HARPY LADY, the Stunning Sky Dancer Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human (avian)
Element: Flying
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Fish, eggs, milk, rodents
Role: Entertainers
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Fighting, Plant, Ground
Weak Vs: Ice, Electric, Rock
Attacks: Mach Breaker, Dive, Speed Storm, Feather Shuriken, Feather Blizzard, Tempest, Edge of Delight, Tickle Storm, Blow Kiss, Charming Look
Enhancements: Claws, wings, Enhanced Endurance (x5), Enhanced Strength (x4), Enhanced Speed (x5),
Evolves: Harpy Empress (Leaf Stone), Wyveri (Dragon Scale)
Evolves From: Harpy (2 Dream Stones)

    Discovered not by researchers, but by ranch employees hoping to gain a greater advantage in their Harpy breeds by triggering a yet-to-be discovered evolution, the Harpy Lady delivered exactly what those adventurous minds were hoping for, and not the horrible, city destroying menaces that can result from other reckless application of random evolution stones. All Harpy Ladies gain more human-like hands and legs, with their claws only extending from their wrists and ankles, although their wings remain upon their arms. Harpy Ladies are known for being sky dancers, and enjoy entertaining any audience with their graceful dances within the sky. On the ground, they enjoy dancing just as much, perhaps even more so because there are more dance partners there. Most Harpy Ladies would prefer sex battles over standard battles, although their abilities and libido do not assist them much in this regard. However, their ability to fly does give them something of an advantage in such battles.
    One thing that has been noted as a rather substantial increase, other than the Harpy Lady's enhanced Endurance and Speed, is their Libido. Researcher studies have found that Harpy Lady Pokégirls become very sensitive after dancing in the air, often augmented by their Flying techniques, which makes them much like a Flittit after a flight. Although Harpy Ladies do enjoy Tamings, they much prefer Taming in the air... and doing so actually seems to satiate a Harpy Lady longer than a standard taming for most Pokégirls. There have been recorded cases of Harpy Ladies not needing a Taming for almost twice the standard amount of time for their type after an intense Aerial Taming. Harpy Ladies are also less temperamental than they were as a Harpy, although most still do have something that irks them beyond belief.
    There have been no incidents of Harpy Ladies going feral or being found in the wilderness. There has also been no known incidents of a Threshold case, although that doesn't stop rumors about the event cropping up. All Harpy Ladies become much more attractive in everyone's eyes, and even Feral Harpies that are evolved have been found to follow the same tradition and become much more beautiful than before. Most Harpy Ladies that were once Feral realize that maintaining their attractiveness helps in keeping them Tamed, and so will take care of themselves much more often than they would have when still a Harpy.
    Some Harpy Ladies prefer to wear modified metal jackets to any sort of other clothing, if anything at all. The modifications make the jackets look more like a bikini than anything else, but somehow still manage to provide ample protection to the wearer. Strangely, this seems to only work when the Harpy Lady wears the modified jacket, as other Pokégirls have reported that it didn't do anything for them at all... some even complained of them falling off.
    Harpy Ladies also seem to have two rather instinctive interests- ninjutsu, and Dragon-type Pokégirls. Although they are not very good at ninjutsu thanks to their wings giving them away and getting in their way, they admire and respect those that do practice it. A true Shinobi, just by taking his or her Harpy Lady on a journey, will likely gain a life-long and somewhat obsessed ally. Harpy Ladies are also somewhat obsessed with Dragon-type Pokégirls, though not to quite the same extent. Harpy Ladies respect the Dragon-type's toughness, but tends to just use the Pokégirl almost like a Domina might. However, unlike the Domina, the Harpy Lady is much more gentle about what she wants from the Dragon-type, unless in battle.