G-POINDEXTER, the Intellectual Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Normal
Frequency: Uncommon (Moderate-to-Pro-Rights Leagues), Very Rare (Anti-Rights Leagues)
Diet: Human-Style Food
Role: Librarians, clerks, secretaries, research assistants
Libido: Low
Strong Vs: Ghost
Weak Vs: Fighting, Magic
Attacks: Drone, (others)
Enhancements: Enhanced Flexibility (x2), Enhanced Endurance (x5), Knowledge Specialty, High Intelligence, Total Recall, Low Feral State
Evolves: Supe-bra Genius (normal)
Evolves From: None
    G-Poindexter (or G-Points, as many call them) are a different breed than most Pokégirls, and not just genetically. Definitely a breed never designed to stand on a battlefield, they're also far removed from the overbearing sexuality of Succubi or other high-libido'd breeds. Rather, they are the rare specimen of Pokégirl intellectuals to whom the allure of a well-written book surpasses that of a heated battle or a thorough taming. Naturally, this has hardened the heart of the average tamer against the breed, but they have, in turn, become extremely popular with the more intellectual humans and those who wish to be thought of as such. Particularly in Universities (where their total recall and high intelligence are invaluable to the point that they have heavily supplemented Graduate Students in the role of research assistants), G-Points are a quite common sight in the more intellectually-oriented levels human society.
    Physically, though, the breed isn't particularly notable, save perhaps that, although few are born with optical defects, the amount of intensive reading and similarly eye-straining activities most partake of often results in a need to wear glasses. This fact is another reason they are not popular with tamers, as such glasses tend to be expensive and fragile, but to more well-off owners, it is sometimes seen as an advantage, the glasses giving them something of a cute, almost...vulnerable affect that few Pokégirls can manage. As such, they're the breed most commonly seen to wear glasses; if one encounters a Very Near Human type adorned with them, she is more than likely a G-Point. However, beyond that, their appearances span the normal range of the VNH spectrum with the only other noticeable trend seeming to be a preference to keep their hair up in somewhat severe styles. Attire doesn't seem to be much of an issue with the breed, although there is a general tendency to prefer, when allowed to choose, garments that are, although not unattractive per se, far less revealing than those preferred by many breed, perhaps seeking to differentiate themselves from other, more sexual VNHs that are oft kept as pets.
    Mentally, though, as one might imagine, G-Points are quite a cut above most of Pokégirldom. Not only are they more intelligent than the majority of breeds, but, unlike even most other intelligent breeds, their mindset is geared toward intellectual pursuits. This generally manifests itself as the G-Point choosing a particular field of study, often dictated by her master's wishes and her resources, then throwing herself into it with gusto. Therefore, although she can certainly retain interest in other areas (and, if given access to it, many G-Points will become avid readers of fiction in addition), this field becomes her specialty, and with the ability to perfectly recall all aspects of it, this makes the breed ideal for pursuing research in fields such as mathematics, particularly since their endurance literally lets them read and work for days on end. However, it is not common to find a G-Point who has interest in the applications of her work to the real world; in keeping with the "intellectual" attitude, most of the breed is more interested in theory than in practice, and so it is usually her master who will be able to take the credit for any applications of the theory, which is another drawing point. In that regard, one might say that they have replaced Graduate Students in another role as well, although less so in more liberal leagues where a G-Point are her master are commonly seen as co-authors in scientific journals and other such media.
