KOOL KAT, the Sexy Snowcat Pokégirl
Type: Near Human
Element: Ice
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: chilled fish
Role: covert operations, arctic rescue missions
Libido: Low (Average after being heated)
Strong Vs: Dragon, Flying, Ground, Plant, Ice
Weak Vs: Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Attacks: Snow Storm, Mist, Ice Punch, Ice Wall, Snow Storm, Agility, Chilled Arousal, Sex Attack 1
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x7), Night Vision, Enhanced Hearing (x4), Enhanced Reflexes (x3), Enhanced Speed (x2), Arctic Invisibility
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Shaguar (orgasm)
    While Shaguar is known as the Cool Cat Pokégirl, Kool Kats adopt this title as their name (albeit with a slight alteration). A Kool Kat is a Shaguar who was Tamed so much and so well that her body reacted, becoming colder as her Ice-type nature fought to regulate her internal temperature against the intense heat from both her Tamer’s body against hers, and her own temperature rising from the sex. A Kool Kat thus loses her Fighting-type status, since she’s now comfortable in the cold, and no longer feels the need to fight so much to keep her internal temperature up.     A Kool Kat has fur over her entire body. It usually remains the white of her previous form, although the rings all disappear, leaving her a solid white (even her hair). Very rarely, a Kool Kat will have fur that is very light blue or teal green. Either way though, her body is very hard to see against the pure white background of the arctic climes, making her an excellent stalker in those environments. Her body doesn’t change too much beyond that, with her bust neither gaining nor losing any size. A Kool Kat has the trademark Low libido of most Ice-types. She rarely if ever initiates Taming sessions, but still enjoys them. A hot bath will increase her libido to Average, but will make her tire quicker than she would otherwise. Since she cools off after her evolution to her new form, a Kool Kat has a very cold cunt, making hot baths or special protection for her Tamer a virtual necessity for every Taming.
    While Kool Kats don’t feel the need to up their fighting skills anymore, they still benefit from all the combat experience they had before. The only attack they lose is their Ice Kapowie, since they don’t keep up their training enough to be able to use this powerful move. They do, however, gain the Chilled Arousal sex attack, which only somewhat mitigates the loss of their strongest physical attack. She often uses this in preparation for using Sex Attack 1 on her opponent. She usually only tends to use her sex attacks when her physical ones have failed however, preferring to use tried-and-true combat techniques.
    Feral Kool Kats will become sluggish and sleepy. They don’t defend themselves very well in this state, and would be easy to capture if they weren’t so hard for Tamers to see in the first place. Threshold girls rarely evolve into Kool Kats directly, with less than a half-dozen cases ever being reported.