MYCONI (AKA AUPAIRSEX), the Sensual Spore Pokegirl

Type: Near Human - Not Very Near Human (Mushroom-morph)
Element: Plant
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: Water, Soil/Detritus
Role: Mushroom Production, Pharmetucitals, Domestics
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Electric, Ground, Plant, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice, Poison
Attacks: Vine Whip, Bloom, Buttsprout, Lust Dust, Mega Drain, Spore, Gender Dust, Command Plants (Fungus only), Anti-Bloom, Anti-Buttsprout
Enhancements: Fast Healing, Disease Resistance, Enhanced Endurance (x5), Hive Mind (Collective), Regeneration (Advanced), Recovery, Enhancement Preservation, Affinity (Varies), Multi-Limbed (Varies), Immutable Form
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Fungal Template (Further Exposure to Myconi Spores)
Bounty: Varies from League to League
Revised: December 2012

Recommendation if you see one: Have a pokegirl with wind-based powers at the ready just in case, to blow the Spores away if released. If this isn't possible, a fire-type will work just as well.

While Myconi are not dangerous in the classic sense, there is a reason why the breed is listed on menace lists. These mushroom pokegirls have the ability to change pokegirls and humans alike into their breed. Actually considered more dangerous than Buzzbreasts (due to the shorter length of time it takes for a spore-victim to change), Myconi are frightening pokegirls due to the loss of humanity and perhaps more importantly, the loss of memories before a victim becomes a hive-minded mushroom pokegirl.

In order to properly describe the breed, it is important to describe the overall 'life cycle' of the Myconi, beginning with the spores. These transformative spores are released from the breed 2-7 days after the temperature and humidity become right. Temperatures need to be warm, above 75 degrees F, and humidity needs to be above 90%. In temperate climates, this time frame typically falls within the spring and summer months after or during rainfall. In tropical areas, this is occasionally year round, though persistent rainfall heavily limits the spread of spores. In the days after a rainfall, fruiting bodies on an individual Myconi begin to swell to two to three times their non-production size. Once enough time has passed, the spores are released into the air. Most spores land upon trees and other non-human/pokegirl life, and become inert in 12 hours. Those that reach a pokegirl or human begin to affect them.

Spores landing on a pokegirl or human activate quickly, though in small amounts (less than one tablespoon or 15ml) only cause an itchy rash. When the proper level of exposure is reached, one tablespoon of spores or 15ml, the spores begin a chain reaction of spreading slowly across the infected skin. This also causes itchiness with a visual veining across the skin (colors vary, and may be clear or near skin tones), which is caused by the spores digging into the skin. After 6 hours of exposure, the spores have infected the victim enough to cause changes. At this point, pokegirls gain the Fungal Template. Humans gain the Affinity (plant) bloodgift (humans with this bloodtrait skip to the second phase. After 12 hours of exposure (called phase 2) humans with plant affinity gain both Regeneration and Phytodermatosis (again, humans with the three gifts skip to the next step).

18 hours of exposure, usually called phase 3, males will differ from females as they will permanently alter gender. Females will begin to threshold into a plant type within their ancestry. 24 hours of exposure sees human males-turned female thresholding and former human females (now pokegirls) gaining the Fungal Template. 30 hours of exposure causes former male humans to threshold, and 36 for them to gain the Fungal Template.

It is important to note, that at any point antidotes are available a pokecenters to be administered (or purchased for about 5000slc per dose). The changes, barring threshold and gender change, do not become permanent prior to the six hour mark. If the antidote is administered to a thresholding female, the process does not halt threshold, though it will allow for thresholding into something other than a plant type. If a male transforming into a female is given the antidote before the change becomes permanent, he will be affected as if by permanent gender dust with a random but common trigger (sneezing, day/night, hot/cold, etc).

Myconi evolve from Fungal Templated pokegirls who have succumbed to their spores (see Fungal Template entry). This evolution strips the pokegirl of all memories of herself prior to evolution, and alters appearance either slightly or to the extreme. Myconi vary wildly in appearance, and no two are exactly the same. Individuals may gain or drop a few inches in height, but overall the breed can be found from just under three feet (1 meter) to nearly 18 feet tall (6 meters). The breed's base can be any species of fungus, from classic 'capped' mushrooms to slime molds that cause the pokegirl to appear to be another (slime) breed. Individuals that were Yeast form tend to show the most drastic changes, and can become asymmetrical and only barely humanoid.

Only retaining vague impressions of their former selves, Myconi may take their loss of memories in many different ways. Some try to regain their former selves, though this can prove difficult to impossible depending on the circumstances. Others try to find fresh meaning to their lives, starting over anew. Depression, anxiety, and other problems may arise from the stress of losing their memories. Those few who have thresholded or were born as Myconi seem to be more confidant, though due to the breed's collective style hive mind, all members show some gregariousness or codependency.

This fungal breed tends to battle by disabling the opponent, spreading various dusts around the battle field or draining with Mega Drain until their foe is incapacitated. When faced with a persistent foe, Myconi can bring any and all fungi to their aid with a specialized version of Command Plants. Most often, this involves activating any spores their foe has breathed in (or causing spores to fly towards their opponent to be activated). Respiration problems stop many opposing pokegirls in their tracks. Fire and Flying types are best to oppose the breed, as both can get rid of any dusts and spores (plain fungus or transformative) that get tossed their way. Tamers should be advised that laws are in place in most Leagues that prohibit Myconi from using their transformative Spores in or outside of combat. There are salves available that render these spores harmless, last a year, and most Leagues require Myconi to check into a pokecenter annually to be treated or face confiscation, fines, and/or loss of license.

Taming preferences usually have to be rediscovered, though trends have shown that Myconi tend to prefer moisture use during taming, either through water based lubricants used liberally, showers, or other water based tamings. Interestingly enough, due to the breed's collective hive mind, tamers owning more than one Myconi are capable of taming one and the deed working half as well (as if a pokegirl/pokegirl taming) on the other.

Wild Myconi tend to migrate to areas where conditions are optimal for spore growth, typically moist areas near lakes or other bodies of water. The initial population is typically a single member of the breed, but over time more ferals are added to the collective. All members of any collective are aware of each individual's activities, whereabouts, and general welfare. The breed tend to promote fungal growth in their area, and one good indicator of happening upon a Myconi collective is presence of abnormally large mushrooms (often 3 foot tall, 3 foot wide mushrooms and similar fungal growths). Myconi are non-violent, which has allowed researchers with Immutable Form (and pokegirls with the same enhancement) to study various collectives. High humidity seems to cause ferals to get randy, and rain in particular causes taming orgies. Tamers looking to capture a Myconi are encouraged to have full body coverage (including a breathing/fresh air system), pokegirls of the fire or flying type, and enough doses of Spore antidote to cover themselves and each member of their harem twice. Any attack on an individual of the collective will alert all Myconi within a kilometer (.62mile) radius (the area of the Hive Mind on any individual) so caution is advised. Myconi are unable to parthogenically reproduce, though as pokewomen, reproduce as normal. This is suspected to be due to their spore production as a means of reproduction.

Threshold directly into a Myconi only occurs with direct ancestry of the breed. Threshold involves no loss of memories, but the skin changes and rash are markedly similar to the change by spores. Threshold is usually over in about the same amount of time as the spore transformation would be as well, further paralleling the process. Unfortunately, studies into the properties of spores in looking for a cure for threshold have long been exhausted and given up as a dead end.