MAZOUKU, the Devil Pokégirl

Type: Metamorph: Very Near Human-Varies
Element: Fighting/Varies (Infernal)
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: Human: prefer red meats
Role: Warlords, Mages
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel, varies
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic, varies
Attacks: Beheading Strike, Bite, Devour, Door to the Abyss, Evil Touch, Hell Claw, Hell Fire, Hell Heart, Hell Imprisonment, Infernal Might, Slash, Taunt, varies
Enhancements: Enhanced Durability (x5), Enhanced Strength (x5), Enhanced Speed (x5), Enhanced Agility (x5), Enhanced Endurance (x5), Enhancement Shift, Fast Healing, Enhanced Intelligence, Intuitive Aptitude (Magic), Metamorph (Alternate Form), Longevity; In Some: Multi-limbed (Arms, Tail), Natural Weapons (Claws, Tail), Flight (Wings)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Succubus, Demoness (mechanism unknown ((CLASSIFIED: 2 Dusk Stones))
Revised: Dec 2012

The Mazouku breed is perhaps the most feared non-menace class pokegirl in existence. They are the sister evolution of the Dark Queen and were as that breed was meant to be the strategist of the Legion of Terror Mazouku were the battlefield commanders that would often personally lead attacks. Their battlefield tactics were oftentimes extremely cunning but also incredibly ruthless. There are records of them using captured humans to clear minefields or to gruesomely execute them near heavily fortified bases in order to provoke the defenders into doing something foolish. These actions during the war have left a stigma on the Mazouku breed that still exists today and many still view them as being the personification of evil.

Mazouku are classified as Fighting type pokegirls but in addition they also have another variable element. This variable element is usually the one they had as a Youma but there are cases of that not being true. This variable element can sometimes greatly effects the Mazouku's appearance, combat abilities and personality.

Further complicating the appearance of the Mazouku is the fact they are metamorphs having both a humanlike and demonic form. Their humanlike forms of Mazouku can range from 5' to 7' in height although most are at least 6' tall. Their ears are usually elfin in that they are pointed but are not typical much bigger than those of regular humans although some have also been known to have more animalistic like ears such as those found on Catgirls. The color of their eyes and hair can be almost anything but they do have a strong tendency for red or black for both. Many Mazouku typically have at least one physical trait that isn't human such as sharp teeth, claws, or a tail but the fact that it varies from Mazouku to Mazouku makes it hard to visually identify the breed by any defining trait. The demonic forms of Mazouku are even more wildly different from one another, ranging from near human in appearance to that of large pre-Sukebe beasts. One studied Mazouku's demonic form was that of a 7' tall wolf (at the shoulders) and much of her body was covered in dark flames. Another was much more human in appearance but had four arms and a long flexible tail that she could use as a whip. As both of these Mazouku were Fighting/Fire types it has been concluded that their secondary element does not determine what they will look like. No matter what their demonic form appeared like all Mazouku have eyes that are a single solid color while in this form.

When it comes to combat Mazouku are unpredictable beyond the fact that they are typical ruthless. Very few of the devil pokegirls have any qualms about using techniques or tactics that could be fatal to their opponents which is something the tamers of Mazouku need to be remember and prevent. Tamers of Mazouku need to also remember that they will be held accountable for any property damages caused by their pokegirl. Aside from their ruthlessness it is hard to determine any set style that a Mazouku will use due to their highly variable appearances and elemental types. It should be noted that while the Mazouku has the enhancement shift ability that they cannot actively use it. Rather while they are in their human form their physical enhancements will be set one way and while in their demonic form they will be set another way. Just how their enhancements shift when they transform varies by Mazouku. It should also be noted that some Mazouku choose to battle in their human form rather than their demonic, the reasoning behind this decision varies. Tamers should also remember that Mazouku have an intuitive aptitude for magic and can become competent spellcasters if they can find someone to teach them how to do so.

When it comes to sex battles and taming Mazouku are decently skilled but do not generally stand out. While they retain any sexual techniques they knew in their previous evolutions, meaning that those that evolved from Succubi can actually know a lot, most Mazouku tend to want to focus their training on physical combat rather than sexual. When they do tame most Mazouku prefer to do so in their human form but some do enjoy doing so in their demonic form. Tamers are encouraged to use restraints on Mazouku no matter which form they use for while Mazouku can usually control their strength so to not hurt their partner it is a possibility that an accident could happen. Further while the majority do not a noticeable minority of Mazouku have shown tendencies for sexual sadism and there has been a few cases of this causing the death of tamers.

Many have described Mazouku as being pure evil but that is not entirely true. Many are indeed sociopaths and have little or no care for anything not directly affecting themselves. This does not mean they are necessarily evil but rather just that if they want to do something they will do it unless there is a very good reason, it being against the law or it hurting someone else is not a good reason to them, they should not. However this does not mean they are necessarily impulsive either. They will consider the possible consequences of their actions and may even be deterred by them; they simply don't care about whether others see their actions as 'right' or 'wrong.' The strong personalities and will of Mazouku make it difficult for tamers with only alpha bonds to control and there have been numerous documented incidents where Mazouku have purposely killed their own tamers. Because of this warnings about the breed have been issued and tamers are highly encouraged to hand over any Mazouku they are unfortunate enough to posses to the nearest law enforcement agency. However they do have a redeeming quality: they can become one of the most loyal pokegirls in existence. A tamer who somehow earns a Mazouku's respect and loyalty will have a pokegirl who will literally do anything for them and it is almost impossible to break that bond of loyalty. Even if the Mazouku is forcibly alpha bonded to another they will still stay loyal to the master they had given their loyalty and will most likely murder their new tamer in order to get back to their true master. This absolute loyalty is a two sided sword in that it will allow good tamers to actually control the Mazouku and reign in her sociopathic tendencies however it also means that in the hands of an evil tamer they are even more likely to commit murder and mayhem. While it is difficult to earn this absolute loyalty from a Mazouku researchers have noted that it is much easier to do so if the tamer had already owned her before she evolved.

While it is known that Mazouku can evolve from both the Succubus and Demoness breeds the actual method is not known. Further, researcher into how they evolve has actually been discouraged over the years by the leagues as they don't really want tamers evolving more of them. This attitude by the leagues often carries over to their view on breeding more Mazouku and many have laws limiting the number of Mazouku a ranch can breed or outright prohibiting it.

Feral Mazouku are extremely rare and very dangerous. They are almost always in their demonic form and are very animalistic. They are predators and hunt other pokegirls or humans for food. Feral Mazouku oftentimes setup ambushes and traps that they lure their prey into and tamers would do well to remember this if they encounter one. Luckily while feral Mazouku do not retain enough intelligence to use any of the magic they have learned.

The legendary demoness Hild appears to have a fondness for using Mazouku as agents. It is speculated that this is because once she earns their loyalty she will never have to worry about them betraying her even should a tamer alpha bond the Mazouku. Mazouku and their tamers should be watched as it may provide a clue as to what Hild is doing or planning.
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