ICE MAIDEN, the Frigid Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human
Element: Ice
Frequency: Uncommon
Diet: Vegan, favors fruits over vegetables
Role: Arctic operative, strategic combat
Libido: Low (increases in higher temperatures)
Strong Vs: Dragon, Flying, Ground, Plant, Ice
Weak Vs: Fighting, Fire, Rock, Steel
Attacks: Ice Punch, Cold Punch, Iceblade Kick, Ice Beam, Ice Blade, Ice Wall, Mist
Enhancements: Immune to non-magical cold, low Feral & Emotional state
Evolves: Yuki-Onna (orgasm), Snow Queen (mechanism unknown), Ice Princess (normal), Foxymaiden (Fox E-Medal), Magic Knight (Delta Bond + Heavy Metal)
Evolves From: Nymph (Ice Crystal), Watermaiden (Ice Crystal)

    Ice Maidens were among Sukebe’s last creations during the Revenge War. There are very few recorded instances of them fighting, as few of Sukebe’s targets were in arctic environments, as that is where they were most effective. Due to their low emotional states and light feral aspects, they were able to go for long periods of time without need for taming. And because of their ability to see things logically, they were able to see which way the war was going. They surrendered en masse, and in exchange for arctic land to live on as a Preserve as well as for giving up the location of what would eventually able to become Jusenkyo, were able to establish lives for themselves after the war. The then leader of the Ice Maidens, Yukii, has since evolved into an Ice Empress. She helps regulate the goings and comings of Ice Maidens and has set up a challenge system for those wanting to take an Ice Maiden from the village. She changes it every other week, so as not to be predictable and keep the population of her Preserve up.

    Ice Maidens, in physical appearance, have very few differences from human women. Their body temperature is vastly lower than the normal, and their skin and hair has a slight bluish tint to it. Their Feral state is very light, as they just become clumsy and forgetful. In this state, they are prone to accidentally freezing parts of themselves.

    Taming Ice Maidens is not an easy task. Due to their extremely low body temperature, they have a hard time becoming aroused. A good Tamer will first try to warm up the Pokégirl, either via something such as a hot bath or a sauna. Ice Maidens, as they warm up, become less powerful and less able to control their libido. A good Tamer will keep things such as a heat pack on hand, so that their Ice Maiden can get more frequent tamings. A fire-type, such as a Fire Maiden, can also help warm up an Ice Maiden. Despite these difficulties, Ice Maidens are among the more popular types of Pokégirls, mainly because of their high power potential and the fact that they don’t need to be Tamed so often. (Although affectionate Tamers do so anyway.)

    Ice Maidens, in terms of personality, are very cold, logical Pokégirls. They are capable of thinking through any problem calmly, and usually display very little to emotion. Some Ice Maidens are so cold and emotionless that they can use Shadow-element attacks. It takes a lot to bring out the passion and emotion in an Ice Maiden, however an affectionate, caring Tamer can manage it. There’s even a recently recorded case of an Ice Maiden learning how to use Emotion Bomb. The Ice Maiden’s Tamer in that case was one Ash Sextome, who is known to favor befriending his Pokégirls to increase their performance and has a astronomically high Empathy rating.

    Cases of Thresholding into an Ice Maiden are rare, but they are among the more common Ice-type Threshold results.