REDEEMER, the Redemption Pokégirl
Type: Very Near Human
Element: Magic (Celestial)
Frequency: Extremely Rare
Diet: human style
Role: Holy Warrior
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Poison, Psychic, Infernal
Weak Vs: Bug, Infernal
Attacks: Transcend Sword, Life Shield, Angel Wings, Fist of Fate, Soothing Mist, Cocoon of Darkness, Teleport, Confusion, Dark Holy, Dark Shield, Memory of the Dark, Dark Redemption, Dark Mist, Telekinesis, Heal, Flash
Enhancements: Enhanced Senses (x4), Enhanced Strength (x10), wings for Flight, Celestial affinity, Low-level shape-changing, Celestial Armor, can manifest Celestial-elemental swords, immune to hypnosis, Celestial attacks stronger than normal.
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Hyperdoll (Respecting Tamer)

Hyperdolls were for the longest time assumed to be a dead-end evolution. Whoever gained one was doomed forever to have a powerful Pokégirl that treated him like crap but wouldn’t let go of him no matter what. People who had Hyperdolls were universally derided as being the ultimate loser, because quite frankly letting a Bimbo evolve into one is flat out inexcusable.

Amazingly enough, however, there is a ray of hope.

A man who had let his Bimbo become a Hyperdoll out of sheer carelessness had since then undergone a great change in nature. He had worked to become a better person, improved his way of life, made himself better all around. So much did he change, that his Hyperdoll publicly showed him affection, giving him a kiss and a compliment that wasn’t sarcastic. Before the shocked eyes of several witnesses, his Hyperdoll evolved, undergoing evolution into a powerful Celestial Pokégirl. People were stunned by this, as well as the amount of affection the evolved Pokégirl displayed. Research was done on this Pokégirl with the Tamer’s permission, and it was eventually discovered that the reason the Hyperdoll evolved was because she regained respect for her Tamer, something long thought to be impossible for Hyperdolls to do.

Since then, there have been at least 10 cases of a Hyperdoll evolving into a Redeemer, each time the Tamer having regained the respect of their Pokégirl. This is regarded as astonishing and nothing short of miraculous.

Redeemers, upon evolution, grow two feet taller, becoming more muscular in appearance, and gain glowing white eyes. Their breast size goes up a cup-size as well. Any clothing they wear changes, becoming form-fitting lightweight armor that they can summon or dismiss at will. Coloring varies from Redeemer to Redeemer, but one constant is that with their armor comes a full facemask with a cross-like symbol on the front, a line of spikes starting from the forehead and going down the back. A pair of large, glowing wings grow out of their back, which, like their armor, can be summoned or dismissed at will. They also gain the ability to summon a pair of golden, Celestial-element swords.

Deep within the psyche of a Redeemer, immediately after evolution, is a need to do something special for their Tamer, to reward them for making so drastic a turnaround. (And yes, earning a Hyperdoll’s respect is that drastic a turnaround.) As such, before they can truly rest, they have a strong need to complete a task of some kind, usually a fight against a powerful Pokégirl in their Tamer’s name, or helping a Tamer win a championship, or even going to acquire a powerful Pokégirl to add to their Master’s harem. They won’t insist their Tamer help them on this quest, however they will ask. Either way, they will not rest until they have completed this mission and returned to their Tamer alive. If the Tamer and the Redeemer’s harem sisters agree to help, they will find that the Redeemer will love them all the more, becoming more passionate in Tamings. They also become a little protective of their Tamer, not wanting them to relapse into their old ways before the Redeemers evolution. So far, no Tamer has shown any sign of relapsing. As an interesting note, once the evolution of the Redeemer became public knowledge, a couple experiments were conducted in which Tamers known for their well-treatment of their Pokégirls took in a Hyperdoll that had lost their Tamer to death. There was a long period of tensity as the Hyperdoll adjusted to being owned again, but once they got used to the fact, they reverted to their old arrogance, albiet without the physical abuse. Each Hyperdoll evolved to Redeemer after just a few months.

Redeemers are powerful Pokégirls and strong fighters. They are unrelenting in battle, with a tendency to proclaim the glory of their Tamer as they fight, as if he was a powerful Kami. This makes them similar in mannerisms to Dark Ladies, whom Redeemers are known to despise tremendously.

Redeemers are fairly gentle with those they care about, although strangely enough they are usually at a loss if they find themselves taking care of children. For a reason that escapes researchers at the moment, Redeemers have proven to be almost entirely inept at child-care, frequently having panic attacks and blanking on what to do in a crisis. They won’t hurt the child, not intentionally at any rate, but they aren’t very good at taking care of one. This is rather tragic, considering their great love of children. This ability flaw is presumed to be a holdover from their Hyperdoll self, although it can be surmounted a little with patience and education from motherly types such as a Neko Cenneco or the Denmother. Redeemers are generally more suited to battle at any rate.

Due to the nature of their evolution, no cases of Thresholding into a Redeemer have been reported.