PANTHRESS, the Dark Feline Pokégirl

Type: Near Human - Not Very Near Human (Animorph Panther)
Element: Dark/Fighting
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Human style foods, extra meat (especially fresh and raw...)
Role: Menace to society, killer, punisher
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Normal, Ghost, Psychic
Weak Vs: Bug, Fighting, Rock
Attacks: Bite, Crunch, Fury Swipes, Dark Goggles, Dark Blade, Gatling Strike, Stone Palm, Saber Claw, Seismic Toss, Body Slam, Chi Blast, Chi Healing, Dark Shield, Dark Mist, Dark Bomb, Slash
Enhancements: Natural Weapons (Claws), Nightvision, Enhanced Strength (x15-B type/x5-F type), Enhanced Senses (Olfactory and Hearing)(x5), Recovery, Camoflague (Shadow Blend), Enhanced Agility (x3-B type/x7 F type), Enhanced Intelligence (F type only), Enhanced Durability (x5-B type only)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Tigress (Abuse)
Bounty: Varies from league to league
Recommendation if you see one: Make sure you have a strong fighting-type Pokégirl on hand to fight. Try to not let yourself become visible to the Panthress as they will try to ignore your Pokégirl to attack you directly.

In all things light there is darkness.

Like the Penance and the Chimera, the Panthress is a dark evolution. Only this walking tragedy is especially sad, as it could have been prevented quite easily.

When a Tigress is abused, instead of turning into a Penace, the breed becomes something different. Their rage and frustration at this engulfs them, resulting in a dark evolution and certain death for the Tamer who abused her. They are menaces, yes, but they are also to be pitied.

The first Panthress was discovered completely by accident. A Tamer of the Sunshine League didn't take good care of his Tigress, letting her training slip, rarely taming her, and forcing her into fights against opponents who outclassed her greatly. When the Tigress lost her seventh battle, against a Griffon, she was engulfed in dark light, changing into a monster. She killed her Tamer for the pain and frustration she had suffered under him and murdered the Griffon and her Tamer out of sheer rage. The Panthress was caught and put down, but soon after others began appearing.

There are two known types of Panthress. The most common form is the ‘Berserker’ Panthress. Berserkers gain tremendous amounts of muscle, especially in the biceps and thighs, their breasts expanding into the F-Cup range. Their tails grow thicker, their fur and hair becoming midnight black, giving them the ability to blend in with the shadows. Their eyes become gold, and their faces, if not already close to it, become much more animal-like in appearance, looking almost exactly like the animal they were based on originally. Their claws increase in sharpness and thickness, their senses enhancing just slightly. Berserker-type Panthresses undergo a drop in intelligence, their minds becoming almost constantly angry, lost to the rage over the abuse and neglect they suffered. They are brutally savage in battle, but somewhat clumsy due to their large size. This can be used to the advantage of someone attempting to put the Panthress out of their misery. They cannot stand the prescence of most men for any length of time longer than in takes to get what they need out of them, and consider other Pokégirls helping men to be an act of betrayal.

The second type of Panthress is much more rare, but just as dangerous, this form known as the ‘Fiend’ type. Their faces, if animalistic, become more human, their hair and fur darkening to deep black. Their eyes become golden, their claws sharpening, and like Berserker-types gain the ability to blend in with the shadows. They retain the lithe, slender figure of their previous form, gaining only a slight increase in bust and height. However what they gain is an increase to their intelligence. They become smarter, and in turn crueler, gaining a strong desire to turn the fury at their abuse and neglect outward in various ways. They are just as angry as the Berserker-type, but they turn that anger outward in a different way, in the form of acts of vicious cruelty. Otherwise, they appear as calm as any other Pokégirl. They can stand the presence of men for strong lengths of time, but doing so makes them act out even more. They can accept Tamings from males, but will feel tremendously sullied afterwards for psychosomatic reasons and need to have a Taming with a female or a Pokégirl immediately afterwards to feel better and calm down. Fiend-types are infamous for their cruelty, and are considered by some to be more dangerous than Berserker-types.

It’s unclear so far what causes the variance that makes the two different types of Panthresses. Many theories have been presented, some reasonable, some not. So far, the most acceptable reasoning for the difference is that the type of abuse that created them differs from the Berserker to the Fiend, with Berserkers receiving primarily physical abuse, while Fiends received primarily mental abuse. No one is willing to test this, so studies are being performed on a case by case basis.

Panthresses are vicious, unrelenting fighters. They will not hesitate to kill anyone they find, and when they catch a male Tamer they will torture him to death, forcing them to arousal and violently raping them first. They are considered by some to be embodiments of Mao Shin Mao's frustration and rage. It is known what makes a Panthress, and you are advised NOT to do this under any circumstances! They WILL NOT STOP until they kill their abuser and anyone else in their way. If found in the wild, do not attempt to engage or capture unless absolutely necessary. Evacuate the area immediately and contact local security forces and as many OfficerJennies as you can find. This is not a joke. Failure to do so will result in loss of Pokégirls and Tamers license, as Panthresses are ranked to be an Alpha-class threat and a danger to anyone around them.

There has been some talk of Taming a Panthress for use in a Harem, possibly even rehabilitating them like Penances can be. Research has shown this to be impossible so far, as the ingrown hatred of men Panthresses have makes them unwilling to tolerate the concept of being in a harem. The closest anyone has come is in the Silver Islands League, where the experimental Lockdown procedure has produced at least one known Berserker-type Panthress that will not rape/eat/kill a man on sight. She still despises men, however, and the rage, while more controlled, is still there, making her very difficult to deal with. She wants nothing more than to be left along, and all those involved with the project are inclined to let her be. While SIL officials are considered bizarre by most due to their stance on certain issues, their research into finding ways of making dangerous Pokégirls less dangerous is encouraged. There have been only two known instances of a controlled Panthress besides this one. The first is a Berserker-type reportedly spotted in the Sunshine League that showed signs of possibly being a Battle Panthress. The bonding may also account for why she let the two men spotted with her actively be in her company for so long. The other is a Fiend-type Panthress known to be a member of a Limbec Pirate band in the Indigo League.

Thankfully, there are no instances of Thresholding into a Panthress occurring. Although some have brought up a rather interesting topic. If a Panthress were to occur through Thresholding, would they have the tremendous internal rage that regular Panthresses do? The theory was presented by Silver Islands researchers, and admittedly has given some people pause. This theory has also made law enforcement officials, especially those in-charge of tracking down and eliminating illegal Kit Mills, become more cautious when searching for the illegal facilities…