FARFUCK’D, the Delusional Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Magic
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Near Human Diet (herbivore)
Role: Force Multiplier
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: None
Weak Vs: None
Attacks: Reflect, Absorb, Imitate, Counter, Sketch
Enhancements: Highly Advanced Learning Ability, Intuitive Analysis Skills, Enhanced Memory, Enhanced Reflexes (x5)
Disadvantages: Delusional, Distorted Reality Perception
Evolves: Unknown
Evolves From: Shadowgirl (Moon Shard)
    FarFuck’Ds are insane. This is a constant, consistent, unshakeable belief held among the Research Community, Tamers, and Breeders.
    Several theories among researchers hold that Sukebe was, at certain points in the war, pressed to bring to bear assets that were not initially combat ready, nor having gone through any field trials or testing. They cite occurrences that are obviously 'fail states' or errors in the taming and bonding process, such as feral shock, personality inversion, dependency syndrome, and other symptoms.
    They also cite FarFuck’Ds as clearly damaged products.
    Salvaged lab records do offer the original intent of what the FarFuck’D was meant to do. The original breed’s specifications was a planned force multiplier, allowing them to be paired up with powerful, rare Pokégirls and imitate their assault attacks, effectively doubling the firepower output of a Pokégirl assault force while not being limited in Pokégirl rarity or needing to know the attacks beforehand. Recovered battle records from the Revenge War, while sketchy, have confirmed that this same tactic was used successfully at least once, where a high-level Sphinx and what was later confirmed as a FarFuck’D successfully held off an entire battalion of human ground forces by employing high level magical attacks. Due to this documented success, researchers have theorized that the first production run of FarFuck’Ds were initially perfect, fulfilling the role they were designed for.
    Whatever the case may be, whenever official documentation and study of the breed from captured parthenogenesis specimens from the wild (and, disturbingly, several threshold cases) began, a specific trend was noted among all observed FarFuck’Ds. They were completely, and utterly delusional as to what they were. Worse was what the FarFuck’Ds in question thought they were. Several of them thought they were normal human women, discounting Pokéball capture and time spent therein entirely and claiming that the scanners employed were obviously defective. Others admitted that they were indeed Pokégirls, but could not agree on the breed, thinking themselves another type of Pokégirl. Worst were the ones picking up their mental cues from popular culture, such as manga, B movies, or more powerful, infamous Pokégirl personas. (One sad case in AS 278 claimed to be Mao Shin Mao herself, and was swiftly killed shortly thereafter.)
    All of this would be easily discounted if it weren't for the worrying and disturbing fact that the FarFuck’D’s spread of abilities, enhancements, and attacks are uniquely suited to supporting this delusion. Using Imitate, Absorb, Reflect, and Sketch, a FarFuck’D in the throes of battle assuming a role can be very impressive to watch as they subconsciously let loose a flurry of attacks and status modifiers to make reality conform to what they think it should be. They can even learn attacks at an accelerated rate, often times being capable of mastering an attack after witnessing it being employed only once. All this, taken together, would make FarFuck’Ds a very useful breed in battle, if it weren't for the slight problem of their delusions. When thinking themselves a Pokégirl, they are completely involved in the role, assuming all weaknesses of said Pokégirl type - made all the more annoying by the fact that FarFuck’Ds -have- no weaknesses. A few even go so far and are so convincing that they actually fool others into thinking they really are that Pokégirl... until the Pokédex is employed, and the scanning function reveals just what type of Pokégirl they are.
    As mentioned before, FarFuck’Ds are clearly and utterly delusional. In almost two hundred and fifty years of documentation, no recorded incident or technique has ever been documented to shake this delusion. Only massive psychic trauma has been noted to have any effect on a FarFuck’D, and typically then, once recovered, all it does is shift said delusion slightly. There is only one case of a FarFuck’D admitting that she -is- a FarFuck’D on record, and those knowledgeable of that freak occurrence consider it a dismal failure. While the FarFuck’D in question readily admitted what she was, she was also stuck in a half-feral state, unable to speak normally half the time and easily stressed out, with a tendency to rapidly dissolve into a complete feral state unless tamed at a more than regular interval. Most researchers are of the opinion that this FarFuck’D was clearly brain damaged, but no autopsy reports are on file to confirm this.
    Having a FarFuck’D in a harem is considered a complete and utter crapshoot. Oddly enough, FarFuck’Ds whom consider themselves to be human women have found to be rather useful as harem Alphas and Betas, perhaps understanding on a subconscious level that they still require taming, and responding to the psychological cues that indicate an actual bond is in place. It's worth noting that they often consider their 'Tamer' their 'boyfriend' instead, leading to some occasional misunderstandings. Despite this one useful trait a FarFuck’D can display, most Tamers and Researchers flat out refuse to have anything to do with them. As a result, they are typically let back out into the wild(often illegal in most places), euthanized (in the more pro-Pokégirl control leagues), or cycled into long-term storage.
    Physically, FarFuck’Ds run the typical gamut of human woman in terms of appearance with no set average, and tend to go to great lengths to assume what they view is the ideal ‘body type’ for their role, often times without realizing it, investing in body-modification powders and transformative magics to do so. A number of FarFuck’Ds have been known to subconsciously pick up on learned spellcasting to further enhance the illusion, leading a number of well-known Researchers to remark in worry over just how far this breed will go in order to keep up with their view of reality. A number of Mages have advocated making it illegal for someone to teach FarFuck’Ds regimented spell casting, fearing what the end result might be.
    Most Breeders absolutely refuse to breed FarFuck’Ds, and the majority of these cases, sadly, come from threshold incidents. A few Ranches worldwide pride themselves, however, on having a FarFuck’D or three on hand to satisfy those Tamers whom are seeking Pokégirls for completion sake.