BATTLE (insert name here), the Heavily-Armed (insert title here) Pokégirl

Type: As Base Type
Element: Steel(tech)/As Base Type
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: As Base Type, plus mineral supplements
Role: Bodyguard, Data Analysis
Libido: One category lower than Base Breed, never below Very Low.
Strong Vs.: Ice, Rock, plus Base typing
Weak Vs: Electric, Fighting, Fire, Ground, plus Base typing
Attacks: Plasma Sword, Plasma Strikes, Arc Shot, plus Base Typing
Enhancements: Computer Interface, Emotion Control, Enhanced Durability (x3), Enhanced Memory, Flight(thrusters), Improved Respiration(Anaerobic), Pressure Resistance, Specialized Digestive System(minerals), plus Base typing
Evolves: As Base Type
Evolves From: Zeromer nanite bonding
Revised: March 2013

The Zeromer seems to be possessed with a single minded determination to collect data, this drives them and their Tamers to travel constantly. Even when feral this continues, as individuals of the breed keep moving, from place to place, being found in the remote and even hazardous areas gathering information. Sometimes this leads to unfortunate consequences as it might lead to th end to the Zeromer, and perhaps her Tamer and the rest of her harem as well. In situations where this occurs, the Zeromer seems to have an unusual recourse to continue her unknown objective, nanites. One of the last acts a dying Zeromer can perform is release a nanite cloud that seeks out and injects itself into a target pokegirl creating a strange fusion of the pokegirls' previous breed.

Physically aspects of the girl changes, seeming at random. Hair or fur colour might change, luminescent fibres might appear mixed in with her natural hair or fur growth. Sub-dermal luminescent patterns might appear under the skin, and sections of skin might change to the soft metal found on Zeromers. The girl in question gains a series of benefits from the fusion such as Zeromer-like armour, some of the Zeromer's plasma based attacks, the ability to seal her armour for independent life-support as well as surviving extreme pressures. Her digestive system also changes to allow her to consume minerals to supplement her diet, the amount needed is far less than the Zeromer, and is generally a small percentage of her total diet depending on her previous eating requirements. These physical changes increase the individuals combat abilities greatly but the changes are not merely limited to the body.

Mentally the newly bonded pokegirl changes mentally as well, memory is enhanced and she now gains the ability to interface through computer systems through her armour. She finds herself with greater emotional control than before, but is far from emotionless. She also gets a lesser version of the Zeromer's need to wander and collect data, but it is there as are the subconscious transmissions to whatever strange receiver awaits them.

Taming wise, little changes for the bonded pokegirl. Though the nanites seem to regulate her body to a greater degree, ultimately lessening the need for taming, dropping the required frequency by a category, though it doesn't seem to every get rid of the the need for taming, the few Very Low libido'd girls that have been bonded have experienced no changes in their taming needs. Ferality is an interesting aspect to the new girl, while her breeds basic feral instincts seem to remain mostly unchanged, there is a streak of curiosity in them as well, and most can be seen exploring and investigating everything they can, depending on if their feral state allows it. There are no cases of the bonded pokegirl passing on her additional traits to offspring, either through natural birthing or threshold. In fact, the process seems to be a one time thing, as if the bonded pokegirl dies, the nanites cease to function as well. As of yet, there have not been reports of a feral Zeromer initiating a nanite boding with either a feral or tamed pokegirl, leading to the belief that this act must be initiated only when the Zeromer is tamed.