MONGOOSED, the Ambush Attack Pokégirl
Type: Near Human Animorph (mongoose)
Element: Normal
Frequency: Rare
Diet: human style foods, pokéchow, ferals are predatory
Role: pest extermination, crop protection
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Ghost, rodent/rabbit pokégirls (Titmouse, Bunnygirl, etc.), serpent Pokégirls (Naga, etc)
Weak Vs: Fighting
Attacks: Tackle, Pummel, Leap, Scratch, Dodge, Slash, Fury Swipes, Double Team
Enhancements: Enhanced speed (x10), Enhanced Agility (x12), Enhanced Hearing (x3), Enhanced Olfactory Sense (x4), Enhanced Strength (x3), Poison Resistance (not immunity!)
Disadvantages: Temperamental, obsessive, tires quickly
Evolves: Ermine (aging and menopause)
Evolves From: Furrite (normal)
    Some Tamers do make legitimate use of a Furrite. They train her in breathing techniques and aerobic exercises to combat her lung problem, Tame her regularly and carefully, and build up her fighting ability in combat with timid rodent Pokégirls. When a Furrite becomes confident enough in her Tamer and in her own abilities, she makes the evolutionary leap to Mongoosed, a coveted Pokégirl who is excellent for combat, especially against poisonous snake Pokégirls.
    When a Furrite evolves into a Mongoosed, the last of her baby fat finally vanishes, replaced by sleek muscle, and her fur returns to a uniform shade of brown, though it isn't nearly as soft as it was when she was a Mynx. Like most of this line, she remains slightly short of limb and long of body, and retains some animal traits: ears, fur, and tail. Her claws become noticeably sturdier than they were as a Furrite, and her teeth become slightly pointed as well. Most Tamers who own one say that their Mongoosed also somehow looks more vicious and alert, though this isn't a quantifiable trait.
    Most significantly, Mongoosed has almost completely lost the lung condition of her previous forms, and become a powerhouse for such a weak Pokégirl line. She has low stamina and tires quickly, but it's no longer the threat it was in her earlier stages. She has learned enough about ambush tactics to make her fights as quick as possible, and her abilities have increased enough to make those tactics dangerous. Mongoosed has some poison resisting abilities, but she'd prefer to not be on the receiving end of poison attacks altogether, and her impressive speed and agility ratings make that possible. The one thing a Mongoosed's Tamer should watch out for is her tendency to become single-mindedly obsessed with defeating her opponent, which may cause her to overexert herself or to become fussy at being recalled when she tires.
    A Mongoosed no longer fears and resents being Tamed, either, since she no longer risks suffocating mid-coitus. Though she's developed sharpened teeth, she can still be trained to give oral sex; however, Tamers are encouraged to use a dildo the first few times instead of risking their own equipment. A Mongoosed can be as intense in the sack as she is in combat, and woe unto the party who interrupts a Taming.
    Feral Mongoosed spend most of their time hunting rodent Pokégirls for food, but in hard times they have been known to form crude packs and lie in wait to ambush Tamers and harems, often with devastating results even for veterans of the trade. On the very rare occasion that a girl of Mynx-line ancestry undergoes Threshold directly into a Mongoosed, her family often finds a buyer immediately, without sending her to a Pokégirl ranch first. She may be depressed about losing her humanity at first, but soon learns how prized she is and revels in her newfound quickness.