Ka-D-Bra (aka Psikick), the Telepath Pokégirl

Type: Near Human
Element: Psychic
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Human Style Foods, Prefer Sushi
Role: Interrogators, Security Personnel
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Fighting, Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Dark, Ghost
Attacks: Confusion, Dream Time, Foresight, Telekinesis, Teleport
Enhancements: Encyclopedic Knowledge (Human and Pokégirl Anatomy), Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced Memory, Telepathy
Evolves: Alaka-Wham (normal)
Evolves From: A-Bra (normal)

Nothing summarizes the evolution from A-Bra to Ka-D-Bra so much as "growth". The pokégirl grows taller, usually only a few inches, with the tallest seen being 5’ 7”. Her bust size increases dramatically to a D-cup, from which the breed take their name from. The antennae double in length, usually 4-6 inches on average with their skin darkening to a medium orange; their antennae remain yellow. The most noticeable behavioral change with this breed from the A-Bra would be their activeness. Ka-D-Bras require much less sleep and more regular taming sessions than their previous evolution.

Ka-D-Bras experience significant growth in their psychic powers when compared to their previous form. Their abilities to use Teleport and Telekinesis more than makes up for the breed’s physical frailty, giving them an edge in combat that their previous form lacked with their enhanced intelligence giving them a grasp of tactics that allows the breed to make the most of their attacks. During combat, Ka-D-Bras will make use of their attack Foresight, being able to determine what attacks/moves their opponent will make during the battle. These combinations of psychic techniques have made the breed exceptional opponents in combat, going as far back as the Revenge War.

While serving in Sukebe’s Army, the breed was used as troop support. Using their psychic abilities, the Ka-D-Bras would hurl large pieces of debris at the human soldiers and pokégirls who sided with the humans. Some more experienced soldiers would use their Telekinesis to grab grenades and other thrown explosives and send them back to the human armies. If by chance they were able to catch a live human, Ka-D-Bras would use their Dream Time technique to interrogate and extract the desired information out of the soldier. More experienced members of this breed would use their Telepathy to read the minds of soldiers during a battle. Using this technique and Foresight were very effective on the battlefield, leading to victories for the Ka-D-Bras more than once.

In recent times, this breed has been used mainly for security jobs, though they are not limited to just this particular field. Their enhanced intelligence and knowledge of both human and pokégirl anatomy have led some Ka-D-Bras to work as staff members within Pokécenters, whether they are nurses, doctors, or therapists. While working with patients in the Pokécenter, the breed will use their Dream Time to help with recovery for patients who require more than just physical care. Sometimes these pokégirls can be found working with researchers as assistants. In cases such as this, the researchers will use a member of this breed if they cannot afford an Alaka-Wham and wish to have a pokégirl who can double as an assistant and a good security guard.

While in a harem, Ka-D-Bras make decent Alphas. They are a very passionate breed, which tends to get them into trouble from time to time. That is to say, the breed tends to let their emotions get the better of them when they do not wish it. Like their previous evolution, the Ka-D-Bras seem to not like being referred to as “Bug-Type pokégirls”. The breed usually does not react too rashly towards the individual who confuses them with this type of pokégirl, but Ka-D-Bras have been known to use a low powered form of Confusion on the “name caller” when they are not looking, causing slight irritation and discomfort. Owners of this breed learn a different “pet name” for them quickly. On the positive side, a Ka-D-Bra will be very nurturing toward their harem sisters and owner, trying to make everyone feel wanted and loved.

One peculiarity of the breed still has researchers puzzled. Some Ka-D-Bras will eagerly bend any spoons they come across with her telekinesis, almost to the point of compulsion. Most tamers who have a Ka-D-Bra with this compulsion quickly learn to eat with chopsticks. There have been very few reported cases of human females thresholding into this breed and encountering a feral Ka-D-Bra, though not unheard of, is rare nonetheless.