ENCHANTRESS, the Sexy Sorcery Genius Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Magic/Psychic
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: human style diet
Role: sex-slaves, retainers, spies, magical item artisans
Libido: High to Extreme
Strong Vs: Dark, Fighting, Poison
Weak Vs: Fire, Ghost, Bug
Attacks: Power Bolt, Mana Bolt, Reflect, Shield, Smile, Sing, Glare, Yell, Cry, Hypnotic Gaze, Backstab, Rapid Stroke, Angel Eyes, Rune Chain
Enhancements: Magical Affinity, innate ability to craft and enchant items of many kinds, Enhanced Sensitivity (x4), Enhanced Senses (x3), Enhanced Reflexes (x3), Longevity (for Dark Elf evolved Enchantresses)
Evolves: Archmage (magical overload)
Evolves From: Witch (Moon Stone), Dark Elf (Mana Crystal)
    An Enchantress is quite the opposite of her most common pre-evolved form, which was a Witch. An Enchantress fills out more, becoming quite shapely, her breasts growing out to a nice C-cup and a thin waist and lithe frame. They usually tend to be dressed like Harem girls, or even similar to Domina. Though both styles of clothing have a crescent moon pattern printed somewhere. Usually near the waist, on one of the breasts, or shoulders. Though rarer than others, Enchantresses that evolve from Dark Elves often have darker skin (often the same color as when they were Dark Elves) and enjoy their longevity as well. These Pokégirls retain their pointed ears, although they do not keep the same level of sensitivity to sound that is normally associated with elf-types. Their longevity seems to lessen, however, and there have been known Pokéwoman Enchantress’ Pokégirls that evolved from Dark Elves by the time they reached 40 years of age. Research is ongoing as to why this is, but this type of Enchantress is rather rare and there has been little headway made in this research so far.
    Be warned though, Enchantresses are known for being quite jealous, though this is because they can become quite loyal to their Tamer… Almost bordering obsession. Enchantresses' obsession with their Tamer is quite evident, since they can be very competitive with any and ALL amorous or lustful Pokégirls that are in the Tamer's harem. An Enchantress can also become quite jealous when a Tamer begins to show other Pokégirls of his harem more affection. Put simply, an Enchantress is a sex fiend and an attention hog. It is highly recommended that any tamer that has an Enchantress be sure to put some time aside every day to spend with her, or else she will become very moody. And getting her out of this mood can take a great deal of effort. Lazy tamers should NOT keep an Enchantress in their harem, as this breed will never target another Pokégirl with their obsessive loyalty. However, they do get along well with Pokégirls that do not have high libidos, but are still far too selfish to be useful as an Alpha or a Beta within any harem. This breed also seems to enjoy all sorts of sexual acts and picks up on sexual techniques rather easily, although they do prefer a one-on-one taming with their tamer than to be in a group all at once. However, their bodies are extremely sensitive to touch, and although this can be negated with training to some extent, the Enchantress usually requires spells to deaden their senses to the point where they will be most useful in sex battles. This sensitivity does come in handy for their tamers, however, who may otherwise have a difficult time with their needs.
    An Enchantress is also more of a tricky Magic-type of Pokégirl to handle when in battle. Not only are her spells weaker than a Sorceress of the same level (an Enchantress' magical strength is about 75% the overall strength of a Sorceress' at the same level), and she has a few attacks that are useful for damage, but her true strength is in her wide range of status effect attacks. This is also the area that her psychic powers are prevalent, since she has many Psychic-based Status Effect attacks. In general an Enchantress is best used in a support role or in sex battles rather than as a frontline combatant, although she can be used successfully to capture many types of Pokégirls, as long as they are not too fast to avoid her techniques. These Pokégirls do well in such positions, and other than supporting roles they are found commonly for their real benefit to a tamer.
    The true benefit of evolving a Witch into an Enchantress (other than lots of sex) is their unsurpassed ability to make magical items ranging from potions to permanently enchanted items. All other mages when they wish to create a magical item must first obtain the item to be enchanted (usually at great expense and/or difficulty) an Enchantress instinctively knows how to fabricate such an item and if provided with the correct tools and materials can make one of sufficient quality to withstand enchantment. Note this applies only when creating a magical item, so an Enchantress will only know how to make a sword if she is seeking to create a magical sword and will forget how to make swords once she has forged one for enchanting. Also note that Enchantresses are perfectionists when creating items for enchantment and will demand the best materials and tools unless the need for the item is urgent.
    Also unlike other mages they need not cast the spells with which an item is to be enchanted themselves. Another magic user will suffice so long as the Enchantress casts the enchant item and permanence spells and scribes the magic circle to be used for the enchantment. However only if an Enchantress is 100% involved in the enchantment process, from constructing the item to casting the spells, will there be no chance of the enchantment process failing. However, despite their proficiency with enchanting items and creating all sorts of magical objects, they find it extraordinarily difficult to craft new spells. Although they can learn new spells quickly enough, creating new ones take four to five times longer than most other magic-casting Pokégirls do. This may seem a deficiency, but considering the lack of tamers and magic teachers able or willing to teach their Pokégirls magic, this is usually a very much forgotten facet of the Enchantress.
    Feral Enchantress, though very rare, are found near what mages call 'ley lines'. These ferals likely can sense the greater magic in the area, but are unable to use it at all due to their feral state. In this state, they lose almost all use of their magical abilities and tend to run away from anything not male, or possessing a male appendage. Research shows that where one finds a feral Enchantress one will find, with a fairly high chance, a Dildoqueen (or some evolution of such) in the vicinity as well, the two often spending much of their time foraging for food or Taming, for the little good that it does them. When approached by a male, feral Enchantress often prefer to make themselves available for a taming rather than fight or run away, unless the tamer is obviously abusive or threatening her.