MOONMAID, the Moonlight Warrior Maid Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Dark
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: human-style foods
Role: Bodyguards, warriors, household maintenance
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Dark, Ghost, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Fighting
Attacks: Shell Shield, Counter, Swordwave, Hero Blade, Soul Purge, Moon Flare, Moon Crash, Ignite (Boosted only)
Enhancements: Nightvision, Boost (Moonlight-stats up to x2), Summon (Greatsword), Enhanced Strength (x5), Enhanced Durability (x5), Enhanced Speed (x4), Intuitive Aptitude (Household maintenance), Sleepless (4/24)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Maid Yvette (battle stress at night)

Maid Yvettes were at first a maligned breed of Pokégirl. Their usefulness was limited, and no one really wanted them. Their popularity rose as more useful evolutions of them were discovered, but still people weren’t quite fond of Maid Yvettes as they were of Nurse Joys and Officer Jennies.

When the Moonmaid was first discovered, all criticisms of the Maid Yvette ceased to exist.

Moonmaids stand at a towering seven feet tall, their bodies turning muscular. Their eyes turn gold and their hair turns a grayish-blue, a strange, X-shaped scar appearing on their faces. In terms of personality, they become fiercer in defense of their Tamers, and far more brutal in battle. They gain the ability to summon blue flames and absorb energy from moonlight to increase their stats by double at the most. They can also manifest a greatsword to use in battle.

The first known occurrence of a Moonmaid evolution was during an attack of the Limbec Pirates on a League Councilman’s home. During the attack, several Psi-Dykes got hold of the child under the Maid Yvette’s care and also proceeded to rape the Maid Yvette, attempting to break her loyalty to her Master. Instead, however, the Maid Yvette fought back, her desperation triggering her evolution. She butchered the shocked Psi-Dykes in seconds and took the child to safety, hacking and smashing her way through the Limbec Pirates to unite with the other Pokégirls in the house, including the Master’s pet Hound, who had evolved to War Hound during the melee. The two teamed up and helped drive out the surviving Limbec Pirates.

In battle, Moonmaids are fierce fighters. Depending on the phase of the moon, they can absorb energy from moonlight to increase their abilities. As they become stronger, though, they tend to fly into near uncontrollable battle rages, attacking anything perceived as an enemy. They use Moon Flare and Moon Crash with reckless abandon, not stopping until everything they perceive as an enemy is unconscious or dead. As they grow in strength, their eyes glow more and more, their hair becoming more and more wild and unkempt. At their maximum strength, during the Full Moon, blue flames dance about their face, frenzied screams erupting from their throat as they fight. As suggested by their power set, they are nocturnal Pokégirls. However they need little sleep, and actually can function during part of the day. During the day, their personality does an almost total 180-degree turn, going from a fierce, dedicated warrior to a charming and cheerful maid, or whatever their personality was before they evolved. They still retain the ability to use their flames and sword, however they cannot charge up and do not lose their cheerful demeanor.

More often than not Moonmaids are employed by League officials wanting someone to help protect their home in addition to working with any Maid Yvettes there to help keep it clean. Thresholding into a Moonmaid, so far, has been unrecorded.

Of note the strange connection between Moonmaids, Moonflowers, Moon Bunnies, and Mooncalves. One of each belonging to the Harem of mysterious Tamer Marc Spector have been seen working in concert and displaying powers unlike anything shown by any Pokégirl before. Another foursome of them have been seen simply standing together, staring at the moon in almost reverent silence before going their separate ways. Research into what connection the four have is still pending, although anyone with information would be well-rewarded if they came forward with it.