PEGASLUT, (aka PEGASUS) the Mythical Horse Pokégirl
Type: Near Human, Metamorph
Element: Magic/Flying
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: human diet, (preferably vegetarian)
Role: Scouting, Aerial Surveillance
Libido: Average to High
Strong Vs: Normal, Fire, Bug, Fighting, Plant
Weak Vs: Electric, Dark, Rock
Attacks: Feather Shuriken, Whirlwind, Mach Breaker, Agility, Stomp, Takedown, Charm, Gust, Quickturn, Dive, Wing Attack, Force Bolt, Heal, Mist, Ice Punch, Iceblade Kick, Spell use
Enhancements: Enhanced Speed (x15), Enhanced Endurance (x3), Enhanced Dexterity (x3), Enhanced Strength (x2), Enhanced Vision (x3), Reduced Feral, Danger Sense, Ice Affinity
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Unicorn (Sky Crystal)
    When a Unicorn evolves to Pegaslut, she grows to no shorter than 5’10” in height, if she were shorter than that. However, she will not shrink if already taller than the minimum. Her figure is the same as that of a Unicorn, or remains unchanged if she evolved from one. Her hair now can be of any length, but the color changes to white, blue or storm cloud gray. Her eyes change to the color of sunlit cirrus clouds, a whitish gray that seems to glow from within. She gains pearly white wings in both her forms and her horn changes color to match. Pegasluts can dismiss their wings in either form, but cannot fly without them, even with magic. Unlike her sister the Nightmare, the Pegaslut’s equine body in her centaur form can be of any size from pony up to draft, but pony sized Pegasluts are severely limited in the number of passengers she can carry, with the smallest being able to only carry a single rider. This does not mean that Pegaslut can change their equine form’s body size, this only means that it varies within the breed. Their equine form’s fur coat will be the light gray or pale blue, but the tuft of their leonine tail will be the same as their hair.
    Feral Pegasluts are very shy around humans or other Pokégirl breeds and will flee at the first sign of trouble or if their danger sense gives them any warning. Their speed and maneuverability in both their forms allows them to evade most attackers with relative ease. If they can’t escape feral Pegasluts have access to all their techniques except any spells that they know. They tend to use mist to create a heavy fogbank around them to hide in or to distract opponents while they leave. All Pegasluts can see through all fog and smoke as if it weren’t there.
    During the war, Pegasluts commonly flew NOE (nape of the earth) to keep below radar and used their speed to avoid contact with fast military vehicles, especially helicopters and other aircraft, since being detected would have meant any intelligence they collected could be compromised. If detected, that same speed allowed them to break contact without having to engage and destroy her pursuers. This helped keep the humans in the dark about what her real target was.
    Interestingly, feral Pegasluts have been known to bring food to stranded travelers and even to heal them if they are in severe need. They never remain for long and at the first sign of a Pokéball they immediately leave. Pegasluts can not neutralize Pokéballs and they compensate for this by attacking viciously if an attempt is made to prevent their escape. In these circumstances they do not try for taming and they have never appeared to anyone trying to fake being in trouble to try and lure them. Researchers have attributed this desire to help as the reason why as a breed they have a pronounced tendency to enjoy working with children in schools and orphanages or with the disabled.
    Pegasluts avoid urban areas entirely, but have been known to raid farms for produce. They have a particular fondness for peaches, but their danger sense protects them from being lured with the tantalizing fruit. Instead, they often land in orchards on moonlit nights and sneak in to raid them.
    In a harem, a Pegaslut is levelheaded and calm in the direst of situations, making them ideal prospects as alpha or beta to an established alpha. They will seek to rise to a level of authority in a harem, but will try to prove she could be the better alpha by example instead of seeking a confrontation with the established alpha. They like being in a harem with other equine Pokégirls and will try to convince their tamer to add some if there aren’t any. Like most winged Pokégirls, Pegasluts do not enjoy taming sessions where their wings could be damaged or even stressed, preferring to dismiss them while being with their tamer unless he or she insists. For the same reason, they’re not fond of Pokégirls with domination or torturing fetishes, including the DragonQueen. Some of the most vicious battles involving Pegasluts have taken place when a harem member insisted on “playing” with a Pegaslut’s wings.
    Pegasluts like gentle tamings and prefer a lot of foreplay with romantic overtones. They like to be courted when not being tamed, given gifts of food and trinkets and treated as valued members of a harem. Some Pegasluts suffer from a rare form of claustrophobia where they cannot stand being inside a Pokéball and panic after being released. This condition is not usually passed on to the offspring and therefore it is highly recommended that any with this problem be sold to a ranch for breeding.
    There are no records of a threshold ending up as a Pegaslut.