FAIRYCUTER (a.k.a. FAIRY GODMOTHER), the Guardian Fairy Pokégirl
Type: Near Human Metamorph
Element: Flying/Magic
Frequency: Rare
Diet: vegetarian
Role: Tamer support, Taming aide, defense, childcare
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Bug, Ground, Plant, Magic
Weak Vs: Rock, Steel
Attacks: Cheer, Recover, Smile, Dazzle, Mystic Stare, Overwhelming Attraction, Charming Look, Reflect, Absorb, Barrier, Aura Barrier, Shield, Heal, S.E.P., Teleport, Sexy Rubdown, Soothing Voice, Relaxing Gaze, Fairy's Kiss
Enhancements: Silent Flight, Size Alteration, Magic Affinity, Fairy Bond, Enhanced Cuteness, Enhanced Speed (x4)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: FairyCute (Normal)
    A Pokégirl only occasionally found on the battlefield, the FairyCuter was not created by Sukebe for the purpose of engaging the enemy in combat. Rather, the FairyCuter (sometimes called the Fairy Godmother, although this is a more recent name for the breed) were specialized defenders, focused on protecting one individual even at the cost of their lives, and typically were used as near-constant guardians to those Pokégirls in that were important to the war effort, but were not particularly powerful.
    Whereas the FairyCute was merely an incredibly cute Pokégirl, FairyCuters are quite possibly the cutest Pokégirls alive, short of Sexebi. Every facet of their appearance reflects this, magnifying and enhancing their appearance to even greater levels. The exact details of their appearance, however, have no exact standards; even skin color varies, and FairyCuters with pink skin are not unknown. Other than their supernatural cuteness and their thin, gossamer wings, there are no defining features to let one know that the Pokégirl before them is, in fact, a FairyCuter.
    With a few exceptions that retain the immature attitude shared by many of the FairyCuter’s pre-evolved form, FairyCuters are vastly more mature that they were as FairyCutes. A patient and responsible breed, most FairyCuters lack the tendency towards mischief that some FairyCutes possessed. FairyCuters are generally good sources of advice; as a rather intelligent, wise, and thoughtful Pokégirl, they can often provide good counsel on a variety of problems, from battle strategy to winning the affections of one’s love. FairyCuters generally don’t loose their tempers easily, and are considered to be a very trustworthy Pokégirl.
    One of the most noteworthy abilities of the FairyCuter is their ability to form a special connection with one individual. This bond can allow a FairyCuter to monitor the emotional and physical state of their bond-mate (often referred to as their “charge” or “ward”), as well as letting the FairyCuter always know the location of their charge relevant to their own position, although these are only one-way effects. It also allows FairyCuters to permit certain defensive, healing, or other supporting spells or techniques used upon themselves to also affect their bond-mate, regardless of the distance between them. It also makes such supporting abilities that the FairyCuter directly uses upon their ward twice as effective as they would normally be, harder, better, faster, stronger in every way that is beneficial to the recipient of the effect. This bond also permits the FairyCuter to take status ailments affecting their charge, or even damage that he has received, unto themselves, although this use is not often needed, as most FairyCuters regularly recast protective spells on their ward.
    Although in the Revenge War FairyCuters almost exclusively chose important individuals to protect with their abilities, in the modern era FairyCuters almost without exception choose their Tamer as the recipient of their bond. As a result, FairyCuters have gotten a reputation for being one of the most loyal Pokégirls one can obtain without possessing a Delta bond, and as such their devotion is more easily transferred than most of the other breeds known for their loyalty. To protect, guide, and help others is almost instinctual to this cutest of Pokégirls, making them faithful companions to any Tamer. They are very protective Pokégirls, but sometimes overly so, taking on an almost motherly attitude towards their Tamer (indeed, FairyCuters make for wonderful parents and babysitters). However, despite the fact that they will go to almost any length for the sake for the sake of their Tamer, they make for somewhat poor Alphas or Betas. Those positions require that the Pokégirl pay a great deal of attention to the workings of the harem, and while FairyCuters can and do pay attention to and interact with their harem-sisters, the vast majority of their focus is on their Tamer. A few of the more immature FairyCuters, afraid of the responsibilities that come with the bond, may not choose to activate it; even so, they remain quite loyal Pokégirls. It is impossible for anyone to have more than one bond-mate; however, in extreme circumstances a FairyCuter is able to severe this bond, although that is a painful experience for both members.
