SPARKANINE, the Stormy Night Pokégirl

Type: Near Human (Lupine Animorph)
Element: Electric/Dark
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Carnivore
Role: Shepards, Combat, Nighttime Security
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Electric, Flying, Steel, Water, Dark, Ghost, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Fighting, Dragon, Ground, Plant, Rock
Attacks: Thunder Bolt, Quick Attack, Lumenaire, Thunder wave, Static Barrier, Bite, Snarl, Dark Shield, Dark Redemption, Dark Bomb, Crunch, Cocoon of Darkness, Ashen Wings, Howl
Enhancements: Enhanced Strength (x4), Enhanced Speed (x5), Enhanced Endurance (x2), Recovery, Nightvision, Enhanced Senses (Olfactory, Hearing, Sight) (x3), Enhanced Durability (x4)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Hound (Thunder Stone)

The Sparkanine was an unexpected evolution of Hound, the breed's discovery caused mass controversy amongst researchers and changed the paradigm that only those evolutions that Sukebe planned could occur, showing that Pokégirls had grown beyond even what the creator himself had planned or expected. Since this discovery and theory, testing of evolution stones on Pokégirls and lead to the discovery of many new evolutionary forms of Pokégirls over the years, and the discovery of the Sparkanine was heralded as the beginning point of evolutionary testing.

This canine breed of pokegirl changes somewhat along with her evolution, usually stabilizing or dropping in height by a few inches, now ranging about 5 and a half feet on average with an average bust of a generous C cup. In addition to this, they also become lupine in nature, usually sharing more canine instincts than other canine pokegirls like the Doggirl or Byte Bitch. The breed shares the normal range of Near Human looks, from pointed ears and a slightly bushy tail to full body fur and a slight muzzle, which enhances her Crunch attack. Coloration of the fur varies somewhat, but is usually black with yellow stripes, though these body stripes are mostly noticeable on furred members of the breed. Hair color ranges into electric colors, though also runs the black to white color spectrum as well, and is notably spiky and short. The breed as a whole seems to have great difficulties growing their hair long much to the dismay of Hounds who liked long hair.

Once the Sparkanine evolves, the breed develops powerful electric powers which they use predominately to paralyze their opponents or zap them from a distance. Unfortunately, the breed also loses some of their enhanced senses making them less useful in tracking when compared to their pre-evolution. Overall, these Electric/Dark lupines are dependable battlers, able to hold their own easily in a pokebattle. It should be noted that due to the wide range of both weaknesses and strengths of the breed, Tamers are recommended to keep their pokedexes handy when battling with or against a Sparkanine.

While this breed looses much of their ability to track by scent, they have a keen eye for noticing things out of the ordinary, as well as preferring nocturnal sleeping habits, which also makes them prime candidates for the graveyard shift. This same predilection for noticing changes also makes them heavily used on farms, where they often watch over herds of Kattle or livestock pokegirls at night, using small jolts to keep the herd in line while keeping a watch for predatory ferals. Most often, ferals learn to keep clear of farms with Sparkanine (unless they happen to be strong towards the duel element pokegirl) since severe shocks and rampant Dark Bombs are often a good deterrent. Battling overall is usually a very quick experience with the breed, as they tend to fire off offensively and only pause heal themselves up and rejoin the fray. Flying types should be wary of the breed as well, as they can utilize Ashen Wings and take themselves aloft while employing electric attacks as well.

Loyalty is still a large factor in the personality of these lupine pokegirls, as they keep the famed Hound loyalty from their previous evolution. The breed as a whole is often energetic, but also has a stubborn streak that varies in amount from individual to individual. More often than not, a Sparkanine's stubborn tendencies center around their tamer, and they are often found 'marking their territory' by getting in extra tamings. Luckily, the intense territorial urges of the Hound breed are dulled in the Sparkanine. With their electric abilities and keen sight, the breed can become adept and mass shocking schools of fish, and some tradesman use this technique in order to take in commercial amounts of fish, though often the Sparkanine is just one of the electric pokegirls used in this manner.

Sparkanine as a whole are rather enthusiastic about Taming, and often try things they think their tamer will like. Tamers should be forewarned; at times, the pokegirl breed's stubborn streak extends to trying to get their tamers to try new things, which means that unless reprimanded heavily, the breed doesn't let the issue go. They get along will with many different styles in the bedroom, but like many canine types, enjoy doggy style and different forms of taming in that position.

Ferals of the breed run in packs, sometimes accompanied by occasional Hounds. They have above animal intelligence, enough to form crude plans and traps, but nothing compared to a Denmother or actual human intelligence. Their intelligence usually has them leading the Hounds in the packs, though usually Hounds are more solitary. When confronted, they electrocute first and then flee, so caution should be advised when approaching the breed. These pokegirls are also predatory, and are particularly attracted by the smell of blood. It is best to capture this breed using a team of two pokegirls that are strong to both the Electric and Dark element, though caution is advised as they rarely travel alone.

In the known cases of threshold into Sparkanine, the human girls reported first developing their Dark elemental traits, such as becoming invisible to psychic types, after this, the ears and tail came in, followed by fur and muzzle growth in more animorphic members of the breed. These cases are much less than those of the lower evolved forms of the line, but have been documented sparingly throughout history.