SLICER, the Weapon Specialist Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Fighting/Normal
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: human diet, high protein
Role: Weapon Specialists, Trainers, Bodyguards
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Normal, Bug, Dark, Ice, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Psychic, Flying
Attacks: Slash, Swordwave, Counter, Gattling Strike, Bide, Chop-chop, Quick Turn
Enhancements: Enhanced Agility x2, Enhanced Durability x4, Enhanced Speed x3, Enhanced Strength x5, Innate Knowledge/Aptitude (Use of One Weapon Only)
Evolves: Gladiatrix (Round Stone), Valkyrie (battle stress), Ronin (normal), Piratit (Water Stone) , Samhain (Dusk Stone + Equine E-Medal)
Evolves From: None
Revised: 11/1/12

During the Revenge War, Slicers were a common sight on the battlefield. They often were found on the front lines of shock squads and other direct combat forces. Their innate ability to use weapons made them ideal to combat the human forces, humans being weaponary creatures themselves. Their superior physical ability allowed them to use their weapons to great effectiveness. Nowadays, they are consigned to similar rolls and are rarely found outside an assigned role that does not somehow involve the use of their favored weapon because of the breeds overspecialization. Needless to say, many Tamers often employ the use of this pokegirl as she is an excellent addition to a combat harem.

Slicers appear, for the most part, to be normal human women. The do, however, exhibit typical pokegirl traits such as exotic hair and eye pigmentation, although the human norm is most common. Most Slicers possess athletic builds but this is attributed to the high ammounts of physical activity that these pokegirls typically engage in. More curvaceous Slicers are not unheard of. In rare cases, Slicers may possess some more inhuman characteristics such as unnaturally thin, narrow frames which deceptively cause others to perceive them as frail when they in fact share the same toughness and physical ability all other Slicers do.

Each individual Slicer has innate knowledge and aptitude for the use of one and only one weapon. The Slicer breed is slavishly devoted to their favored weapon and go so far as to equate it to an extension of their body. They will train with it for hours on end without rest, sleep with it, caress it for comfort, and many have been known to coo to it as if it were their own kit or child. If their weapon is lost, a Slicer will often search for it in a frenzy, truly emotionally distraught for its loss. When their weapon is destroyed beyond repair, they will behave as if they had lost an intimate friend or lover and will usually demand burial rights for it in some form. After a brief period of depression, a Slicer will resolve to obtain a new, comparable weapon. An owner bearing such a gift will not only be rewarded with a functional Slicer, but many thanks, adoration, and quite often a rigorous taming session. This favored weapon could be anything; it could be traditional martial weapons such as swords, axes, throwing daggers, et cetera, or it could be more exotic weapons such as blowguns, brass knuckles, eskrima sticks, or most anything else. Many varieties of Slicer-employed weaponry have been documented, and it is suspected that they can bear the knowledge of any single weapon and its uses. All slicers, as a part of their innate knowledge for their favored weapon, know how to craft their favored and the tools and resources they need to carry out the task.

A Slicer will use their weapon for any reason and generally speaking will leap towards the opportunity to employ its use in any appropriate- and many not so appropriate- tasks. For any tamer, tradesmen, or other individual who often faces combat, this is quite the boon. However, Slicers are so devoted to their weapon, that they tend to overspecialize in its use and nothing else. That is not to say that they cannot learn other tasks- especially when T2s are employed- but they often feel uncomfortable performing tasks that do not involve their weapon, and thus will attempt to incorporate its use somehow. This can lead to situations such as a Slicer attempting to prepare dinner with their battle-axe. The breed is universally very stubborn about leaving their weapon stowed away and will resist most any activity that they cannot find a way to make their weapons apart of. Because of their overspecialization and general unwillingness to perform tasks outside of those that involve the use of their weapon, they make poor alphas or betas.

During taming, Slicers are generally enthusiastic and passionate similarly to how they handle their weapon especially with tamers they are fond of. Thankfully, Slicers are capable of learning to control their strength which allows them to tame without restraints and do other more delicate tasks once learned. Earning the respect and adoration of a Slicer is very simple but a long, hard task. If a Slicer’s owner will allow a Slicer to educate them about their favored weapon and learn to use it, they will most often be overcome with joy and gladly share their passions with their master. After a session of training together, Slicers tend to be especially wild and will be usually more willing to participate in taming acts she might normally have an aversion to. Tamers who do not wish to subject themselves to being educated by a pokegirl can obtain lessons and information elsewhere for a similar effect, but will not experience the same level of intimacy as if they had allowed their own Slicer to personally educate them.

When feral, a Slicer generally goes into a frenzy of activity and starts using her weapon at hand on anything and everything- as well as everyone- that they can find. This often leads to their weapon becoming worn quickly and it may deform and break soon. The moment a feral Slicer is without her favored weapon whether because of it breaking or other means of losing it, she enters a full blown panic and will do anything in their power to obtain a new, comparable weapon. If a feral Slicer without a weapon is near a human settlement, she will normally attempt to steal anything that looks remotely like her favored weapon, resulting in much frustration on the Slicer’s part when her acquired object doesn’t seem to work quite right as well as much confusion on the part of owners finding various odd utensils and items suddenly going missing. Feral slicers in the wilderness tend to be found using crude, ad hoc creations and will be seen using them but with little enthusiasm. Feral slicers in the woods tend to sink into depression and often perish because of it. When encountering a feral Slicer, it is best to be cautious because they are usually always armed with something. Fortunately, they lose their innate aptitude and knowledge when feral, so they are much less capable than tame Slicers and end up hurting themselves with their weapon rather often, as they are truly mindless in their feral state.

Thresholding into a Slicer is usually a messy affair. Human girls will suddenly find themselves slowly building an obsession over a weapon of some sort and will have an uncontrollable urge to acquire it. Unaided by any sort of innate knowledge or aptitude, human girls undergoing threshold into a Slicer often grievously injure themselves and others while attempting to experiment with or create a weapon that they do not understand. Many threshold cases suddenly complete the transformation when they first lay hands on their favored weapon. Because of this, many parents have attempted to keep their daughters away from tools or devices they have an unnatural interest in as if keeping them away from them will prevent the threshold process. Researchers consider this misguided as reversing threshold, even in progress threshold, is impossible, and this sort of restrictive behavior can build a sort of mania in a thresholding Slicer. Researchers speculate that a thresholding Slicer allowed to study and obsess over her chosen weapon- in a controlled environment of course- will be a much more powerful Slicer once the transformation is complete. This is however, speculation.