YOUMA, the Default Demon Pokégirl
Type: Not Very Near Human to Inhumanoid
Element: Magic/Varies (Infernal)
Frequency: Rare
Diet: special: energy consumption, various
Role: Soldier of the Legion of Terror
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Normal, Varies
Weak Vs: Celestial, Varies
Attacks: Absorb, Dream Eater, Energy Drain, Shadow Scythe (Lv35), (Everything else varies)
Enhancements: enhanced reflexes (x3), enhanced strength (x3), enhanced speed (x3), enhanced endurance (x3), (everything else varies although Sleeplessness is more common than others)
Evolves: Cardian (Leaf Stone), Daimon (stress, orgasm, battle or normal), Hellcat (Cat E-Medal (Magic/Fire type Youma only) or Cat E-Medal and Fire Stone (All Youma except for Magic/Fire types))
Evolves From: Kamichu (if highly temperamental)

Back during the war of revenge, the Youma, the first and most basic of Infernal Pokégirls was what made up the original Legion of Terror. They were the oncoming wave of unholy nature that struck against human populace and armed opposing forces. With their various strengths and powers, there was more than enough variety to handle any situation; any opposition they faced was squashed thoroughly. Although over the years they became more of the grunt soldiers as they were joined by more dangerous Pokégirls, (such as the Vampire) and more powerful, more fiendish Pokégirls, (the Mazoku) the Youma still made up the vast majority of the Legion of Terror (a solid 68%). They kept the fight going right up until its disbanding in 4 AS.

It is understandable that with such a history, Youma aren't really popular, despite the vast variety of powers and abilities. And it doesn't help their case that most of the species aren't attractive... to begin with. The only exceptions are often the domesticated Youma, but there are, on occasion, moderately attractive feral Youma found in the wilds, (and are often captured on the spot if possible). The other problem is that there is a genetic memory, some coding deep down that lets them remember, makes them just know on an instinctual level that they used to be the main stay of Sukebe's Legions of Terror. Despite the Legion's dissolution long ago, roughly half of all Youma retain a level of fidelity to the Creator, and often they'll only give a show of their foul temper to all other humans. Fortunately, this instinct of loyalty to a madman is lost upon evolution.

However, there are Pokégirl Tamers that continue to Tame and domesticate the Youma species. One of the main reasons is that with every evolution, there's a good chance (60% to 70%) that the Youma will become more physically attractive than before. And of course, every Youma tend to become considerably more powerful with every evolution. One Daimon was known to have the strength of an Amachamp. Unfortunately, for those Tamers that choose to try and work with Youma will discover that they are very difficult to maintain because of their wildly different food requirements. Youma and Cardians often need to drain health from other life forms, Lemures need to cause nightmares, Droido and Demonesses need to release negative energy. But many of these are merely standards. Youma and its evolutions can vary in their dietary needs. Even thought energy consumption has been the norm, the Youma has not had a base diet established.

In Pokébattle however, is where a Youma really shines. They have such versatility and can handle numerous roles depending on their elements, but there is always a few techniques that will always be present in the Infernal Pokégirls. Techniques that drain their opponent of energy are their staple, and when they get to a high enough level, they gain a solid Infernal technique to their repertoire: Shadow Scythe. Whatever attack capabilities are available to them, a Youma will certainly attack any opponent, (and sometimes innocents) with gusto.

With Taming, it should be noted that for a lot of Youma, this is actually their feeding time. Those that feed on energy often give their Tamer a level of control; the more he exerts himself, the more energy he's giving off for them to feast upon. However, the Youma who don't need energy as much as the others will often be a demanding lot. As one can guess, preferred sexual fetishes and positions are as varied as the kinds of capabilities that the Youma have.

There have, surprisingly, been a number of cases where girls going through Threshold became Youma. In all these cases, no one realized at first that the girl was becoming one. Due to the wide variety of physical traits that Youma posses, they're often thought to be turning into another kind of Pokégirl. However, once they start become rather hostile to former loved ones and begin making out-and-out declarations that `The Creator shall win', `Humanity will taste my wrath' and `Legion of Terror FOREVER', it's a little more than obvious what's going on to her, and the girl will often find herself shipped off to a far-away Ranch ASAP!