WHOREPOOL, the Water Devil Pokégirl
Type: Near Human
Element: Water/Flying
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: vegetarian, prefers seaweed but can tolerate all land-based vegetables easily
Role: Aquatic warfare specialist
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Fire, Rock, Bug, Fighting
Weak Vs: Electric, Plant, Magic, Ice
Attacks: Whirlpool, Whirlpool Mk2, Water Spear, Squall, Vortex, Tempest, Wing Attack, Water Tower, Water Floor, Super Cyclone, Geyser, Water Sword, Hydro Pump, Rain, Little Cloud, Draining Rain, Water Slave, Water Golem, Water God
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x8), Enhanced Speed (x5), Enhanced Durability (x6), Enhanced Endurance (x6), Improved water affinity, wings for flight, can change wings into tail for swimming, wind affinity, control over temperature of water attacks
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Surfmelon (orgasm + high level)

Whorepools are by far one of the most powerful water-type evolutions. But ONLY if they are near a substantial body of water.

Upon evolution from Surfmelon, the Whorepool changes tremendously. They gain a foot and a half in height, and their bodies become more streamlined and muscular, their breast-size actually going down. (Much to the chagrin of those who prefer the larger bust of the Surfmelon.) Their skin becomes white, save for dark blue from the middle of the biceps down to the fingertips and from the middle of the thighs down to the tips of their toes, and like their previous form, they have no hair on their cunts. Whorepools lose their claws, but gain a pair of wide, powerful wings mounted near their hips that they can use for flight and wrap around their legs, allowing them to morph wings and legs into a powerful mermaid’s tail for swimming, retaining the color pattern of their legs. They lose all their lizard-like features, their faces become aquiline, their hair becoming short, changing into a paler white their skin. Their eyes glow softly, and their voices echo when they speak.

Whorepools are devastating in water. They can spin at incredible speeds, creating massive, sucking whirlpools to trap their opponents, generating massive geysers and rain clouds to devastate their opponents while immobile. They can even use a more powerful version of Whirlpool to do heavy damage to an opponent, forcibly knocking them around. They have tremendous aquakinetic ability, being capable of forming rain clouds out of sheer will, drawing moisture into the air, and summoning servants of water to attack an opponent in hand-to-hand combat. They can drink in several dozen gallons of water and alter its temperature upon exhalation, making it either scalding hot or freezing cold, depending on the Whorepool’s wishes. They can fly for short bursts at incredible speeds, creating massive waterspouts and sending them at opponents with a flap of their massive wings.

Whorepools, while incredibly powerful, do have some major disadvantages, though. They do not have an internal well of water, like most Water-type Pokégirls do, and as such are limited when away from a large body of water in terms of attacks. Their skin also dries out quickly, eventually becoming painfully dry if not re-moistened, meaning they have to stay near water as a rule. A canny and caring Tamer will tame a Whorepool in a lake or ocean, something that makes the highly, almost predatorily passionate Pokégirls very happy and faithful. Failing to have access to either of those, a pool, or even a bathtub will suffice, although Whorepools much prefer the open ocean. It’s generally considered good form not to take a Whorepool out of a coastal area. They are also clumsy on land, their bodies used to more intense pressures, especially Ferals, who normally make their territory in deep waters.

Calling a Whorepool predatorily passionate is not an exaggeration in the slightest. Compared to the HentaiCute by some, they have a tremendous sexual appetite, and enjoy being Tamed roughly. Deep sea observers have catalogued Ferals ambushing weaker water-type Pokégirls and forcing a Taming out of them. In some coastal areas, water-types exhausted from over-taming sometimes wash up on shore after a series of heavy whirlpools appear a few miles off the coast, a sure sign that a Whorepool is there and amusing herself…

Whorepools are still very rare. Because the majority of them stay so deeply below the surface, beyond what most submersibles and spells can protect against, it’s unknown how many Feral Whorepools there actually are. Also, due to the disadvantages Whorepools suffer from being away from heavy bodies of water, it’s rare that Tamers try to evolve their Surfmelon into one. As such, no Threshold cases of becoming a Whorepool have been reported.