INGENUE, the Every Pokegirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Normal
Frequency: Common
Diet: Human style foods
Role: Domestics, General labor, anything that doesn’t require paranormal powers
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Ghost
Weak Vs: Fighting, domination attacks
Attacks: Backhand, Yell, Cheer, Anti-Cheer, Bitch Slap, False Praise, Quick Turn, Cheer On, Love N' Affection, Counter Strike (learns more; the above list is the most common techniques)
Enhancements: Enhanced Durability (x2), Enhanced Speed (x2), Enhanced Strength (x2)
Evolves: Diva (normal), Damsel (orgasm), Sidekick (any elemental stone), Battle Angel (Heavy Metal + Evolutionary Item), Shieldmaiden (Psi Crystal), Hamtits (Rodent E-Medal)
Evolves From: Bunnygirl (prolonged stress)
Revision Posted: November 6, 2011

Ask any person which pokegirl breed best exemplifies the phrase “Very Near Human”, and chances are this will be the breed that comes up. Ingenue pokegirls are one of the most common and most widely-accepted breeds in the world due to their very near human appearance and lack of powerful attacks.

Sukebe used Ingenue in the Revenge War in two main roles. One was as a maintenance crew for his armies and their facilities, where their human-equivalent intelligence gave them an advantage. The other was for infiltration: Ingenue in strategic locations would be captured or mistaken for humans and “rescued”, but had instructions to expose themselves to an evolution trigger at a certain point, enabling them to devastate human-run units from within with their new powers. Both these roles caused a lot of Ingenue and their later forms to be captured by human Tamer forces, and subsequently they’re not only one of the most common breeds in domesticity but also in Threshold girls.

Ingenue are Very Near Human pokegirls and run the gamut of human appearances, often to the point of mirroring pre-Sukebe ethnic groups. Hair colors are frequently (but not always) what used to be considered normal for humanity: various shades of “red” (orange), blonde, brown, and black, fading to gray with age. Build and skin tone likewise vary within human norms, but are usually quite attractive in a subdued, “generic” way.

In and of themselves, Ingenue are not usually suitable for combat. They lack powerful attacks, and are often easily cowed by domination attacks. Rarely, a Tamer manages to make decent use of one, such as by training her to use weapons, and in those rare instances the surprise factor of a dangerous Ingenue often wins the fight more than the Ingenue’s skill and power would. More often, a Tamer evolves his Ingenue as soon as he can get his hands on the means to do so; Ingenue have a huge variety of evolved forms including both the Battle Angel and the Sidekick families, and as such have much more combat capability.

Out of combat, Ingenue are widespread, and their high intelligence makes them useful and versatile for non-combat tasks, which along with their widespread acceptance, means they can be found in a number of roles, several with no small amount of authority attached. They cook for Tamers, clean alongside Maid Yvettes, they push papers for several businesses, they preach in churches, they preen in beauty contests, they teach in schools, they assist in hospitals, PokeCenters, and care facilities, they work on farms, and they guide and coordinate ditzier Bunnygirls and Bimbos in even more mundane tasks.

Sexual preferences vary by Ingenue. Most are bisexual with strong heterosexual leanings, and a few are strictly one or the other.

Threshold Ingenue are extremely common because of how many Ingenue and evolved forms were captured and mated with during the Revenge War, and the difficulty in distinguishing between a human woman and an Ingenue pokegirl. This latter issue causes Ingenue Thresholds to be embarrassingly common amongst families supposedly of pure blood. There are more than a few rude jokes about Ingenue in which the punch line is “She was a pureline girl yesterday!”

Because the Ingenue still looks exactly the way she did as a human, most such girls pass off their Threshold illnesses as a normal illness and don’t realize they’ve changed until they start going feral or one of the more finely-developed methods of testing catches them. As a result, many new Ingenue are horrified to suddenly be treated as pokegirls and property, though a few take comfort in being the most socially acceptable pokegirl around. This also plays into the abovementioned rude jokes.

Bunnygirls under mental or emotional stress sometimes evolve into Ingenue, but deliberately stressing a Bunnygirl is considered abuse (with all the appropriate legal penalties should it be proven in court of law) and can cause her to become a Mini-Top instead.

Feral Ingenue become huge ditzes, and also incredibly naiive, especially if they were once Bunnygirls. They are generally harmless in this state except by accident, and can be subdued and Tamed easily.