WENDIGAL, the Unbalanced Winter Spirit Pokégirl
Type: Near Human
Element: Ice/Ghost
Frequency: Very Rare (cold regions, Extremely Rare elsewhere)
Diet: meat and life energy
Role: Hunters, ambush, protection, tracking
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Bug, Ice, Normal, Poison
Weak Vs: Dark, Fire, Ghost, Rock, Steel
Attacks: Fury Swipes, Sabre Claw, Slice n’ Dice, Bite, Crunch, Dark Goggles, Heart of Darkness, Horn Attack, Phase, Fear Aura, Energy Drain, Snow Storm, Heat Drain, Icicles, Cold Snap, Ice Beam, Blizzard Beam, Dissolve, Icicle Claw
Enhancements: Dark Affinity, Enhanced Strength (x7), Enhanced Speed (x6), Enhanced Durability (x4), Enhanced Endurance (x11), Minor Regeneration, Enhanced Olfactory Senses
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None

The Wendigal, at first glance, seems to be an ideal Pokegirl for most Tamers. Not only are they skilled at combat and stealth, but they are amongst the most loyal and loving of Pokegirls around. The first Tamer to form an Alpha bond with a Wendigal earns her unending devotion, and the feelings of a Wendigal for her Tamer go far beyond those seen in most other Pokegirls. But there is one, rather critical problem with possessing this Pokegirl.

This problem being that Wendigals are insane.

This breed is called “Unbalanced” for good reason, despite seeming to be sound of mind at first glance. Indeed, until they get a Tamer they show almost no signs of madness, and may in fact seem quite normal. However, once an Alpha bond is formed the true nature of this Pokegirl is made apparent, dragged into existence by the breed’s unique reaction to the formation of the bond. The loyalty an Alpha bond creates is magnified and twisted out of proportion in the Wendigal. Wendigals number, one and all, amongst the most loyal of Pokegirls, but this loyalty is truly psychotic in its intensity.

Wendigals can be an unusual mixture of being emotional and coldly calculating. The slightest praise from their Tamer can cause them to light up even when they are at their saddest, and said Tamer’s disapproval can devastate them just as easily. However, even at their highest and lowest states of emotion they are capable of making cruel, cold, and logical decisions, primarily to protect their Tamer. And the decisions they make can be… horrific. They will do quite literally anything for their Tamer’s sake; there is not extent to which they will not go to protect them, no injuries they would not suffer to accomplish their Tamer’s goals, and little short of a direct order from their Tamer could call off their revenge for a wrong done to their Tamer, even if that revenge come decades later. And incident during Mao Shin Mao’s rebellion resulted in an entire village in Johto being overrun by Mao’s supporters, because a Wendigal had sabotaged the defenses and called Mao’s forces there to kill everyone because they had hurt her Tamer, who had the Pokeboy Genes blood curse.

Do not, for any reason, threaten the Tamer of a Wendigal whilst in her presence. They are fiercely protectively enough that they may cause severe injury, and in some cases death, before their Tamer can contain them. Tamers possessing a Wendigal may be subject to heavy fines should they Wendigal harm another Tamer’s Pokegirl in non-League-sanctioned battles, and deaths or injuries to humans can result in far harsher punishments. Unfortunately, Wendigals show a disturbing propensity for violence. Along the same lines, if one desires to separate Tamer and Wendigal, or if the Tamer wishes to remove their Wendigal, they should be certain to never mention it in the Pokegirl’s presence. The reason why can be seen in the film Scarlet Recognition, which was based upon a true story. In the film, the main character’s parents discussed convincing their child to dispose of his Recognized partner, a Wendigal, which they believed to be an undue influence on him; the Wendigal killed the both of them, but in a manner that convinced her Tamer that she had not done it. Her deception was not discovered until years later. In instances where a Tamer wishes to be rid of his or her Wendigal, he or she is strongly advised to run the Pokegirl through a Level Five first, to remove any connection between the two. A Wendigal’s loyalty is to the first person to form an Alpha bond with them, and nothing short of Recognition can turn this Pokegirl’s loyalty to another. If the Tamer does not, he or she may find themselves bound up and imprisoned by their own Wendigal, both to keep the Tamer safe and to keep Pokegirl and Tamer together, forever and ever and ever.

The Wendigal is a Pokegirl that is both lovely and intimidating to look upon, as suits the breed. They are rather large ‘girls, with fairly large breasts, and they generally stand between six and eight feet tall; although not so muscular as some Fighting types are obviously powerfully built. Contrasting this strength are features that appear almost delicate, and skin so pale as to be but a few steps from white. The hair and eyes of a Wendigal are also light in color; although both tend towards the cooler colors of green, blue, and purple, they are only faintly colored, although definitely there. White and black are also frequently found hair colors.

