SHAGUAR, the Cool Cat Pokégirl
Type: Animorphic with cases of Near-human – Jaguar
Element: Ice/Fighting
Frequency: Rare (Sunshine League), Very Rare (Capital, Orange, Scarlet Leagues), Unknown (Other Leagues)
Diet: chilled fish, alcohol
Role: covert operations, subterfuge, cuddle-pet
Libido: Average (gets higher the colder they get).
Strong Vs: Dark, Dragon, Ground, Plant
Weak Vs: Electric, Fire, Psychic
Attacks: Quick Attack, Scratch, Tail Slap, Agility, Snow Storm, Ice Wall, Aurora Punch, Ice Blade, Blizzard Beam, Ice KAPOWIE
Enhancements: 5x Human Strength, Enhanced sense of smell, Night-vision, and Sensitive Hearing
Evolves: Kool Kat (orgasm), Jugguar (Thunder Stone+Electric Attack)
Evolves From: Catgirl (Ice Crystal)
    This ice princess of the feline Pokégirls was discovered completely by accident in the Gold Continent in 289 AS. When Pokégirl Tamer Martin Camero of the Sunshine League was trying to find a way to get a Warcat from the Catgirl branch of the Kitten's evolution, he tried anything at random. As a result of his want for that specific Pokégirl species he was after, he used an Ice Crystal on his Catgirl, and found a then unknown evolution of that breed: the Shaguar.
    Normally standing at 5'5" with breasts that range around a large A-Cup, (never higher than a mid-sized B-Cup), one would see at first glance that a Shaguar isn't physically intimidating to look at. Although there are cases of Shaguar with brown pelts with white or tanned undersides, the majority are almost completely white-furred. In colder climate regions, this white fur gives the Shaguar a good measure of camouflage. The only way to keep track of the Pokégirl is the fact that their dark brown or black ring patterns will still show up against the snow if one looks closely enough.
    Interestingly, while their pre-evolution form of Catgirl is only average on fighting skills at best, Shaguars are pretty decent fighters, comparative if not superior to Warcat species that Martin Camero had been so interested in getting. Through research of the species, it has been found the reason that Shaguars are such competitive fighters is that they are always searching for new sources of warmth, and so they have a tendency to constantly fight as a means to keep their body temperatures up.
    The correlation of a Shaguar's fighting skill and body temperature is a fact that has proven useful to Tamers who specifically participate in PokéBattle circuits. Some Tamers firmly believe that in a colder climate, a Shaguar is almost invincible, as they HATE the freezing temperatures, making them fight even harder as to keep warm. This belief is what has lead the Shaguar to become a popular import into the Scarlet League and the Southern islands of the Orange League from the Sunshine League, as well as the most Northern reaches of the Capital League.
    It should also be noted that this same need for warmth is why the Shaguar have a tendency to have considerably furious Taming sessions with their Tamers than a number of other feline Pokégirls. Their bodies are cool to the touch, but feeling into their inner-depths, a Shaguar is far colder. It is this inner-feeling of cold that makes the Shaguar constantly chilled, and Taming usually heats her up from within, which makes her warmer throughout. As such, the Shaguar's need for warmth pretty much allows the Tamer a lot of leeway in Taming a Shaguar. As long as she's getting it hot and heavy, she will put up with a lot of stranger or exotic kinks. Although they do love cuddling afterwards.
    The Shaguar isn't without faults though, and has a number of quirks. Although they absolutely hate the cold, the Cool Cat Pokégirl absolutely loves chilled fish. This may be attributed to the fact that they also have a preference for alcohol, (especially ale) as it is known to make them feel `warm' inside, despite what they'd eaten. Another odd facet is that Shaguars are susceptible to Electric-based attacks. It seems that while Ice and Fighting negated a lot of elements that either species was weak or strong against, (Bug, Flying, Rock, Steel) it opened up a specific elemental weak-point for them.
    When determining Harem dynamics, a Tamer should be forewarned to never allow a Shaguar and a Nogitsune into their harem at the same time. For reasons unknown, the two species have taken a near automatic dislike for each other, very similar to how Cheshire and Kunoichi feel about each other. This leads to a lot of bickering and in-fighting that often turns physically violent.
    As a final note, there is an interesting rumor currently circulating in the Sunshine League. Possibly started by a Shaguar whom wanted a considerably improved figure, the call has gone out to discover what would make the `Jugguar', also referred to as the `Jugg-u-lar' in some regions. While more than likely a hoax, one can never be too certain in this day and age.
    No case of Threshold into a Shaguar has been recorded as of yet. As this is a more recent evolution, currently there are only Domestic breeds. As time goes on, thanks to this Pokégirl's popularity, it wouldn't be a surprise for a Shaguar to become more frequently found in the wild or as the end of a woman's Threshold into a Pokégirl.