SAMHAIN (AKA DAMEHAN), the Headless Halloween Pokegirl

Type: Near Human - Inhumanoid (Centaur Metamorph)
Element: Ghost/Fire
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: Human Norm
Role: Combat, Covert Ops
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Bug, Ice, Plant, Steel, Fighting, Poison, Psychic
Weak Vs: Dark, Ground, Water
Attacks: Fireball, Lick, Firestorm, Night Shade, Flamethrower, Phase, Possess, Lure, Area Illusion, Drain, Invis, Ghost Blade, Ecto Blitz, Fear Aura, Pumpkin Bomb, Beheading Strike
Enhancements: Enhanced Agility (x6), Enhanced Endurance (x6), Enhanced Speed (x5), Enhanced Strength (x5), Enhanced Durability (x6), Metamorph (Limited), Intuitive Aptitude (Sword Fighting), Summon Item (Swords, Candy)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Slicer (Dusk Stone + Equine E-Medal), Ponytaur (Dusk Stone + Moon Stone)

A few scattered reports survive from the War of Revenge of a headless tauric pokegirl that would terrorize troops. Initially these reports were discounted as the result of battle stress, however utilizing the new pokegirl troops a specimen of the breed was captured in 2AS. In modern times these rare pokegirls are used mainly in harems, hunter/tradesman units, or League militaries due to their power and inherent abilities.

Samhain have two forms, the first is their closer to human taming form and the second is their tauric battle form. In their taming form, the breed appears as a pale skinned very near human woman. These equine pokegirls range in height from 6 to 7 feet (2-2.3 meters) with bust sizes that range from modest B to large D cups. Considered the most disturbing aspect of the breed is their ability to remove their heads from their necks at will. This removal does not kill the pokegirl, and the 'cut' area where the neck is severed is a uniform pink and sealed completely. Most researchers speculate that the natural state for this pokegirl is decapitated, and placing the head upon the neck is merely a way to appear completely human. Most Samhein are able to produce a red ribbon to effectively tie their heads onto their necks to accomplish this. In both forms, the head is able to act independently of this ghostly breed's body via floating, and does not impair the body's ability to see, hear, or eat (as food taken in by the mouth makes its way into the body through a complicated process of energy and ectoplasm transfer).

Upon transforming into the breed's tauric battle form, this headless breed takes on a drastic change. Dark black armor appears on the torso as the lower half of the breed's body becomes that of a large dark colored horse. Standing on average 5 feet (1.66 meters) at the equine shoulder, perhaps the most drastic change to the pokegirl is the transformation of their head. No longer appearing human, the breed's head looks completely like a Jack-o-Lantern with a fierce red glow coming from the eyes and the wide, grinning mouth.

Though many consider the breed's battle form intimidating, Samhain (often called Damehan due to the tricky pronouncement of solwein) are considered good natured pokegirls. In general the breed speak only when they believe something is important, though quite a few enjoy games of riddles. When placed into an Alpha or Beta position many preform their duties well, though the breed has been noted to encourage tamers to get rid of harem members who don't pull their weight or cause problems. This 'taking stock' happens before every venture into the wilderness as the Samhain attempts to increase their tamer and harems chances of survival.

Samhains often begin official battles by treating them like a game. They dance around opponents, testing their defenses and overall reactions, a trait that many of the breed call 'putting opponents through their paces'. This test of overall battle worthiness is often ignored completely during fights with ferals or in dire situations, as the breed immediately transforms into their battle form and attempts to end the battle quickly. The breed has been noted to have a vicious streak when protecting their tamers or young children or 'kits from deadly force, often with the use of their signature move, Beheading Strike.

Samhein, in addition to their name, have been associated with harvest festivals due to the breed's general love of the season. The breed overall shows a love toward children and pokekits, their ability to summon candy of any type makes them popular with children as well. They will play innocent games with children, and even pretend to be scared at any costumes they wear, or at pokekits acting big and menacing.

Samhein are often described as sensual pokegirls, and one notable trait of the breed is their arousal when near open bonfires. Many members of the breed enjoy dancing around a bonfire, though taming in a safe proximity to a bonfire has been reported to be a passionate experience. Other then this new found love of fire and a slight voyeuristic streak, the breed's preferences remain largely as they were before their evolution. It should be noted that both the head and body of the pokegirl feel the same thing, and more than one experimental tamer has found that taming one piece of this ghostly pokegirl was easily felt by the other.

Ferals of the breed are extremely rare to find in the wild, though the temperament of feral Samhains have earned them the nickname 'Headless Whoresgirl' in some Leagues in relation to a recovered book from Pre-Sukebe times. Ferals claim an area as their territory and kill those in the area according to an unknown criteria. The breed lairs towards the center of their territory where they keep a macabre collection of decapitated heads of their victims. The bodies are burned in bonfires soon after the victims death. Odd quirks of this feral state include the Sanhein stopping abruptly at the edge of their territory, which has saved quite a few of would-be victim tamers; and the ferals strange attempts to kill themselves should they be defeated in battle. A disputed theory among researchers is that feral Samhain kill those that the breed consider weak, and if defeated in battle they attempt to cull themselves due to their own weakness.

Transforming directly into a Samhain is almost unheard of, the few reports of threshold have been consistent that the first symptom is severe laryngitis, followed by the thresholder's head falling completely off as the transformation completes. After this transformation into their taming form is complete, the thresholder can then assume their battle form. Threshold Samhain are often sold for hefty sums into private sectors or League military.