SHADOWGIRL, the Slightly Sarcastic Silhouette Pokégirl

Type: Near Human
Element: Dark
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Human food
Role: Reporter, information-gatherer
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Dark, Ghost, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Fighting
Attacks: Shell Shield, Cheer, Yell, Agility, Bitch Slap, Earlobe Nibble, Sexy Rubdown
Enhancements: Youthful, Camouflage (Shadow Blend), Intuitive Aptitude (Information gathering)
Evolves: FarFuck’D (Moon Shard)
Evolves From: None

Shadowgirls, or as they like to call themselves, Kageshoujo (a name Pre-Sukebe Researchers have determined is the old Edo language version of “shadowgirl”), are an odd breed of Pokégirl. They’re entire body is pure, ebon black, so black that they absorb all light that falls on them. Even if you placed a spotlight on them, you wouldn’t be able to make out any features. The only exception to this is their hair, which can be of any color or style, but otherwise is perfectly normal. Despite being living, three-dimensional silhouettes, Shadowgirls are still very much Pokégirls. Touch reveals that all of their features are still there, and that they are definitely female. Shadowgirls oddly always take a name which is a letter of the alphabet with the suffix “-ko” added to it (which the Researchers say means “child,” again in old Edo), i.e. A-ko or D-ko, etc. While there are certainly more than twenty-six Shadowgirls at any given time, no one has ever been known to have met two or more Shadowgirls who have the same first name. However, they always use Kageshoujo as their last name, even if they were Threshold girls.

Shadowgirls have the Youthful enhancement. Because of this, they always appear to be young girls, no matter how old they are. Their bust is never larger than a B-cup, and is usually smaller than that. They do sometimes have hair between their legs, visible like the hair on their head, but they prefer to shave their cunt. They still age normally, they just never show it. Their appearance, what can be seen of it anyway, and their voices are always those of a girl who is roughly fourteen to sixteen. They work to maintain this image as well, usually wearing cute dresses or girls’ school uniforms. Their actions and mannerisms abet this as well (“Hi! I’m F-ko Kageshoujo! Fifteen and in the eighth grade! Pleased to meet you!”), even to the point where they will tell small “fibs” to help out with their look, saying things like they’re in school, what their blood-type is (even if they don’t know it), or their astrological sign, as determined by the Church of the Thousand Faiths (again, whether they know what it really is or not). They never say that their age is anything but how old they look. If a Shadowgirl looks fourteen, she’ll say she’s fourteen, even if she’s really twenty-nine. Shadowgirls also enjoy referring to themselves in the third person; a habit they feel enhances their “cute” image.

Shadowgirls have a biting but subtle sense of humor. They seem to have a knack for picking up on people’s hidden faults and embarrassing secrets, which they tend to hint at (“Ooh! Yuji’s going to go Tame his Pokégirls! Those ‘girls will have to touch each other a lot tonight!”). They seem to enjoy taking things to exaggerated levels, going over the top with their voice tones and body motions to accentuate a point. They especially love doing this in front of an audience, the larger the better. They get along great with CameraGirls because of this, since this way they always have an audience and the CameraGirl always has someone to film. Whether or not Shadowgirls realize they’re going over the top is questionable, since they always do it with everything (hence why they act like cutesy schoolgirls).

Shadowgirls are poor fighters. When in combat, they tend to move around, rhetorically asking what will happen to them, usually in the third person of course. Their tone of voice suggests that they aren’t really taking the situation seriously, but again, it’s hard to be sure with them (“Oh no! Cute little C-ko is in danger! Whatever will this poor little Pokégirl do?”). Their few attacks focus mainly on dodging and discouraging their opponents. Their only physical attack is Slap, and even then this is incredibly weak. The only two effective techniques they know are Cuddle and Earlobe Nibble, both of which can be used to arouse a Pokégirl. Shadowgirls have no special skills in Taming though, and are relatively easy to bring to orgasm, making them poor pokésex fighters as well. They are especially poor choices to send against Bug-type Pokégirls, since they’re afraid of them and will run around shrieking girlishly in fright. The only things to recommend a Shadowgirl are that, even more so than most Dark-types, they have a fantastic resistance to Psychic powers. Most of them just wash over them like they weren’t even there, and those that do affect them only do so minimally. Their other useful skill is that they are very good at gathering information. Give her a few days and the proper resources, and a Shadowgirl can find out pretty much whatever you want to know. They can form plans about various actions with this, but they tend to repeatedly and worriedly remind their Tamer about the chances and consequences of failure, which gets annoying rather fast.

The only known evolution of a Shadowgirl is to FarFuck’d, fitting since this is the only Pokégirl even more overly dramatic than the Shadowgirl. Exactly how this evolution is affected is unknown, and when asked, Shadowgirls themselves just claim ignorance, along with a hope that such a thing doesn’t happen to them. This is pretty much the icing on the cake for why Tamers don’t want a Shadowgirl in their harem. Shadowgirls who go Feral wander around in a distracted state, unable to really focus or do much of anything, like an Ingenue. Threshold girls who become Shadowgirls are perhaps the single best cases of Threshold being accepted, since the personality change is total. Threshold Shadowgirls naturally abandon their old identity completely, name and all, and seem to feel no remorse over their transformation. They always refer to who they were in the third person, as though their old identity was someone else entirely. Between this and their somewhat annoying antics, their old families virtually always send Threshold Shadowgirls to Pokégirl ranches or Pokécenters.