ESPEA, the Clever Clairvoyant Pokegirl

Type: Near Human (Fox-squirrel Animorph)
Element: Psychic
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Herbivore
Role: Combat, Guard, Other duties as per training
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Fighting, Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost
Attacks: Aura of Cute, Quick Attack, Psychic, Telekinesis, Teleport, Disable, Confusion, Flash, Foresight, Future Sight, Memory Wipe, Sabre Claw
Enhancements: Enhanced Agility (x5), Enhanced Speed (x6), Telepathy, Enhanced Durability (x5), Enhanced Senses (Vision, Hearing, Olfactory) (x2), Aura Sight
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Eva (Normal-diurnal or Sun Stone)

The role of the Espea during the war was a variable one. Records have shown that some acted as field commanders bellow generals, using her psychic abilities to unite the girls in their attack formations alongside other psychic pokegirls. Others show that the Espeas themselves were front line fighters using their abilities to confuse and defeat enemy ranks. Other reports show the breed in a variety of areas, from teleport evacuation of higher ranked pokegirls to medical assistants and evacuation.

This psychic evolution of the Eva breed ranges in height from 4.5 feet to 5 feet at the top of the bell curve, with the tallest of the breed being recorded at just above 5.5 feet. All members of the breed share three common features: two long fox-like ears; long antennae-like whiskers that extend from the outside of the eyebrows; and a slender feline-like tail about half as long as the pokegirl is tall, which forks into a double tip at the last foot of the tail. The fur on the ears and tail varies in color, from pastel pinks and purples to near white, much like the body fur on the more animalistic members of the breed. Tends to range into slightly darker colors than the fur, though among threshold and very close to human domestics, colors sometimes stray into human norms. Close to human members of the breed only have the ears, whiskers, and tail, while more animalistic members may have slight muzzles and full body fur.

Espeas tend to have a few constants in their personality, an optimistic approach to learning anything new as well as the ability to easily pick up new tactics, techniques, and skills. It can easily be said that the average member of the breed enjoys learning for the sake of learning, making this breed popular in many areas. This breed also tends to be rather grounded, and unafraid to do things by hand instead of relying on their psychic powers. Usually, this willingness to learn and adapt to new situations make the breed good choices for the Alpha position, and this psychic eva evolution has no real quarks of personality on a breed basis that make them unsuitable when working with other breeds.

Unlike many pure Psychic pokegirl breeds, this clever clairvoyant pokegirl breed has the ability to hold their own in direct melee, using their enhanced speed and agility to dodge blows in conjunction with their foresight make them very hard to hit, and the breed can often think up inventive ways to use their psychic techniques in an up close manner. When pitted against a bug or dark type the breed becomes reliant on their normal techniques and any other non-psychic attacks they've learned, though they are still at a distinct disadvantage. Against most ghost types, the breed is assured a loss.

An Espea's whiskers are extremely sensitive to air pressure changes allowing the breed to predict weather changes with extreme accuracy. This coupled with their Future Sight ability makes many news stations acquire one for more accurate weather forecasting. Due to the breed's propensity for learning new trades and information, they often become well known meteorologists in their local viewing areas.

Taming preferences of the breed tend to remain stable if the breed evolved from an Eva, though the Espea's new found desire for knowledge may also extend to the bedroom. These exploratory times are often interesting, as some members of the breed research the matter, including more odd fetishes and methods. Tamers are often able to curb any attempts to try any methods they dislike, as with most pokegirls the breed tends to mold their preferences around their tamer.

Wild Espea tend to form small social groups that are usually related by way of mother and parthogenic sisters, the breed is primarily herbivorous, though has been known to eat processed meats if they happen to raid campsites. Though the breed is a psychic type, their intelligence is severely limited in their feral state. These psychic ferals are more intelligent than animals and able to attack with their psychic power, they are unable to think at a human level. The breed still remains a rather clever pokegirl even while feral, and many tamers have become frustrated when trying to capture one. Once captured, the breed is noted to be faster than most ferals in becoming domesticated.

Threshold directly into an Espea is more common with human girls with strong eva and psychic ancestry, but still rare overall. Psychic type bloodgifts, particularly telepathy are noted in girls with high threshold rates and typically telepathy is the first sign of threshold into an Espea. This is followed by painless migration of the ears and growth of the whiskers and tail ending threshold in very close to human individuals. Animalistic members of the breed find that muzzle and fur growth is accompanied by a slight numbing of the affected areas. Most researchers theorize that this is due to the developing psychic abilities shutting down the nerve centers subconsciously in order to alleviate discomfort. After threshold, the new pokegirl is often sold in lieu of being sent to a ranch.