GLAMOURPUSS, the Pretty Kitty Pokégirl (also, the Catty Pokégirl)
Type: Near Human Animorph (feline)
Element: Normal/Psychic
Frequency: Extremely Rare (highly pursued!)
Diet: Only the best and finest. High-quality human-style food is most desired, but fancy-brand pokéchow will be accepted more than low-grade human food
Role: Show stopper, talent coach, one-woman makeup and costuming teamv
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Magic, rodent-type pokégirls
Weak Vs: Rock, Fighting, anything that threatens to mess up her hair
Attacks: Scratch, Pounce, Follow Me, Pursuit, Slash, Primp (others vary by individual and training, see text)
Enhancements: Stage Aura, Fashion Sense, Enhanced Agility (x4), Enhanced Durability (x4), Enhanced Auditory (x6)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Bimbo (Cat E-Medal)

It's said that if the house is on fire, a Glamourpuss's only concern is how she looks in that lighting. The stereotype is embarrassing to most enthusiasts of this underappreciated feline breed, but quite true. It makes a certain amount of sense when one considers her origins.

News of the Bimbo's third discovered evolution did not rock the world so much as it made several Researchers rub their temples while groaning "not another cat-type pokégirl". Indeed, it wasn't until the first Glamourpuss's Tamer traded her to a Coordinator out of frustration that the breed's potential started turning heads.

Put short, Glamourpussies are made for show business.

A Glamourpuss is a lean, elegant pokégirl. She would be visually indistinguishable from a human if not for three traits: her ears, her tail, and her claws. A Glamourpuss's ears are large and triangular with tufted ends, and are quite mobile, allowing her to hear things with surprising accuracy (and to know when people are talking smack about her). Her tail is extremely long, tufted at the tip, and often worn coiled around her as if it were merely another fashion accessory. Both are furred in the same color as her eyes, which are almost never the same color as her hair, with the exception of the tufted ends, which are white. Her claws are often painted in nail polish to match her personal style, which also improves their (already considerable) structural integrity.

The Tamer's main bane in this breed is an obsession with looking pretty at all times. However, Glamourpussies are extremely sought-after by Coordinators because they put just as much effort into making sure all their harem-sisters are as pretty as they are (this leads to the Coordinator's practical joke of putting a Glamourpuss in the same harem as a Feeblass or a Trollop and watching her go nuts). They make reasonably good Alpha choices in a Coordinator's harem, driven by the need for aesthetic appeal to tackle responsibilities with impressive gusto and competence for a Bimbo-form, but will readily kowtow to any pokégirl who proves better at the job. A true surprise comes to any Coordinator who expects fights to break out after putting a Starlady in the same harem with a Glamourpuss; contrary to the usual trend of similarly-minded pokégirls competing with each other, Glamourpussies and Starladies tend to get along like a house on fire, though of course there are always exceptions due to differing opinions in what's pretty. Naturally, Glamourpussies get along well with other show-business pokégirls, and also with other felines, though the shabbier of these do tend to get snubbed.

The (exceedingly) rare Tamer who actually puts up with a Glamourpuss's drive for prettiness enough to train her for combat can gain the advantage of surprise in every confrontation: a Glamourpuss can, if properly motivated (this is the hard part; ideally she is taught to see combat as a performance in itself), learn all sorts of techniques, especially if they're flashy or pretty. The classic example is training her with a Moogirl's help to learn dance attacks; the Glamourpuss cannot make these techniques as powerful as the Moogirl can, nor can she learn as many of them as the Moogirl, but she can achieve a startling variety. It has been confirmed, however, that she cannot learn any true Magic or Psychic techniques (despite her typing!), and that she shies far too readily from attacks that threaten to muss up their appearance (like Starlady, this can become an honest hindrance if she gets hit by something that does).

Taming, like combat, tends to be seen as a performance, and as a result most Tamers get aggravated by the sheer amount of set-up a Glamourpuss needs to get the full benefit of the activity. Props, makeup, costuming, lights, cameras if possible, THEN action! And woe if her hair gets messed up and it hasn't been consented upon before hand with a safeword in place!

Glamourpussies have never been allowed to go feral. It has been speculated that like a Starlady, a feral Glamorpuss's opinion of what constitutes fancy and attractive will gradually get more and more dorky. Due to the need for an E-Medal, there is no chance of a Threshold pokégirl becoming a Glamourpuss.