CHERRY BLOSSOM (AKA THORNE), the Spellbinding Pokegirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Plant
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Herbivore
Role: Healer, Guard, Support unit
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Electric, Ground, Rock, Plant, Water
Weak Vs: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Attacks: Petal Armor, Command Plants, Power Bolt, Heal, Esuna, Great Shell Shield, Antitoxin, Absorb, Energy Drain, Vine Whip, Lance, 10,000 Cherry Blossoms, Teleport, Dispel
Enhancements: Allure, Intuitive Aptitude (Healing, Magic), Enhanced Speed (x4), Enhanced Agility (x4), Enhanced Durability (x7), Longevity, Reduced Feral, Aura of Healing, Innate Knowledge (Medicine), Enhanced Strength (x2), Body Sculpting, Affinity (Magic)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Cherry (Orgasm)
Revised: April 2013
Before the NurseJoy, there was the Cherry Blossom. Like other Sukebe created healers such as the Pollita or the Cherry, Cherry Blossoms were used as on-the-go healing, it is only after they were captured or joined human forces did the breed acclimate to doctors offices, hospitals, and first aid centers. In modern times, the breed is well known for working alongside their fellow healer pokegirls, though this breed is also stigmatized due to their reputation for narcissism and the dangers that some ferals of the breed are known for.
Tall and willowy tends to describe the breed well, as the average height ranges from 5.5 - 6 feet (1.67 - 1.83 meters). The breed looks almost entirely human, save for hair and eye color and the presence of what appears to be a band, garland, or crown of woven cherry blossoms in their hair. This 'accessory' is actually a set of interwoven vines coming from 3-7 nodes beneath the hairline. These nodes are also where the breed's vines come from, meaning that Cherry Blossoms usually have 3-7 vines for use. The smaller interwoven vines are always adorned with buds and flowers, no matter what the season. This plant type's hair ranges from shades of silver and white to a coral pink. The breed's eyes can range in any color, though often are pinks, whites, or human standard colors. Most members of the breed also have heterochromia, where each iris of the eye is a different color. Individuals can look subtly or wildly different, thanks to their body sculpting ability.
Pragmatic and practical are two of the most common positive descriptors used to label the breed's personality, though self-centered and vain are the two most common negative personality labels used. Common to the breed is their self-centered world view, though this runs the spectrum of being selfish by nature to narcissism as a disorder (that it impairs their ability to function in society). Due to this trait, most members of the breed are poor choices for Alpha or Beta positions. Their practicality can win over this to cause individuals to do seemingly selfless acts, though more often than not it is motivated by self interest.
The fighting style of the breed tends to be use of overwhelming force to end a battle as quickly as possible, though the breed generally has a good grasp of tactical thinking and can plan a decent course of action in little time. The breed prefers to use their talents as healers (and often due to their ego call themselves the best healers) and seek to keep everyone as fit and well as they can. The breed fits best into a support role, either shielding and healing their main combatants or simply aiding with their magic.
A small minority of the breed fall into what most leagues consider bounty worthy menaces, due to their bloodthirsty tendencies. Primarily found in those with extreme narcissism, the menace population of the breed have one distinguishing feature. Red hair. No individuals of the breed are born, threshold, or evolve and have red hair, it is only the menace population of the group who's hair slowly turns red. Though popular theory states that it is from killing or shedding blood, such an act happens frequently during pokegirl battles or while hunting ferals. If this theory were true, then most individuals owned by tamers would have red hair eventually. Indeed, the tactics of some menace types are to drain their victims of energy until they die, making killing a bloodless affair. Even more disturbing, is the use of their body sculpting ability to make victims into twisted mockeries of life that expire quickly. These red-haired Cherry Blossoms also tend to lure their victims to their deaths, either by charming those around them when tamed or by appearing frail or eager to tame when feral. For this reason, most Leagues have bounties on red-haired individuals.
Taming preferences tend to vary, though there is a slight preference amongst the breed for having attention lavished upon them. This may or may not extend to multiple simultaneous partners during taming. Another note is that some enjoy taming during or after sunbathing, bathing, or in the presence of mirrors. Though the red haired menace subset of the breed can be tamed and bonded, most Leagues have strict laws regarding such ownership. Tamers are warned to consult the laws in their locality before attempting to tame or capture for taming a red-haired Cherry Blossom.
Ferals seek out warm sunny areas near large bodies of water to make their homes. They tend to use command plants to create living huts to live in, growing any food they need. Unless in an area with a mild winter, these plant type pokegirls will attempt to find warmer abodes in the colder seasons. This leads to some becoming nuances in the fall when they encroach upon human civilization. Cherry Blossoms are intelligent enough to hold conversations, but suffer the same attention and memory problems as other Very Near Human ferals. Their feral state is noted by their magic dangerously draining their life energy. This drain causes them to feed on others by draining energy to replenish their own, though this is regulated to small amounts on those around them (unless an individual is a menace subset). Tamers are advised to hit this breed hard with ice or fire types, as their healing abilities can keep them going for quite a while.
Threshold directly into a Cherry Blossom happens infrequently. Symptoms tend to be dandruff buildup and scalp dermatitis on the nodes where the vines will erupt. The hair begins to grow in breed standard colors, though this happens at the pace of normal hair growth. The transformation is typically quick, lasting around three days with no other symptoms. The vines on the new pokegirl will slowly grow and twine themselves around the head. Many thresholders train their vines as they first grow into garlands, crowns, barrettes, or other accessory appearing styles. Thresholders tend to be shuffled into medical professions or sold.
CHERRY BLOSSOM (AKA THORNE), the Spellbinding Pokegirl
- Details
- Written by: CMDRZero
- Category: PokeDex
- Hits: 3271