    Although the FairyCuter is nowhere near being one of the best spellcasting Pokégirls, she is nevertheless a skilled spellcaster, and much more powerful than they were as FairyCutes. Although many FairyCuters learn at least a couple offensive spells, the vast majority of the spells and abilities that FairyCuters know are supportive in nature. With a focus on healing, defensive, and boosting spells, FairyCuters are in no way a good choice for solo battles, although in 2-on-2 Pokébattles they are excellent choices. The supernatural amount of cuteness they possess can also be used in combat; several of their attacks make use of their appearance to convince their opponent not to attack them. They also retain the abilities of their previous form, and may also employ strategies that the FairyCute used when they are required. Before combat begins, FairyCuters typically make use of their Fairy’s Kiss ability to raise the chances of her companion’s victory in combat; this technique is also used with fair regularity on her Tamer. If there is ever the slightest hint of danger towards her Tamer, the first action almost any FairyCuter will take is to use their defensive abilities on them.
    FairyCuters are generally open to anything their Tamer desires to try in a Taming session. Willing to try virtually anything once, most FairyCuters still retain their love for games such as “Living Dildo”, and possess several sexual attacks that make Taming them a rather enjoyable experience. But the greatest usefulness of the FairyCuter in the Taming Room can be seen through another application of their bond. As a Taming aide, many FairyCuters learn spells replicating the effects of a recovery or stamina plus potion, and when they cast such a spell on their Tamer the effects are multiplied even further than what they normally would. The assistance of a FairyCuter can make a single Tamer without any bloodgifts or curses quite possibly last long enough to exhaust even a HentaiCute (although that would still take effort, even with the doubling effect the bond grants). As such, they are a very much desired breed for those Tamers who have multiple High Libido Pokégirls.
    Because FairyCutes are a fairly social breed, Feral members of the breed sometimes join up with other Ferals for company, and because they retain more of their abilities while Feral than do the FairyCutes such groups of Ferals can be misleadingly capable, supported by the FairyCuter’s defensive magics. However, because of how desired this breed is they are not a commonly found Feral, and because of how useful they are can easily fetch a higher price than one might think a Rare Pokégirl would deserve.
    Thresholding into a FairyCuter is not particularly common, but it has been known to happen, especially in families with a history of both Magic-type Pokégirls and metamorphs in their ancestry. It is a fairly painless process, as the most painful change is the growth of the wings, and perhaps a change in coloration. The almost unbearable adorable appearance the breed possesses does not cause any pain or even discomfort during the process. Their Threshold is also very safe, when compared to that of some other breeds; lacking insane strength, or any truly damaging abilities, those near to a recently Thresholded FairyCuter are in no particular danger.
    There is one distinct downside to the breed, however. Although not common in any way, some FairyCuters possess a much more malevolent personality than the usually kind breed is known for. These subtle, cruel, and manipulative FairyCuters are just as capable of forming bonds as other FairyCuters, but tend to use the abilities granted through the bond to better manipulate and control their Tamer, and through clever use of deception, the subtle application of luck-removing Fairy’s Kiss, and the occasional direct, unnoticeable intervention, will slowly attempt to bend their Tamer to their will, and make their bond-mate dependant upon them. The most noticeable member of these Wicked Fairy Godmothers was Maleficent, whose manipulations would have lead to the death of her Tamer Briar Rose had it not been for the intervention of several other FairyCuters.