ZAPDASS, the Legendary Shocking Bird Pokégirl

Type: Near Human
Element: Electric/Flying
Frequency: Extremely Rare (Unique)
Diet: herbivore, electrified water
Role: mistress of electricity
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Flying, Steel, Water
Weak Vs: None (Dragon, Ice, Rock)
Attacks: Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Rolling Spark, Static Barrier, Agility, Lightning, Lightning Strike, Feather Shuriken, Feather Blizzard, Wing Attack, Tempest, Super Cyclone, Dive
Enhancements: Enhanced Senses (Vision) (x8), Improved Respiration, Enhanced Endurance (x8), Freejoints (hips and knees), Prehensile (Feet), Weather Tolerance (Heat and Cold), Enhanced Speed (x15), Enhanced Agility (x15)
Evolves: N/A
Evolves From: N/A

    Zapdass is one of the three Legendary bird Pokégirls, sister to Articunt and Moltits. All three of them were among the first wave of Legendaries to be unleashed in Sukebe’s war of vengeance. Zapdass’s part in the conflict was to disrupt supply and communication among the humans, and she took to her task with great zeal. Her electric storms shorted out many cities’ power, and deadly thunderbolts rained down from the heavens to strike people and places of import at her bidding.

    Zapdass is the shortest of the three Legendary birds, standing at five and a half feet tall. Short yellow feathers cover her form, with some black feathers on the back of her wings, near the tips. Her wings are separate appendages from her arms, unlike most other bird Pokégirls. Her light blonde hair is short to the point that it almost looks Tomboyish. Her feet are clawed, with each foot having a back-toe to help in landings. Her breasts are C-cups that are almost but not quite large enough to be D-cups, something she is mildly sensitive about. Her cunt is naturally hairless. Zapdass never wears clothing on any occasion.

    Zapdass is archetypal among Electric and Flying-types both. Like an Oni, she is able to use the earth’s magnetic field to use in flight. Unlike an Oni however, Zapdass is a Flying-type, so instead of just using the Earth’s magnetic field to fly at all, it augments her flying skills, allowing her to soar higher than other Flying-types and perform aerial maneuvers that put them to shame. Her body is rumored to supposedly contain enough natural electricity to power even several leagues steadily for years on end.

    Zapdass is a very headstrong being. She is at her happiest when she has a clear-cut goal and is working to reach it. When she has committed herself to a cause, she is virtually impossible to sway. Because Zapdass is so committed though, she often has problems with people who don’t see a situation as she does, and is prone to quarrel until her mind is changed (which is very difficult to do), or until the other person admits to wrong thinking. If a debate is dropped or cut off without conclusion, she tends to bring it up again at a later date. Her regimented mindset doesn’t allow her to let things go. Zapdass is not so stuck in her ways however that she can’t absorb new information or even realize that she’s wrong sometimes. When such a situation occurs, she is mature enough to admit that the other person had a point. When she and her sisters took to the battlefield to fight Atmuff and found the dead form of Hy-bra and a hurt Atmuff there, Zapdass later admitted to Articunt that her idea to wait a while had not been without merit.

    Zapdass is as unremitting in a fight as she is in pursuing any other goal, since to her winning a battle, any battle, is a short-term goal unto itself. When in combat, she prefers to unleash a heavy volley of attacks quickly, usually at a distance. She'll observe carefully how her foe deals with the attack, what special attributes and contingencies they have, and adjust her own plans accordingly. She prefers not to close until she feels she can accurately gauge her enemy's abilities, using attacks like Thunder Bolt and Rolling Spark Mark II from behind the safety of a Static Barrier. If her opponent isn’t able to deal with this barrage, then she doesn't consider them much of an opponent, and tends to then finish the fight quickly and decisively. Enemies that are able to cope and adjust to her attacks earn her respect, but with it comes a renewed onslaught, involving Thunder attacks and Feather Shuriken into a mixture of Feather Blizzard and Hurricane. With her natural electricity doing considerable damage on every attack she does (see below), few foes can hope to last too long against Zapdass's might.

