Slimette, the Gooey Collector Pokegirl
Type: Humanoid (Amorphus)
Element: Poison
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: Bodily fluids, prefers sexual fluids
Role: Genetic Material Collector
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Bug, Fighting, Plant, Poison
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground
Attacks: Quick Attack, Long Tongue, Wrap, Pounce, Entrapment, Acid Tongue, Devour, Exhausting Venom, Lust Venom
Enhancements: Enhanced Endurance (x3), Enhanced Durability (x5), Ageless, Genetic Absorption, Evolution Stone induced Elemental Affinity
Disadvantages: Low Intelligence, Controllable by Cocooner
Evolves: Slimette Princess (Battle Stress)
Evolves From: None
Radical scientists are sometimes called 'Cocooner's Little Helpers', though this title is more suited for the breed created by the Legendary herself in order to collect genetic material across the globe. The Slimette line was created shortly after the War of Revenge, and believed to be the very first creation by the insectiod Legendary. With their genetic absorption ability, this breed is capable of taking on affinities of those pokegirls they consume. Created to be living 'test tubes' capable of holding DNA, this breed is used in conjunction with insect pokegirls through the Legendary's 'One True Queen' ability to collect DNA and store it for later processing.
Physically Slimettes are somewhat similar to other gel-pokegirls, such as the Slutge, in that their body does is not a complete solid mass but is actually semi-liquid. Though it only takes a small amount of concentration for the Slimette to maintain complete cohesiveness, many soon become capable of maintaining it unconsciously, and only when greatly distracted will they lose this control. Once control is lost, the breed's body will slowly revert into a more liquid form, first appearing as if they were constantly dripping fresh slime, then the legs become a mound of slime up to where the knee would be; and as the breed loses cohesion the 'mound' becomes higher, often allowing their arms to merge with their torsos when not in use. The last stage is a complete puddle, which often happens when the breed is unconscious. This ability can be used at will by the Slimette but the lack of cohesion leaves them surprisingly vulnerable, so many prefer to maintain their cohesion. A surprising offshoot of the manner in which they maintain their cohesion is that the breed does not appear to physically age, though this is only external as they age normally internally. The breed averages around 5 feet in height when in their semi-solid form, though due to the gelatinous nature of the breed, their height, bust and other features are variable. Individuals do have a base form which is considered their 'true' semi-solid form, though again, this can be changed. The only thing the breed can't change is their coloration, which can be any imaginable color.
Designed to be unquestioning assistants, they lack a great deal of intelligence. Domesticated Slimettes often achieve Bimbo level intelligence, though thankfully they do not suffer from that breed’s short attention span, but rarely manage anything beyond that whilst Feralborn are even more limited, often having no more than a child-like level of intelligence. Likewise their High Libidos were designed to ensure they would seek out as many partners as possible, thereby gaining more genetic material. When it comes taming these gelatinous pokegirls, they are open to anything so long as it does not hurt them too much.
All of this however leaves out the final tool at the Slimette’s disposal, it ability to store and transport DNA. This ability is rudimentary in the Slimette, and these packets of DNA are visible within the chest area of the pokegirl. It should be noted, that if a Slimette is given an evolution stone, then the object takes the place of the stored DNA, and the ambient energy of the stone gives the pokegirl an elemental type affinity of the stone's element, much like the Elephuck. DNA packets remain inert; though can be used by the breed's evolved forms. Unlike their evolved form, the Slimette doesn't have the capacity to learn elemental moves, though their element does undergo a shift (see elemental footnote*).
Slimettes are mediocre battlers on their own, often preferring to allow their poison abilities to end the battle by exhausting their opponents or turning the battle into a taming session. Ferals of the breed rely on numbers to take down stronger opponents, or singularly use their Lust Venom liberally to tame other pokegirls. If knocked unconscious, the breed loses cohesion and becomes a puddle, though only true destruction of the body will kill the breed, as spattering the puddle only causes the slime based pokegirl to go into a state of suspended animation until the different portions of her body return to each other and the pokegirl becomes mostly whole. Digestive juices, fire, acid, and electricity are all effective methods of destroying the slime cells of the Slimette.
Slimettes do become pokewomen, though the breed is notoriously difficult to conceive a human child. Oddly, if the breed does conceive a human child, the pokewoman is twice more likely to have a male child than a female. Most are quite capable of carrying pokekits and those born from pokewoman are often colored completely differently to their mother. Like the Glass breed, fetal development can be seen through the mother in the case of human children, though depending on the coloration and opaqueness of the Slimette, the visual is variable.
Threshold into a Slimette is extremely rare, and markedly fast. The cells of the thresholder quickly assume their liquid state, making the onset of threshold literally melt the transforming pokegirl. Thresholders are largely caught unaware, and many are fated to lose much of their mental facilities.
Elemental Listing Footnote:
The following stones, when held inside the mass of the Slimette Line, induce the following elements;
Sun Stone = Bug
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Ice, Dark
Weak Vs: Electric, Fire, Flying
Dark Stone = Dark
Strong Vs: Plant, Poison, Ice, Rock, Dark, Ghost
Weak Vs: Ground, Electric, Fighting, Fire
Dragon Scale = Dragon
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Rock, Dragon, Water
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Fighting
Thunder Stone = Electric
Strong Vs: Bug, Poison, Ice, Flying, Steel, Water
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Fighting, Fire, Dragon
Round Stone or Shield Stone = Fighting
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Ice, Rock, Dark, Normal, Steel
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Electric, Fighting, Fire, Flying
Fire Stone = Fire
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Ice, Steel
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Electric, Fighting, Water
Sky Crystal = Flying
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison
Weak Vs: Psychic, Electric, Fire
Dusk Stone or Shadow Stone = Ghost
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Ice, Rock, Ghost
Weak Vs: Ground, Electric, Fire, Dark
Moon Stone = Ground
Strong Vs: Bug, Poison, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Fighting, Flying, Water
Ice Crystal = Ice
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Ice, Dragon, Flying
Weak Vs: Psychic, Electric, Fighting, Fire, Steel
Mana Crystal Or Angel Stone = Magic
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Ice, Rock
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Electric, Fighting, Fire
*Note, Mana Crystal produces better offensive magic, Angel Stone produces better defensive/healing magic in the Slimette Princess and Slimette Queen.
Dream Stone = Normal
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Ice, Rock, Ghost
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Electric, Fighting, Fire
Leaf Stone = Plant
Strong Vs: Plant, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Psychic, Fighting, Fire, Flying
Venom Stone = Extra Aggression
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Ice, Rock
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Electric, Fighting, Fire
Psi Crystal = Psychic
Strong Vs: Plant, Poison, Ice, Rock, Dark, Ghost
Weak Vs: Ground, Electric, Fire
Diamond Stone = Rock
Strong Vs: Bug, Poison, Ice, Rock, Flying
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Fighting, Steel, Water
Heavy Metal or Shiny Stone = Steel
Strong Vs: Bug, Plant, Poison, Ice, Rock
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Electric, Fighting, Fire
Water Stone = Water
Strong Vs: Bug, Poison, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Psychic, Ground, Electric, Fighting
Slimette, the Gooey Collector Pokegirl
- Details
- Written by: CMDRZero
- Category: PokeDex
- Hits: 3033