Important Manuals
Pokedex, links to primers can be found here. Category will be modified based on community feedback @ the Pokegirls Pokecenter.
Jhoto/Johto Primer Here.
Crescent League Primer Here.
Editor's Note: Data within this category is lifted wholecloth from The PokeGirls Pokecenter
“Pokégirls” original concept by The Changeling and Metroanime
“The Pokégirl Primer” compiled by Alzrius (
General editing of enclosed content done by Alzrius (
More editing of enclosed content done by KnightMysterio (also known as Fanfic Fetishist) (
Website version of Primer maintained by A-Kun (
This element/alphabetically categorized edition of the Pokegirl Dex was compiled by macross_green (
Revisions of Pokégirl entries done by… well, aside from the those mentioned above, too many others to list. I can’t remember them all, or who did what. Y’all know who you are. You guys and gals rock.
The works herein are the creation of a myriad number of writers and authors. Unless otherwise stated, these people all retain the rights to their original ideas. This document is a collective work for reference purposes only, and should not be construed as a challenge to those rights. Some of the enclosed works are based on existing media; these are done as works of parody, and are not a challenge to any of the trademarks and/or copyrights held by the owners of the material they are based on. Permission is given to freely distribute this document in its entirety in an unaltered form. Alterations are strictly prohibited. Special thanks to Psyckosama for creating the Pokégirls logo.
Dedication: The original compiler would like to dedicate this document to Metroanime, gave us the first look at the unified Pokégirl world, to Hentai Pirate, who gave us a place to talk about our favorite subject, to Pokétoon, who created a place to store derivative works, and to Jessica, aka “Minako”, who was my inspiration to create this document.
This document may be periodically updated. Newer versions of The Pokégirl Primer may be found at the URL address given below.
Want to learn more about Pokégirls? Join the Pokégirl World Information Yahoo Group! Visit for more information. Also, check out
03/10/2014 - Updated with revisions and newest PG entries. Entries number 750.
07/27/2013 - Updated with the newest PG revisions. Removed outdated terms.
03/15/2013 - Updated with newly accepted pokegirls. Entries number 770.
05/25/2012 - Updated with the newly accepted Pokegirls. Entries number 801.
01/30/2012 - Updated with newest PG revisions
08/03/2011 - Updated with newest PG revisions
08/16/2010 - Updated with newest PG revisions.
03/13/2010 - Updated with newest PG revisions and newly accepted Pokégirls. Full list can be found on the Invisionfree forum and the Yahoo! Group.
07/12/2009 - Updated with newest PG revisions and newly accepted Pokégirls. Full list can be found on the Invisionfree forum.
12/15/2008 - Updated with newest PG revisions.
03/21/2008 - Primer and Expanded Primer Entries unified and sorted into Elements and then Alphabetically for this edition of the pokedex. Updated with newest PG revisions.
02/12/2008 - Pokegirl Primer and Expanded Dex updated. Total number of Pokegirls in both reach over 600.
Table of Contents:
Section Content Code
Pokegirl Elements: elmn
Celestial PGs: clst
Dark-types: drkn
Dragon-types: drgn
Electric-types: prlz
Fighting-types: flnc
Fire-types: brnd
Flying-types: flng
Ghost-types: ghst
Ground-types: grnd
Ice-types: frzn
Infernal PGs: ifrn
Magic-types: mgic
Normal-types: nrml
Plant-types: plnt
Poison-types: psnd
Psychic-types: psch
Rock-types: stnd
Sanctuary PGs: sncg
Steel-types: stel
Templates: tmpt
Unique PGs: unqi
Variable PGs: vrib
Water-types: watr
1st Gen Legendaries: gen1
2nd Gen Legendaries: gen2
3rd Gen Legendaries: gen3
Content Code: elmn
Note: The Pokegirl Entries will also be listed in this order. Use the Content Codes to quick navigate using your Search feature to get to the element you're looking for.
Content Code: isct
Strong Vs: Dark, Fighting, Ground, Plant, Psychic
Weak Vs: Fire, Flying, Rock
Content Code: drkn
Strong Vs: Dark, Ghost, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Fighting
Content Code: drgn
Strong Vs: Dragon, Electric, Fire, Plant, Water
Weak Vs: Ice
Content Code: prlz
Strong Vs: Electric, Flying, Steel, Water
Weak Vs: Dragon, Ground, Plant, Rock
Content Code: flnc
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Normal, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic
Content Code: brnd
Strong Vs: Bug, Fire, Ice, Plant, Steel
Weak Vs: Ground, Rock, Water
Content Code: flng
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Ground, Plant
Weak Vs: Electric, Ice, Rock
Content Code: ghst
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Ghost, Poison, Psychic, Rock
Weak Vs: Dark
Content Code: grnd
Strong Vs: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Ice, Plant, Water
Content Code: frzn
Strong Vs: Dragon, Flying, Ground, Ice, Plant
Weak Vs: Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Content Code: mgic
Strong Vs: ?
Weak Vs: ?
Content Code: nrml
Strong Vs: Ghost
Weak Vs: Fighting
Content Code: plnt
Strong Vs: Electric, Ground, Plant, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Content Code: psnd
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Plant, Poison
Weak Vs: Ground, Psychic
Content Code: psch
Strong Vs: Fighting, Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost
Content Code: stnd
Strong Vs: Bug, Electric, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison, Rock
Weak Vs: Fighting, Ground, Plant, Steel, Water
Content Code: stel
Strong Vs: Ice, Rock
Weak Vs: Electric, Fighting, Fire, Ground
Content Code: watr
Strong Vs: Fire, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Electric, Ice, Plant
Retired Entrys
All pokegirls that have been removed, merged, or otherwise changed as the PokeDex evolves.