KANGASSCUNT (aka BANGASSCUNT), the Delectable Dish Pokégirl

Type: Not Very Near Human, rare cases of Near Human
Element: Ground
Frequency: Common
Diet: Herbivore
Role: Food producer, Combatant
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Ice, Plant, Water
Attacks: Stomp, Earthquake, Gut Punch, Resonate, Thunder Tail, Takedown, Snarl, Soil Armor, Harden, Withdraw, Double Kick
Enhancements: Dismissible Armor, Toughness, Meat creation in pouch, Enhanced Strength (x3), Enhanced Speed and Agility (x3)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None

    Next to Kattle, the world's most common meat producer is actually a Pokégirl. Many researchers assume that this marsupial based breed is one of the first battle type Pokégirls that Sukube created for his War of Revenge. Created to be feed his growing armies, the Kangasscunt was also suited for combat, and didn't have to be placed in the rear lines with Chickenlittles or Milktits.
    Based on the Red Kangaroo, Kangasscunts are large Pokégirls, standing an average of eight feet tall, with a maximum of nine and a half feet, and no specimen of the breed has been seen below six and a half feet. Almost all of the breed are fully anthropomorphic having large digigrade feet attached to strong powerful legs, though their hands remain human shaped and dexterous. Full muzzles are the breed norm, and with the slight stooped stance of their bodies, no one mistakes the average Kangasscunt for a human. Due to being meat producers, most of the breed generally have a very 'well fed' look to them, and none can truly be called skinny unless they're starving. All of the breed have long brown ears, standing up much like any of the Bunnygirl line, but not as long; as well as a massive thick tail, which is used for counterbalancing during their jumping gait, and can also be used as third leg to brace themselves from falling backwards or to help them deliver their powerful Double Kick move. Their large D cup breasts are proportional to their frame, and don't tend to bounce due to their firmness.
    Rarely, a Kangasscunt is more human looking, though these cases are only seen with thresholders. Even when Near Human, a Kangasscunt still retains her long powerful digitigrade legs, her pouch, her thick tail and long ears. Universally, all fur found on the breed is a deep rust brown, though lighter coloration is sometimes noted on the stomachs of fully furred members of the breed.
    An oddity among most other Pokégirls, Kangasscunts have difficulty walking, more likely to make short hops as they move. Tamers should be aware that this does not mean the breed is slow or easy to catch. This is because Kangasscunt's don't run, they leap across the ground at high speeds in a bounding two legged series of jumps. They can move much faster than the fastest of humans and during the war, only those in what is now the Orange Island knew that these kangaroo Pokégirls were more dangerous than they seemed. In a single standing jump, a Kangasscunt can rival the leaps of the Cockadiddle line, though because they can't glide, their leaping distance is a bit shorter. It was this ability that allowed the breed to literally be 'death from above' in battle, despite the breed being ground types.
    Kangasscunts are marsupial in appearance, with a pouch on their lower belly just below their navel. However, any child of the breed is carried to term in their womb and Pokékits or children are never kept in these pouches. Instead, the kangaroo Pokégirl’s pouch acts almost as external fat storage. Adipose tissue filling the pouch first, and protein cells quickly consuming the energy to grow. The result, depending on when the product is harvested, is anything from a doughy 'egg' of cast-off fat, to a large thick 'egg' of pure muscle tissue. These 'eggs', are around a foot in diameter, though are usually oblong, and are quite delicious when partially or wholly meat, and the 'eggs' of fat are actually quite healthy to use as flavoring in other ways such as cooking oil or stews. Denizens of the Orange Islands still call the meat 'Roo' and survivors of the War claimed that the 'eggs' taste like the meat of Pre-Sukube kangaroos.
    Due to their wide-spread use during the war, Kangasscunts are common in every league, since they were propagated for their meat, which has become a staple meat around the world. These large Pokégirls are herbivores, like the Milktit, though they tend to feed heavier on legumes and other plants that are high in protein. They require an extremely large amount of food, though if not harvested, their meat production slows, and the breed can easily become overweight.
    Kangasscunts are somewhat difficult to Tame, since most like it deep and fast, but their large stature makes it hard for all but the most endowed of Tamers to satisfy them completely. Also, they tend to kick in the throes of passion, warranting the use of restraints for their legs during taming... or the Tamer winds up flying across the taming room when the Pokégirl experiences orgasm. Luckily, their pussy is large enough that it's easy to fist them to orgasm. Also, as they enjoy taking it anally more than most Pokégirls do, making that another option for a Tamer.
    Overall, the breed is quiet and seems passive, though when their slow fuse is finally burned down, they become a fireball of anger. While not capable of entering into a true Rage, many a Harem sister has pushed this docile breed to the point of explosion, which often ends with the perpetrator ending up pounded. This makes the breed a bad choice for pushy Pokégirls like the Domina or Dark Lady, because while the Kangasscunt is slow to anger, they're also a bit slow to calm down. Often wanting to 'settle' the matter with their fists and feet.
    The kangaroo Pokégirls are moderately popular with Tamers, but with their taming needs and their constant meat production, most Tamers pass on having this breed in their Harem. Those who do have a Kangasscunt usually keep one for the food and for their battle skills. Their more impressive ability is their Soil Armor technique, allowing them to gather sand, soil, or small rocks and harden them together into full body armor. While this technique usually shows up as plates covering the more vital areas, some enterprising Kangasscunts have been known to mimic other armor styles, such as a Battle Angel's armor or that of an Armsmistress or Samurai, modified to fit their own unique body shape, of course.
    Ferals of the breed tend to seem docile, roving in loose packs called 'mobs' and foraging on choice vegetation while raising any Pokékits they may have. Predatory Pokégirls looking for an easy meal often steer clear of them, since the breed is more likely to gang up on a predator than it would be to pull a Giltlectric and offer up their 'eggs' to harassing predators. When trying to capture a feral, a Tamer's best option is to attack with Flying, Ice, Plant, or Water types, and attempt to corner one away from the mob. Tamers could keep watch on the rest of the mob, though, as sometimes the wily Pokégirls circle around and attempt to 'save' their trapped sister.
    Human girls who threshold into Kangasscunts are often dismayed at their complete loss of human features, though the rare few who become Near humans do not fare much better. Most are sold off to farms, where they spend the rest of their days helping with chores and producing meat for the general populace to eat.