CLONETWO, the Defective Clone Pokégirl
Type: Varies from Not Very Near Human to Inhumanoid
Element: Depends on the Pokégirl they’re cloned from
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Depends on the Pokégirl they’re cloned from
Role: Freakish aberration, Zombabe fighter, Other uses being researched
Libido: Depends on the Pokégirl they’re cloned from
Strong Vs: Depends on the Pokégirl they’re cloned from
Weak Vs: Depends on the Pokégirl they’re cloned from
Attacks: Depends on the Pokégirl they’re cloned from
Enhancements: Depends on the Pokégirl they’re cloned from, Stronger and more durable than original Pokégirl (original stats +5), Lower Feral state, immune to zombification
Disadvantages: Lower intelligence, sterile, deformed
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None
    The science of cloning has been banned, regarded as Forbiddentech. However this has not prevent some from continuing to attempt it. But because the science of cloning Pokégirls is still very much in its infancy, nothing that could reasonably be called a success has been made. The ability to clone at all has only recently been rediscovered, and so far it seems that only Pokégirls can be cloned. However the ability to make clones has yet been perfected. As such, the results have always been something… rather imperfect. Namely, the Clonetwo breed of Pokégirl.
    Clonetwos are the result of attempts to clone Pokégirls that have gone wrong. Sadly, so far all known attempts have gone horribly wrong. The process became unstable along the way, resulting in creatures that have only a partial similarity to the creature they were cloned from. They have the abilities and attacks, as well as some physical similarities. However while they are also physically stronger and more durable than their original form and have a reduced Feral state than their original, they are also a lot less intelligent, are always sterile and incapable of reproduction, and usually quite deformed in some way. They look similar to the creature they were cloned from, to be sure, but because of the glitched process, their bodies look unfinished, as if it hasn’t pulled itself together entirely. Deformities can range from something as simple as half the face being twisted and misshapen to over half the body being malformed and twisted. This has led most Clonetwos to be crippled in some way, either through misshapen limbs or distorted internal organs. To beings that find beauty in bilateral symmetry, a Clonetwo is quite hideous.
    Worse still however is the Clonetwo’s mind. Depending on what parts of the process malfunctioned, a Clonetwo’s mentality can range from anywhere to having some of the original’s memories, to total amnesia, to out-and-out dementia. Some of the more lucid realize what they’ve become and try to end their own lives, or seek out the Jusenkyo Spell Dump to hopefully get themselves ‘cursed’ to become a fully-formed Pokégirl.
    It’s impossible to classify a generality between how Clonetwos will react in a fight, since each one is radically different. Some are meek and try to avoid combat, while others are raging berserkers, fighting with their incredible strength and enhanced durability to great effect. Note that Clonetwos are a separate breed of Pokégirl, like the Zombabe (an unfortunate comparison to be sure, but the only one that fits), not a template, and as such cannot evolve to a higher form.
    One would think that there wouldn’t be that many Clonetwos. However raids of Limbec Pirate labs a few years after Mao Shin Mao’s attacks revealed that they had been creating them en-masse to try and have an army of their own. All of these escaped into the wild, eventually going Feral and being killed by less disadvantaged Feral Pokégirls. Others (depending on the breed of Clonetwo) have flourished, surviving in the wild for years.
    The taming habits of Clonetwos have been unknown for years, as most who are found are too freakish-looking for the average Tamer to voluntarily Tame them. Also, the vast majority of Clonetwo are usually in great pain from their deformities, and are mercifully put out of their misery. Those Clonetwo that do get taming usually force themselves on people, leaving a trail of emotionally scarred victims in their wake.
    Strangely enough, it has been shown as possible for Clonetwos to be not only Tamed and kept in a harem, but to lead a relatively peaceful and happy life. The most famous case of this was a Clonetwo Tigress kept in the Harem of Capital League Combat Tamer Bruce ‘Brother Love’ Prichard. Brother Love, who’s fame started when he survived a Hyperdoll long enough for her to become a Redeemer, helped the Clonetwo, who was crippled in one leg and arm due to her deformities, become not only a champion fighter, but also (via adoption) a capable mother. While Brother Love is famous for having Pokégirls that started out with less-than-happy lives (such as a Penance he rescued, a Milotit he raised from a Feeblass, a Mechdoll, and so forth…), other Tamers not as well-known have also taken Clonetwos into their harems, helping them lead happy lives. One Tamer even went so far as to adopt a baby for his Clonetwo to raise, taking the precaution of getting a nurse-trained Milktit to help her be a good mother. (While sterile, Clonetwos can lactate if stimulated with Milktit milk.) The child has since gone on to become a successful Tamer in the Crimson League.
    Clonetwos are still a conundrum. Pokégirls will not recognize them as anything other than Clonetwos, leading to the unfavorable comparison with Zombabes. However it is much more possible to tame and live with a Clonetwo than a Zombabe. And interestingly enough, Clonetwos have a complete and total immunity to zombification. In one recorded incident, a Clonetwo of an Amachamp was seen slaughtering dozens of Zombabes, showing several visible bite marks but no signs of succumbing to the Zombabe virus. After the infestation was contained, the Clonetwo died of blood loss instead of the disease, and didn’t wake up as a Zombabe afterwards.
    Due to the nature of how they are formed and the fact that they are sterile, it is impossible for anyone to Threshold into a Clonetwo. Creation of Clonetwos is discouraged by law in most leagues, and is a prosecutable offense.
Clonetwo Subject Breed:

Known Enhancements Specific to Subject:

Known Disadvantages Specific to Subject:

Description of Individual Defects (Internal and External):