Sky Terror Pokegirl
FAIRROUS, the Steel Seeker Pokegirl
FLAREBRA, The Haughty Dragon of Flame Pokégirl
FLYDRA, the "Rainbow Commander" Pokégirl
FROSTDRAKE, the Ice Dragon Pokégirl
FROSTWHELP, the Snow Dragon Pokégirl
FROSTWYRM, the Blizzard Dragon Pokégirl
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