Moonflower, The Moonlight Oracle Pokegirl

Type: Near Human
Element: Dark/Plant
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Herbivore
Role: Plant care, Illusionist, Moderate level combatant
Libido: High
Strong vs: Dark, Ghost, Psychic, Electric, Ground, Plant, Rock, Water
Weak vs: Bug, Fighting, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Attacks: Drain, Night Shade, Cocoon of Darkness, Dark Bomb, Kiss in the Dark, Wood Tower, Area Illusion
Enhancements: Enhanced Endurance (x5), Regeneration (Sleep), Magic Affinity, Metamorph (Alternate form), Intuitive Aptitude (Illusion Magic)
Evolves: none
Evolves from: Flowergirl (Moonstone + Dreamstone or Sunstone + Dreamstone)
The Moonflower is an often overlooked pokegirl. They could easily be more common than they are, but many tamers often set their sights on an alternative breed that may have more potential but is far more difficult to obtain. But the Moonflower is there for those tamers seeking a pokegirl that is adept in creating illusions or one that has a rare if not unique elemental combination.
The Moonflower's changes upon evolving are by no means drastic. Many times the body doesn't change at all compared to when they were a Flowergirl, other times there is a small shift to taller or larger measurements. The biggest change is in the hair and eyes. No longer completely composed of flowers, most of the hair becomes true hair, and is always either a vibrant golden yellow or calm silvery-blue. The eye color always matches these colors as well, and glows in the dark. The remaining flowers that make up the hair sometimes produce clusters of berries. These berries contain a poison similar to what is found in Henbane, and can be lethal when eaten in large quantities. In smaller doses they are known to cause hallucinations.
The general personality of the Moonflower is another aspect that does not change much upon evolving. The typical Moonflower will still be a gentle and caring pokegirl when encountered, although they are now much more capable fighters should they be pushed into a fight. One reoccurring quirk found in a small percentage of the breed is a strange reaction to feelings of fear and anxiety. This reaction is laughter, not the 'girl's natural laugh but also not anything that one would perceive as being fake. This has led some people to assume the Moonflower is completely without fear, and many find the behavior highly unnerving.
What determines the hair and eye color of the Moonflower is what stone is used to evolve her initially, and when during the day they are active. All Moonflowers lean towards nocturnal patterns, and it takes about a week for them to adjust to being active during the day. It's not recommended they be used to fight during this time, as they will be suffering from sleep deprivation to begin with. Once they have switched over to being active during the day, within another week their appearance will change to what some people call the Sunflower variant. It should be noted that there is no difference between the standard Moonflower and the 'Sunflower' besides appearance. It is also possible to artificially change the Moonflower's appearance without changing when they sleep, by exposing them to special made lights while they sleep. The appearence of a Moonflower freshly evolve is determined by what stone is used on them. While the Dreamstone is required either way, a Moonstone will cause the Moonflower to be the silver coloration, while a Sunstone will cause the gold.
Something tamers that use a Moonflower in battle should remain aware of is the phases of the moon. The powers of the Moonflower correspond to these phases, with their dark attacks becoming more powerful closer to the new moon and their plant attacks when there is a full moon. Any other attacks they may know are unaffected by this cycle.
Moonflowers still tend to shy away from battle if given the chance, and will only fight if they need to or they feel they need to prove themselves. They often use their various powder effects to escape from conflict. In combat, they most frequently use a mix of draining attacks to weaken their opponent and strengthen themselves, plant manipulation to hinder their enemies’ movement, and illusion magic to confuse their enemy and avoid attacks. The breed can be taught many more attacks, including Solar Beam. Once they learn this attack, they can even use it at night so long as the moon is at its half phase or greater.
When it comes to taming, the Moonflower breed is not very picky as a whole. Their sexual endurance diminishes none from when they were a Flowergirl, so they still make for powerful sex battlers in that regard. One thing that does seem to be universal, even in the Moonflowers that are active during the day, is that they will love to keep their tamer and harem sisters up all night and sleep the next day away; preferably out in the open under the light of moon, or at least where moonlight can shine on them through open windows.
The Moonflower suffers little loss in intelligence when feral, with some individuals showing no difference between their feral and domestic states at all. It has been observed that they tend to utilize their divination magic frequently when feral, which is where the breed's moniker comes from.
Human girls with Moonflower pokewoman for mothers more frequently become Flowergirls than Moonflowers. It's not unheard of though, and the most frequent signs are a fascination with the moon, changes in hair, skin, and eye coloration, and a shift in their sleep patterns. It is interesting to note that if the family prevents her from adjusting to a Moonflowers natural sleep pattern during this time, she will change to the Sunflower variation upon the completion of the threshold process.