JUGANIUM, the Blossom Warrior Pokégirl
Type: Near Human
Element: Plant
Frequency: Rare
Diet: Sunlight
Role: horticulture, forest combat
Libido: Average to High
Stong Vs: Electric, Rock, Ground, Plant, Water
Weak Vs: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Attacks: Hypnotic Gaze, Vine Whip, Wood Tower, Seed Bomb, Razor Leaf, Leaf Shield, Petal Armor, Catnip Kiss, Solar Beam, Vine Bondage, Lure, 10000 Cherry Blossoms
Enhancements: Endurance, Pollen/Spore Immunity, Longevity (if a Forest Guardian), Pleasing Aroma, Complete Florakinesis, Nutrition via Photosynthesis
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Boobleaf (Normal)
    The final evolution of the Chikotit line, the Juganium is truly a sight to behold. Standing between six and seven feet tall, the Juganium retains much of the physical characteristics of it previous form. She still has a noticeably green coloration to her skin, her bust looks proportionally the same on her larger form (though technically it did increase in size), and she is still drop dead gorgeous. However, there have been some changes.
    One of the most noticeable changes is the absence of the leaves that decorated her form when she was a Boobleaf. Replacing the leaves on both her wrists, as well as ringing her neck, are flower petals. Petals also replace the leaves woven into her hair and garment, as well as her attacks. It is interesting to note, that very few Juganiums have the same kind of leaves. Location, mood, and personality all seem to be taken into effect when the girl evolves, and there have been reports of Juganiums with rose petals, sunflower, and even pre-Sukube Hawaiian lei. Each Juganium’s petals are as unique as a humans fingerprint, it seems, as the only instance of identical petals were on a pair of genetic twins that thresholded straight into a Juganium. It is not genetic however, as Juganiums born via pathogenesis don’t have the same petals as their mothers.
    The next thing that stands out with the Juganium, and all girls of the Chikotit line, is of course her eyes. Rather then love and trust (Chikotit), or a reflection of the Pokégirl’s soul (Boobleaf), a Juganium’s eyes seem to reflect the soul of whoever is looking at her at the time. Because of this, no one is really sure what color her eyes actually are.
    People who look a Juganium in the eye often find themselves becoming hypnotized by the shifting colors. After a while they seem to break out of the hypnotism, and claim to have seen their true self, and know what it is they were put on this earth to do. This is of course untrue, and most people quickly forget about the incident and return to their daily lives within a week.
    Her eyes can also be used in battle, as feral Juganiums often trap foes with Vine Whip, then soothe them by staring deep into their eyes. After the assailant has been hypnotized, the Juganium flees deeper into the forest. It should be noted, that should a Juganium be damaged enough, they will gain access to the 10,000 Cherry Blossoms attack. When using this technique, all the petals on the Juganiums body fly off and begin to spin and multiply rapidly around the Pokégirl’s body. Very quickly, the girl is surrounded by a veritable storm of razor sharp petals that she can control with her mind. However, when using this technique, which is only available when the Pokégirl is in critical health, all her focus must be on maintaining control over the attack and the Pokégirl is unable to move or the control will be broken.
    When it comes to taming, Juganiums are much like their pre-evolved form when it comes to preferences. Though each may have their own likes and dislikes, the breed in general is more driven to please her master then demand special accommodations are made for her. Again, Tentacoo Wape is a game that they enjoy playing with female tamers in the bedroom. As of this writing, no tamers have come forth with information on the subject.
    When feral, Juganiums are very interesting Pokégirls. Seeming to behave more like the Dryad branch of this breed, the Juganium will find a grove or copse of trees and become its protector. In exchange for cultivating the seedlings, keeping ferals away, and preventing natural damages, the Juganium seems to gain some form of longevity. This longevity seems to last until the Juganium cases to be the guardian of that place, be it because of capture or destruction of her grove. A note to all loggers reading this entry, NEVER attempt to cut down the grove of a feral Juganium. Intentional damage against her grove seems to be the only thing that causes the Juganium to change from a mild-mannered gardener to a rampaging engine of destruction. When enraged, a feral Juganium also seems to have access to the 10,000 Cherry Blossom regardless of her health level.
    A closing note to any owners, Juganiums don’t eat. They derive all the nutrients in their body via photosynthesis, and eating is a sign of depression. Should your Juganium actually start to eat, seek medical help immediately.