MINI-TOP (aka BUN-BUN), the Excessively Violent Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Normal/Fighting
Frequency: Rare to Very Rare
Diet: alcoholic (mostly beer)/vegetarian (mostly alfalfa)
Role: discipline, assassination, intimidation, wanton violence and destruction
Libido: High (demanding-often the ones doing the Taming)
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Electric, Fighting, Flying, Psychic
Attacks: Slap, Double Slap, Hyper Slap, Backhand, Nipple Cripple, Pummel, Headbutt, Uppercut, Bicycle Kick, Mega Punch
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x5), Enhanced Speed (x5), Enhanced Hearing (x5), Retarded Aging, High Intelligence
Weaknesses: increased susceptibility to electrical attacks, and to attacks from Dominas
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Most Bunny-type Pokegirls (abuse or witnessing extreme violence)

Woe the Tamer who unexpectedly finds himself with one of these in his Harem, for Mini-Tops are an excessively violent and aggressive breed, second only to a Mousewife defending her master's life. Upon reaching this stage the Pokégirl goes not only through the standard physical change but also a marked personality change. Physically, the Pokégirls breasts become noticeably smaller, the ass becomes rounder and firmer, and the ears become longer(down to about knee level) and rather "floppy." Personality-wise the change is much more extreme. The Pokégirl becomes highly interested in switch-blades, .45 caliber Glochs, Tripod-mounted chainguns, high-yield explosives, and causing pain. Mini-tops are highly aggressive and dominating; this combined with a markably increased sexual appetite makes for an extremely demanding Pokégirl who refuses to take "No! God No! Somebody Help Me! PLEASE!!!!" for an answer. The foolish Tamer who refuses the Mini-Top's advances is typically beaten and battered into helpless submission and ridden for all he's worth. Those tamers who accept their advances are treated in much the same way. Mini-tops will use any excuse to perform acts of violence, cruelty, or (their favorite) violent cruelty. Being highly aggressive and competitive they constantly seek the position of Alpha. Because of this, they have a strong rivalry with those of the Domina family. Add to this the Mini-top's lack of concern for the lives of others(save for their master's) and this provides for an extremely dangerous and potentially lethal rivalry. It should also be noted that Mini-tops have a particular "dislike" of Electric types; causing them to focus on abusing, torturing, trying to kill, and (oddly enough) trying to bite electric types(in particular, trying to bite the tails of those that have them) Despite their thin, frail, and cute appearance; the Mini-top is surprisingly strong. All in all a very combat oriented breed. An increased level of intelligence means that this breed is also very sneaky and conniving, one should not place much trust in the words of a Mini-top, unless of course they happen to be threats against your life. They are a verbally cruel, abusive, and insulting breed; and they will constantly point out the faults of their master and insult him, "nerd-boy" being a particular favorite insult of theirs.

Yet for those brave (or stupid) tamers who wish to master the Mini-Top, there is hope. Because of a peculiar quirk of their metabolism, Mini-Tops become easily inebriated(drunk). When in this state, the Mini-Top is a much more laid-back and friendly Pokégirl. Often expressing their strong affection for those around them, and being all-around a very sociable breed; but only when drunk beyond human comprehension. One should also mention that Mini-Tops hate breast jokes of all kinds(for obvious reasons), and will severely "punish" anyone who utters such jokes in their presence. Also, Mini-Tops hate telemarketers (not that we blame them but...) to the extent of hunting them down and killing them, also bombing their office buildings, and doing all-round slaughters of such individuals on sight, and using their victims' spleens to decorate the walls. The reason for such violent animosity is as of yet unexplained, the research team investigating this were all found mysteriously disemboweled with shampoo in their eyes.It must also be noted that only domesticated Bunnies can evolve into a Mini-Top, the reason for this is as of yet unknown.

Despite their being discovered only recently, Mini-Tops enjoy a large and avid following. Their fans affectionately refer to them as Bun-Buns, an obvious reference to their well-shaped derrieres and a slight preference for anal intercourse. There is debate as to whether this following has sprung up out of love for the breed, or out of fear for it.