TESLADAMA, the Stormy Blitzer Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Electric/Fighting
Frequency: Very Rare
Role: Guard Commander, Sniper Hunter, Blitz Striker
Diet: Omnivore
Libido: Average to Above Average
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Normal, Electric, Steel, Water
Weak Vs: Psychic, Dragon, Ground, Plant
Attacks: Attacks: Arc Shield, Disarm, Arc Blade, Arc Cannon, Zapring, Spark, Thunderclap, Thunder Wave, Rolling Spark, Rolling Spark Mark II, Electric Blade, Mega Strike, Megaton Strike, Mach Strike, Gatling Strike
Enhancements: Summon (Armor), Enhanced Speed (x8), Enhanced Endurance (x4), Enhanced Strength (x5)
Evolves To: None Known
Evolves from: Tesslass (Normal)

    The evolved from of a Tesslass is a Tesladama. The Tesladama takes the Tesslass' defensive mindset and takes it to the logical conclusion: The best defense is a good offense. During the Revenge War, Tesladamas were in charge of 'base' security for Sukebe's forces, organizing and leading their younger sisters the Tesslasses. Their usual preferred tactic was to use the Tesslasses as a defensive line, blitz the enemy lines, kill or incapacitate any command structure they could find, then use their speed to retreat before they could be over-run, letting other Pokégirls take advantage of the chaos they had just caused. The Tesladama had a similar level of control over a Tesslass that a Ballisticunt did. Tesslasses tended to obey and defer to the older, more powerful Tesladama during the war, and this degree of respect appears to be genetic predisposition, as a Tesslass will hold a Tesladama in awe and respect as the perfect example of their breed...as long as the Tesladama isn't a threat to their own harem or Tamer.

    A Tesladama is far more dangerous than a Tesslass. While she still has access to her Arc Shield, her evolution has both enhanced electric capacity and electric control. In addition to that, a Tesladama's musculature and armoring increases exponentially, making her extremely fast and strong while wearing her heavier armor. The Arc Shield also gains functionality, and can be formed into two other 'weapons' by the Tesladama. The first is the Arc Blade, a crackling blade of energy that the Tesladama wields as a melee weapon. The blade forms along the same forearm mount as her Arc Shield. It lacks the defensive capabilities as the Arc Shield, but can still be used with her Disarm technique. While reports are spotty, the blade is known to be able to penetrate through steel armoring, as one damaged report from the time mentioned a Tesladama assaulting a mobile command center through the APC's wall. The second alternate form is the Arc Cannon. This modification allows for the Tesladama to form and charge an extremely powerful bolt of pure electricity, which can then be discharged as a crackling beam attack. The Tesladamas usually used this during the War of Revenge to charge forwards and pick off snipers or observers that were posing a threat to the artillery 'girls the Tesladama were in charge of protecting. The attack is draining, however, so a Tesladama cannot rapidfire their Arc Cannon, requiring time to recover before using it again. She can switch her weapon modes at will, although the recharge time on the Arc Cannon still applies.

    Feral Tesladama, while rare, do exist. They tend to claim a large chunk of territory in the wilds, especially if it's defensible or near food supplies, and may undergo parthenogenesis. If they do, the offspring are always Teslasses. Any Feral Tesslasses in the area will also instinctively rally under the command of a Tesladama, adding their numbers to those of her offspring. A Feral Tesladama is extremely intelligent for a feral, and anything she or her 'troops' cannot defeat in a fight will often find itself the victim of various traps, ambushes, and hit and run attacks. They share a Tesslass' disinterest in humans, preferring to drive them off if they get too close, but will not go out of their way to attack them otherwise. However, they are a bit more dangerous for a travelling Tamer, as their electric powers are greatly increased, making their ability to paralyze and search a Tamer for anything edible or interesting much more dangerous. They also share the Feral Tesslass' relative fearlessness, as they can outrun most Ferals they can't decimate in a fight. If captured, the Tesslasses that they once commanded will scatter if retrieval seems impossible, dividing up or retreating from their territory to something they can hold.

    A Tesladama is much more strong-willed than a Tesslass. If they find the current Alpha to be unacceptable for the continued success of their Tamer, they will challenge her until either they win or the Alpha improves. They are also much more willing to disagree or criticize their Tamer's decisions if they believe he is making a mistake. This also means that, if their Tamer is making a move that they see as suicidal, the Tesladama will threaten to shock and paralyze their Tamer, then retreat to safety with him. Tesladama are not known for their tendency to bluff or threaten if they don't plan to back their threats up. Most wise Tamers will accept that warning for what its worth and adjust accordingly. When dealing with other girls in the harem, the Tesladama will tend to try to play nice and polite with her harem-sisters, unless she sees them as a threat to her Tamer. At that point, a Tesladama will bring the point up with her Alpha, and, if nothing changes, take matters into their own hands. They are also a bit more arrogant than the Tesslass, since they know they're beautiful, tall, dangerous, and right about whatever it is people are arguing about.

    They tend to act like they are the benevolent older (And wiser) sister to any non-hostile Tesslasses or Guntits they encounter, and will treat a Ballisticunt as an equal, albeit one who needs to be watched out for. Other than that, Tesladama are serious when working, party animals when not. They have few inhibitions, although they do tend to dislike any Pokégirl that tries to impose their will on them, often making that displeasure known via electric shock.

    The Tesladama doesn't change a huge amount from her previous evolution when it comes to looks. Most Tesladama gain about two to five inches in height and a moderate increase in bust size. Their hair also tends to grow out a bit more, usually ending around or just past their nicely muscled ass. The Tesladama's muscle mass increases a lot from her previous evolution, making her far stronger, although she doesn't change too much from the outer view. They still prefer to dress in skintight outfits, although a Tesladama may supplement this with any clothing she finds both attractive and easy to get out of, in case there's a fight. Tamers are advised that a Tesladama will shred any clothing they can't shuck off in an instant while shifting to their battle armor.

    There are no cases of someone thresholding into a Tesladama. Pokégirl offspring of a domesticated Tesladama are always Tesslasses or males with strong electrical affinities.