Although this gives the breed a certain level of beauty, one must not forget that the Wendigal is a predator. Their coloration makes it easier for them to hide in snowy conditions, despite not being a pure white; Wendigals are naturally stealthy, making little noise as they move and capable of hiding themselves with but a few moment’s notice. Upon their brow lay two horns, which sweep back along their head before turning upwards into two points that are just as wickedly sharp as their claws on their hands. But perhaps the most disturbing aspect of their appearance is their smile. Their mouth is full of razor-sharp fangs, but that is not what is so frightening about it. After all, many carnivorous Pokegirls have the same, and although their grins may be intimidating, they lack the special edge the Wendigal’s insanity grants. The Wendigal has a tendency to give off her trademark smile when she kills, particularly if she is doing it for her Tamer’s sake or his protection. It is not a savage grin, not mocking, not reveling in the combat. It is a deceptively innocent, happy smile, what one would expect upon the face of a child at play rather than that of a psychopathic monster, made all the more horrific by the blood that splatters across her beautiful face.

Wendigals are often used in tracking or hunting. Not only do they possess an excellent sense of smell, but they are naturally stealthy Pokegirls, even in environments where their coloration would normally work against them. Beyond that, they can use their Dissolve ability to turn into a small swarm of snowflakes, or their Phase attack, to increase their stealth to new heights. Those same abilities can also prove very useful in combat. When a fight begins, almost all Wendigals use their Icicle Claw attack, increase her claw attack power and range. And of course, they use their Aura of Fear as well (although many would say they are creepy and scary enough without it). Using this in conjunction with their Energy Drain and long range Ice-type attacks, they can engage in combat at many ranges, making them versatile fighters. They are rather merciless and cruel fighters; in most fights, the Wendigal will attempt to kill off her opponent right off the bat. However, they are far worse when forbidden to kill their enemy. Unless specifically ordered not to, Wendigals will attempt to feast upon their opponent while fighting them. Wendigals are not only carnivorous, but also consume life energy; they will combine Energy Drain with claw and biting attacks, ripping off pieces of their enemy and consuming it before their very eyes. When in combat, the Unbalanced Frost Pokegirl tends to rely upon her ability to resist damage and keep on fighting regardless of her wounds to carry her through. Indeed, many Wendigals enjoy being hurt, and may take unnecessary wounds to frighten her enemies, to get in a hit they otherwise couldn’t, or simply out of the pleasure of it. Fortunately, Wendigals show some regenerative capabilities; while bleeding will stop quickly, it can take a couple days for a large wound to heal, although removed limbs can be reattached in only a few hours (but not regrown). It is not too useful during combat, except to halt bleeding.

Unlike most Pokegirls, the Wendigal was not created by Sukebe, nor was she a later discovered evolution. Instead, she was a member of the plethora of new Pokegirl breeds created by Cocooner after the Legendary Genetics Factory ate the body of Hy-Bra. A year after the death of Atmuff, a hospital in a country that was at the time still called “Russia” (which covered the majority of what is now the Ruby League) was attacked by the insectile Legendary; when the police, fractured and dysfunctional as they were so soon after the war ended, finally arrived, all that was left were the empty cocoons that showed that the people within the hospital had all been turned into Pokegirls. Wendigals were discovered in the wilds soon afterwards.

The Unbalanced Winter Spirit Pokegirl can become quite jealous. Although they rarely strike out against their harem sisters (as it would be displeasing to their Tamer), if they show great disdain towards the Wendigal, or Thousand Gods forbid, speak badly of her Tamer (although teasing is generally accepted), the offending Pokegirl may find herself suffering a horribly accident at the hands of a Feral Pokegirl in the future. Because of their ability to be coldly logical in most situations, they generally make good Alphas, and are capable of making ruthlessly effective battle plans. It is the rare Wendigal who can be an effective Beta; the emotions of others are secondary to their Tamers, and although they can manipulate others for their Tamer’s sake well enough, they generally aren’t too good at social interaction. When it comes to Taming, they prefer to Tame with just their Tamer. They don’t like to share, so having to share their Tamer’s attention, or having to give less than their full attention to their Tamer, is horrific to them. Even so, they will do anything their Tamer asks of them in bed, although they show a marked desire towards submission, and as already stated Wendigals tend towards masochism.

Feral Wendigals are vicious, but not much more than other Feral carnivores. As mentioned before, until they are bonded, Wendigals seem little different from other Pokegirls. However, a Feral Wendigal who has been Tamed will immediately turn to the behavior that makes the Wendigal so feared, but with the added savagery of a Feralborn. Feralborn Wendigals have been known to show a tendency towards cannibalism, consuming the dead (or living) bodies of other Pokegirls or humans when given the chance to, in favor of more typical meat substitutes or KATTLE. Of course, cooked food is much disliked by Feralborn Wendigals, as it is to all of the breed; raw and bloody is the preferred style. Thankfully, there have been no known Thresholds into a Wendigal.