AGUAMIEL, the Aquatic Cavy Pokégirl
AMEDEUS, the Rain Goddess Pokégirl
ASPREY, the Alert Pokégir
BALEENA, the Whale Warrior Pokégirl
BEACH BUNNY, the Bouncy Bunny Pokégirl
BEAUTIFLOE, the Cryostasis Pokegirl
BEAVER, The Wood-Loving Pokégirl
BIREMEOBOROUS (a.k.a. GYNADOSE), the Sea Fire Pokegirl
BLASTITS, the Humping and Pumping Pokégirl
BOOBFIN, the Cetacean Pokégirl
BOOBGONG (aka MERMAID), the Sexy Seal Pokégirl
BOOBKINI, the Water Exhibitionist
BUTTANEER, the Beast Pirate Pokégirl
CAMELTOE, the Desert Metamorph Pokégirl
CATFISH, the Wet Pussy Pokégirl
CORALA, the Coral Pokégirl
COYSHE (aka SHY MAIDEN), the Armored Introvert Pokegirl
CUNTNAW, the Attractive Alligator Pokégirl
DALMATIAN, the Firefighter Pokégirl
DIVETTE, the Sea Diving Loon Pokégirl
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