ARIU, the Tribal Mask Pokégirl
BIMBO, the Default Pokegirl
BOOBISAUR, the Busty Plant Pokégirl
BUNNYGIRL, the Ditzy Pokégirl
BUTTER-SHE, the Beautiful Butterfly Pokégirl
BUTTITSFREE, the Fuck n' Flutter Pokégirl
BUTTSPROUT, the Toxic Flower Pokégirl
BUZZBREAST, the Swarm Warrior Pokégirl
CHARLIE ANGEL, the Magical Harpy Pokégirl
CHIKOTIT, the Plant Pokégirl
CUNNYDEW, the Sweet Aphid Pokégirl
CUNTA-RATCHA, the Supreme Pest Pokégirl
CUTIEPIE, the Sweet Little Pokégirl
CYNDACUNT, the Fiery-Tempered Pokégirl
DIGTIT, the Digging Pokégirl
DOE, the Dear…um…Deer Pokégirl
DOGGIRL (aka PUPPY), the Lovable Loyal Pokegirl
GALLIE (AKA CHICKENLITTLE), the Poultry Pokegirl
GEOGAL, the Dependable Pokégirl
GRAVELGAL, the Rock-Solid Pokégirl
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