AMACHAMP (aka GOLEM), the Super Strength Pokégirl
AMACHOKE, the Muscle-Bound Pokégirl
AMACHOP, the Tough Pokégirl
AMAZON, the Martial Artist Pokégirl
ARMSMISTRESS, the Ultimate Fighting Pokégirl
ATELESIA the Agile Monkey Pokégirl
ATELESONA the Untouchable Monkey Pokégirl
ATEMI, the Disabling Pokégirl
ATMUFF, The Legendary Warrior Pokégirl
BABEOON, the Violent Monkey Pokégirl
BERSERKER, the Unarmored Fury Pokégirl
BHOOTY, the Phantom Fighter Pokégirl
BLAZICUNT, the Blazing Glory Pokégirl
BRONZE, the Metal Statue Pokégirl
CALAMITYJANE, the Rebel Gunslinger Pokégirl
COCKADIDDLE, the Fighting for Cock Pokegirl
COYOTITS, The Brawling Bitch Pokégirl
DAMEOSAUR, the Swift Dinosaur Pokégirl
DRACASS, the Dragon Guardian Pokégirl
DROIDO, the Demon Soldier Pokégirl
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