SPELLBUN, the Mystic Moon Pokegirl

Type: Near Human - Not Very Near Human (Lapine Animorph)
Element: Magic
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Herbivore
Role: Spellwork, Magic Detection, Combat
Libido: Average - High
Strong Vs: Ghost, Dragon
Weak Vs: Water, Steel
Attacks: Aura of Grace, Cry Wolf, Lunar Bolt, Lunar Caress, Magic Strike, Burst, Mana Bolt, Heal, Pounce, Quickening, Phantom Touch, Reflect, Royal Curse, Megido
Enhancements: Enhanced Intelligence, Intuitive Aptitude (Spellwork or Magically Boosted Combat), Innate Knowledge (Astronomy, Herbalism), Enhanced Senses (Sight, Olfactory, Hearing)(x3), Enhanced Agility (x4), Enhanced Strength (x3), Enhanced Speed (x3), Enhanced Balance, Recovery, Sixth Sense (Magic)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Bunnygirl (Moon Stone)

Considered the most intelligent breed of lapine pokegirl, Spellbuns are magic using rabbit pokegirls. The breed falls into two categories, a traditional mage who casts spells from afar; and a magical battler who boosts her own combat abilities before fighting (often with weapons). Used in magical aptitudes alongside other breeds like the Sorceress or Nekomata, these spellbinding pokegirls are one of the more frequent evolutions to the Bunnygirl.

Height within the breed is an average of 1.6 meters (5' 3'') with variations of up to 60 centimeters (1 meter to 2.2 meters or 3' 3'' to 7' 3''). Skin tones are typically pale to a light brown though can mimic ethnicity of any descent on individuals that are not fully anthromorphic. Hair (not fur) can be white, silver, blond, platinum, or occasionally a 'harvest' pastel orange. This gives the breed one of their common nicknames, 'Moon Bunny', due to their connection with the moon in their hair and abilities. This magical breed can be fully animorphic with altered gait, fur, digigrade feet, and muzzles; to only barely so with just rabbit ears and a tail. For individuals with fur, coat colors come in brown, black, silver-grey, grey-blue (often referred to as steel), blonde, rust, or white. The most common colors are white and silver-grey. Eye colors can be of any color, though red, yellow, and white are the most common.

While still noted to be friendly and helpful, Spellbuns are anything but ditzy. Studious, serious, and calm are the most often reported personality traits of the breed. It is unknown if this is a bias in comparing this breed with their pre-evolution or if these are actual notable breed personality traits. Indeed, these magical lapines gain a great deal of intelligence in this evolution, although that intelligence is geared more towards astronomy, herbs, and natural remedies rather than scientific knowledge. Most individuals are candidates for either alpha or beta positions should their tamer feel they have the ability.

The breed's sixth sense is a visual one, allowing them to see magic within fifty feet of themselves. Due to the magic being described as differently colored mists, Spellbuns are sometimes called Mist Bunnies. This sense makes Spellbuns popular sentries or guards in sensitive areas, as they can literally see any magic around them and with time can learn to identify any spell work by sight. A well trained Mist Bunny can fetch exorbitant prices normally left for extremely rare pokegirl breeds. In addition to their own sixth sense, Delta Bonded individuals can share this ability with their tamer, though unless the human has significant magical ability this range is one tenth the range.

Combat divides the breed into two camps, usually referred to as Spellslinger and Juicer. Spellslingers are rote mages, casting spells of various effects on the battlefield or at opponents, and are highly variable in their preferences and spells. Juicers are magical augmenters, applying spells to their bodies, weapons, and/or allies in order to increase their physical combat abilities. Which style an individual uses depends highly on which Intuitive Aptitude that pokegirl has, and while Juicers can sling spells and Spellslingers can augment themselves, they are never as good at their 'off' style as they are with their natural one.

Taming preferences tend to vary amongst individuals, with only a few notable quirks. Among some individuals, a fetish for feet and/or footwear appears to be present and often focuses on high heeled shoes. Such individuals often will dress in their favored footwear, though reports of the whole Spellbun breed needing high heels to walk is exaggerated. Another oddity of the breed is their sensitivity rising and falling opposite the phases of the moon, as if the lunar rays give the pokegirl a better resistance to sex attacks. On a new moon is when the breed is their most sensitive and easily tamed, while challenging this magical lapine breed to a sex battle during the full moon is not recommended.

Ferals have a semi-sapient feral state, able to build rough structures, forage, store food, make simple tools, and even have a rough language of their squeaking calls, wordless melodies, clicking, and humming. Spellbuns tend to form treetop warrens, or favoring other high areas such as cliffs or mountain tops. While herbivorous, they can be dangerously defensive of perceived threats, especially when defending pokekits. Primarily crepuscular, the only time this varies is during nights of the full moon, when entire warrens sing their haunting wordless melody into the night. Pokegirls and humans alike have been known to become entranced in the melody, and it is suspected that this is some variant of Charm Song.

Threshold directly into a Spellbun is very rare, requiring magical and rabbit pokegirl based heritage. Seeing magic is often the first sign, though most thresholders ignore or explain this phenomenon away. Various magical abilities make themselves known during later days, and the thresholder has strong urges to view the night sky. Once bathed in the light of the moon, the transforming girl changes into a pokegirl in a swirl of sparkling moonlight. Thresholders are usually sold to businesses in need of magical look outs.