    Zapdass is usually at a loss when she finds herself without something to strive for. When she has no goals to pursue, she looks for new ones that she can take up. Her want (almost a need) to have something to work towards drives her strongly, although she will not take up a goal she has no faith in. It was this attitude that led her to her stance that Atmuff needed to die. To her, it was crystal-clear that the Legendary Warrior was risking all their lives with her destructive rampages, and she did her best to convince Articunt and Moltits of that. While Moltits didn’t care one way or the other, Articunt counseled patience and caution, which ran antithetical to Zapdass’s desire to charge in and accomplish her new mission. After a couple of years of arguing, Zapdass realized that a wait-and-see policy would be the best she could get out of Articunt by herself, so Zapdass turned her attention to her other sister. Although it took several more years, she finally got Moltits to agree to support her stance on the issue, more to get her to shut up about it than anything else. Together, the two went to Articunt, who had little choice but to acquiesce in the face of her two sisters’ decision.

    Zapdass had hoped to keep the three of them united after Atmuff’s death, but this dream fell apart almost immediately once their mission had been accomplished. Her sisters set off in different directions, and Zapdass was canny enough to know when to let them go. Like Moltits, she headed off to the hinterlands that had yet to be claimed by a league. She was last seen in the northwestern portion of the pre-Sukebe lands called Russia. However, that was centuries ago. Since that time, Zapdass has not been seen nor heard from by reliable sources. Since laying low and doing little for so long runs against the grain of Zapdass’s nature, this has given rise to all sorts of rumors. Some say she has died or otherwise befallen some calamity. Others whisper that she has found some sort of new, secret project to undertake, and when it is completed the entire world will be rocked. Still others insist that she willingly lets herself be captured by a Tamer every so often, letting them give her the direction and goals she craves so dearly. The truth remains unknown, although may, particularly the Watchers, would love to know.

LEGENDARY QUALITIES: All Legendary Pokégirls have these special attributes, making them above and beyond other Pokégirls:

Truly Unique: All Legendary Pokégirls cannot be copied. Attempts to clone them always fail, and morphing other beings into copies of them always produces sub-standard versions. Titto, for example, can take Zapdass's shape and even copy her powers to some degree, but not any of her Legendary Qualities or Legendary Salient Qualities (see below). They can have their base stock altered to be used in the formation of a new Pokégirl type though.

Deathlessness: Despite having been around since Sukebe’s Revenge, all the Legendary Pokégirls are still around and going strong. This superior version of longevity makes them immune to death from natural causes. They will never die unless they are killed. However, poison, disease, or any unnatural cause still has a normal chance to kill them, barring their special immunities and strengths.

No Weakness (Level X): All of the Legendary Pokégirls can ignore their type’s normal weaknesses, to a point. When facing a Pokégirl at or below a certain level, if that Pokégirl is a type the Legendary would normally be weak against, she instead treats it as though it were of a type she had no specific advantage or disadvantage against. For example, Zapdass has No Weakness (Level 75). If she were to face an Ice or a Rock-type Pokégirl, or anything else that was considered Strong vs. Electric/Flying, at or below level 75, she wouldn’t be considered weak against it, nor would it be considered strong against her. Pokégirls at a level above the Legendary’s No Weakness level treat things normally.

LEGENDARY SALIENT QUALITIES: Some Legendary Pokégirls have special qualities others don’t have. Here is Zapdass's lexicon of special attributes:

Magnetic Personality: Zapdass exudes a subtle aura of electricity to a distance of five hundred yards in every direction around her. Within this aura, she can control the movement and flow of ions, giving her supreme reign over how electricity flows within the area. She can, at will, make ions cluster around or move away from a target. The result is that, within her aura, she can make anyone or anything either totally immune to electricity, or a magnet for it, or anything in between. She can do this with such precision that a target could be struck by lightening while his backpack is unharmed. Items worn or held by the target are affected though. Electrical items tend to fail or go haywire from the magnetic charge associated with the use of this power, giving the victim (or beneficiary) a clue as to what is happening. Zapdass controls the flow of electricity around her utterly.

Shock Therapy: All of Zapdass’s attacks, both elemental and non, inflict extra damage due to a static charge. Electric attacks inflict greater harm than they would if they came from another Electric-type. Her other attacks all have a charge built up in them that shocks the victim, i.e. Hurricane carries crackling electricity on its winds, Dive not only results in being hit, but also in a sharp zap, etc. Zapdass is an incredible battery of electricity, more so than any other Electric-type.