Type: Very Near Human

Element: Bug/Fighting

Frequency: Very Rare (Domestic in Golden, Tyroon and Amethyst Continents), Extremely Rare (Domestic elsewhere and Feral)

Diet: Human-style foods, insects, silk

Role: Industrial/Combat

Libido: Very Low, High with a favored master

Strong Vs: Dark, Normal, Steel

Weak Vs: Fire

Attacks: Dance (All), Sing, Slash, Spincut, Sting, Needle Shot, String Shot; With Experience: Hyperbeam

Enhancements: Enhanced Agility (x5), Enhanced Strength (x5), Spinneretes (Scalp), Poison Glands (Hair follicles, stinger glands - Sleep, Poison, Paralysis, Lust, Tarantism), Natural Weapons (Retractable Claws, Stingers, Elbow and Knee spines)

Evolves: none

Evolves From: Tarantella (Battle Stress)


                The name comes from the South American Goliath bird-eating spider: Theraphosa blondi.


                The Tarantella's fine hair becomes more ropey, her retractable claws harder and sharper, and new ones appearing at the knees, and elbows as well, the fang/stinger disappears from the back while two appear at the waist. The Xeriblondi appears as a human or completely human-appearing Pokégirl, except for their ropey hair which appears as corn rows or dreadlocks of whatever color the Xeriblondi desires, although they favor lighter shades or darker with streaking. They are more solidly built than their sister Tarantella evolutions, no where near the extent of an Amachoke or Galem, but they are more muscular than they had been. They are typically 6.0 - 6.5 feet (183 - 198 cm) tall with a C to D cup size. They have much less skill and intricacy in weaving, and their silk is more suitable for ropes and nets than garments. Because of this, they lose their intolerance of other silk makers that the Wolf Spider and Tarantella share. She can still adjust the venom she uses and retain the Tarantism venom she shares with the Wolf Spider and Tarantella, this venom is a modification of the Paralysis Venom, except the victim dances wildly and uncontrollably, unable to attack or defend until the poison wears off. Other venoms may be learned. The Xerablondi loves to sing more than they like to dance, they still love to do both, at the same time with others. (You still don't let them near the wallflowers at the dance! Now keep them out of karaoke bars!)


                In combat, she will use her Tarantism venom first, if possible. They do not use their silk for webs, although some use string shot and other whip techniques with prepared lines. Her claws are retractable and long and strong enough to learn and use the more advanced claw techniques, even some of the sword techniques. Feral Xerablondi will line their dens with silks, although more like macramé, and retain enough intelligence (and pride) to use their silk products as a lure, although they may just throw a net over a particularly appealing passerby. Domesticated Xerablondi can be used to make silk ropes, nets, and other heavy structures in industry, although they prefer to defend their weaker sisters while they happily make lighter items. Xeriblondis lack much of the haughtiness and anxiousness that so mark the other evolutions. When encountering other spider-type Pokégirl, who are 'letting down the side', they still make an effort to get the other spiders to live up to a higher standard: in combat, taming and especially making silk products. However, they rarely take it to the point of exasperating their Tamers or the rest of the harem. This makes them a better Alpha than their other evolutions. A supportive Tamer will earn the Xerablondi's complete loyalty.


                There are rumors that the Xerablondi have a venom that combine the effect of Recovery+ and Stamina drinks and Love Sting (with full rather than half effect on a bonded Tamer). They rumors cannot be confirmed, neither the Xerablondi nor their Tamers are talking. Some references to a pre-Sukebe dance called 'the horizontal bop' have been made, but research remains inconclusive.