    In any case, the actual mannerisms of the breed vary a great deal, but the stereotypical G-Point is seen as being conservative, stuffy, and conceited. This is an image that many G-Points resent, but one that they may unintentionally play into; although almost none will acknowledge it, the reason that "Drone" is listed as an attack despite the breed being almost universally (barring a select few whose knowledge specialty is in an area that leads to combat ability) unsuited to battle is that they have a tendency to, well, drone. That is, once a G-Point feels that there is some need to explain something related to her specialty, she will often proceed into an elaborate, often monotonous lecture that would be absolutely fascinating... if the audience had any idea at all of what she was explaining. They usually do not, however, because it is a common failing amongst G-Points to not only lose track of time whilst lecturing, but to forget what relevance their lecture had to the original subject and digress heavily. Some owners find this adorable, whilst others tend to find it irritating and punish the 'girl until it no longer happens. In any case, their actual personalities can vary beyond that, with some being happily outgoing, but introversion and shyness being far more commonly seen. It should also be noted that, due to an apparent inherent ability to become literate at an accelerated rate, the breed is looked down upon in many restrictive leagues, and even outright banned in others.
    When it comes to taming, though, as previously noted, G-Points as a whole are a fairly nonsexual breed. In addition to, with a low libido, not needing much taming, their intellectual attitude makes most members of the breed somewhat adverse to being tamed in excess, particularly if said taming is disruptive to their studies. Naturally, it is possible to metaphorically beat this quirk out of them and turn them into quivering nymphomaniacs with effort, but this generally damages their ability to be useful in a more general sense, and so most of the G-Point owner community frowns upon it heavily. However, this does not at all mean that it is impossible to stimulate the libido of a G-Point without making her useless; several workarounds have been discovered for the problem over the years. The easiest and most obvious of these is, ironically, to share an interest in her specialty. Many G-Points will become extremely aroused by stimulating discussion of her subject matter, and therefore those who go their whole lives with the same master who inspired her specialty tend to be more sexually active than those traded to masters that do not have an interest in their specialties. This, however, has been observed to be, on the whole, more a result of having someone able to understand and respond to her than of fetishism for the subject itself, which thankfully prevents most from attempting to initiate taming until the discussion is concluded.
    However, when this is not possible, it has been observed that many individuals, particularly those who are allowed to read fiction regularly, will react very well to romantic situations. Therefore, with a little added sophistication and the right presentation at dinner...it can be quite easy to fluster a G-Point into a night of satisfying taming, and many owners have found they come to enjoy the role-playing as well. Some, in leagues such as the WAPL, have gone further, in fact, but that not a relevant subject. In any event, the third method that commonly works, discovered when a survey found that G-Points working in libraries had a significantly higher sex-drive and tendency to experiment, is to arouse her curiosity with erotic literature. A G-Point reading poignant stories that include elaborate, esoteric debauchery is more likely to desire taming so that she can test the accuracy of the book's descriptions than a G-Point who has a stereotypical view of taming as an unintellectual (if pleasurable) necessity that will just interrupt her studies if encouraged. However, if taken too far, this can become detrimental to her relationship with her master, as a G-Point who becomes overly fascinated by studying the dynamics may not only desire to take on inopportune lovers, such as rare breeds of human females, but make accurate (and often mildly offensive) comparisons between them. Needless to say, few of this sort last long. In a similar vein, it should be noted that busy owners ought take care in the use of any one of the above techniques; some have found retrospectively that they preferred their G-Point in a less amorous state, as the latter can be somewhat disruptive and increase the amount of attention that the Pokégirl requires drastically.
    However, one should also take care not to let her slip into a feral state accidentally, as it is extremely dangerous to do so; a G-Point who is going feral slowly, almost unnoticeably, begins to lose her ability to think rationally. Therefore, she will begin to work sloppily, making small mistakes, drawing the wrong conclusions, misinterpreting data.... And, often, it's not noticed by an owner who has less knowledge of the subject than she does, especially since she'll usually defend her flawed reasoning vehemently. Therefore, an incautious owner could easily submit an utterly absurd paper written by his feral G-Point without ever realizing it.... Definitely something to be wary of. G-Points are also a fairly common threshold amongst intellectually-prominent families, as they are most likely to incorporate the breed's blood into their family lines. Most threshold cases don't mind overmuch, though, since it closes less doors into high places than many thresholds.