FALLEN ANGEL, the Troubled Angel Pokégirl

Type: Very Near Human - Near Human (Angelic Metamorph)
Element: Magic/Dark
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Human style foods, meats are common
Role: Aerial scout and shock trooper
Libido: Average to High
Strong Vs: Magic, Psychic, Ghost, Rock
Weak Vs: Fighting, Bug, Ground (when not flying)
Attacks: Dark Blade, Shadow Shot, Gust, Shield, Dazzle, Feather Shuriken, Energy Drain, Lure, Area Illusion
Enhancements: Metamorph (Alternate Form), Nightvision, Enhanced Agility (x4), Enhanced Strength (x3), Enhanced Speed (x4)
Evolves: Demoness (Further Trauma + Dark Stone), Archangel (Combat Variety Only: Emotional closeness + Dawn Stone), Ophanim (normal; shown mercy after battle on field of honor)
Evolves From: Angel (major trauma/bad experiences; Dark Stone), Seraph (major trauma/bad experiences; Dark Stone), Warrior Nun (major trauma/bad experiences; Dark Stone)

Angels, Seraph, and even Warrior Nuns usually evolved into Fallen Angel either after believing they have completely failed their Tamers or by seeing a brutal and often bloody battle. In the case of a Warrior Nun, however, this also includes being unable to save the lives of the innocent during some sort of altercation. While any and all of these factors can make an evolution into a Fallen Angel, the chances tend to be rather low unless a Dark Stone is present: at which point there is a good chance the Pokégirl will evolve into a Fallen Angel. A Fallen Angel looks, physically, much like they were before their 'evolution,' with the main physical changes being their wings, hair, and eyes often changed to a dark purple or black color, otherwise, are identical to their non-Fallen counterparts. Clothing, if left to them, can vary widely, but is usually of colors reflecting their troubles and the ones with high libidos usually wear sultry and sometimes revealing clothing as well. Almost every Fallen Angel prefers to wear clothing of some sort, however.

Behavior depends on how they became a Fallen Angel in the first place. Those who became Fallen Angels by believing they have failed their masters often have a depressing demeanor, have low confidence in their ability, and are often very submissive towards their masters. Fallen Angels of these types are often willing to go many lengths to earn their master's approval. If the Pokégirl became a Fallen Angel via some major trauma, on the other hand, they tend to take solace in battle, taking out their aggression and frustration against anything that her tamer pits her towards. This is the kind of Fallen Angel that needs to be watched carefully by others, lest they kill their opponent. In Harems, they tend to be passive and are easily dominated by other Pokégirls unless they believe doing so would lose favor with their master. Combat ability is hampered by their low self confidence, but winning a number of battles and/or the encouragement of their masters can overcome this problem. If the Tamer is able to restore her confidence (being made Alpha has been seen as the quickest if not easiest way), then she will likely take on a less depressing attitude and will be very affectionate (and often times aroused) towards their Tamer while having a friendly or indifference towards others. However, the event that made her believe that she failed her master can still cause great guilt within any Fallen Angel.

Fallen Angel traumatized by intense combat will be cold/indifferent towards people (including her Tamer) and will try to avoid making friends as they feel everyone going to die anyway. In combat, they are often brutal in fights and need to be restrained as they may end up killing their opponent. On the other hand, they most often have high libidos and can be very passionate in bed. It is believed that they find relief from their trauma in sex. Although it’s difficult and take a long time, a Tamer can earn the love of these Fallen Angels. However, this love is often reserved in front of others and when they are alone with their Tamer in which case they will openly display care and love towards their Tamer. Earning their love usually involves a long process of caring for their well-being and overcoming their emotional barriers. Thus, these types of Fallen Angels are popular with Tamers due to their combat ability and libidos and don't need to have their confidence be rebuilt. They are also very popular with Tamers who don't want the emotional attachments.

When fighting, they will often try to throw their opponent off balance with long range attacks, Lure, Illusion, and/or Dazzle to allow them to close in. Once up close they will use their Dark Blade along with other attacks that are effective at that range and use Energy Drain to make sure they can keep going. The Dark energies they now have seem to amplify their physical abilities allowing them to better able to fight up close. Although not a flying type, when their wings are manifested they may utilize Gust and Feather Shuriken techniques to attack with. However, unlike the normal techniques of these types, Fallen Angels imbue their Flying-attacks with their magic, which somehow makes them much more effective against Rock-types than they otherwise would be.

Fallen Angels are rare mainly due to the fact that the situation for them to evolve into one doesn't come up very often, although they do 'evolve' from three different celestial Pokégirls. Feral Fallen Angels are even rarer as all Feral Fallen Angels are the ones traumatized by combat and lost their Tamer (either by death or by separation) and weren't able to get Tamed. Caution is strongly recommended as Feral Fallen Angel will try kill you if provoked and sometimes goes to the ends of the world to do so. Threshold girls may become a Fallen Angel if they fulfill the requirements that an Angel has, but it is believed that it would be very unlikely with some arguing that it isn't possible. It is rumored that if a Fallen Angel can get over her troubles, she may become an Angel again. However, if they suffer more trauma while being exposed to a Dark Stone, they may evolve into a Demoness.